How good is chicken feet to eat?

1 Answer

Answer :

A friend of ours recently married a woman from Thailand and she is an amazing cook. She served up some of these and although I didn't like the sound of them they were quite delicious. They were a little chewier than I imagined but had a great spicy flavour and although many people wouldn't try them I enjoyed them. I don't think there are any disadvantages it's just the thought of eating a chicken's foot can make people a little queasy if they are not used to this kind of cuisine but as long as they are cooked properly in hygienic conditions they are no more dangerous than any other food.

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Description : What is the taste of KFC chicken haven't eat it before so can you describe the tast?

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Last Answer : Like chicken.

Description : What is the taste of KFC chicken haven't eat it before so can you describe the tast?

Last Answer : Like chicken.

Description : What is the taste of KFC chicken haven't eat it before so can you describe the tast?

Last Answer : Like chicken.

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