Dog owners: Is it healthy for dogs to eat chicken bones?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:No chicken bones for dogs! It does not take but one time for a bone to be lodged in their throat or intestine and die. I have never given chicken bones to any of my dogs.

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Last Answer : If you have not spoken to the owners, you should. It is their responsibility to remove it from your property and away from your things. If not, you can report it.

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Last Answer : I would imagine it’s an instinct from when their ancestors might have buried surplus meat from a hunt to keep it from other “dogs”.

Description : Something that breaks?

Last Answer : Because you can pierce your gut or drill your throat. Rather, just give them big bones.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : >Animals frequently create food caches (hiding spots for valuables they can later access when safe or normal food supplies are no longer available). Even though you may supply all the food your dog may ... leaner times. Burying food kept it dark and cool, an early version of refrigeration. -Dr. Ward

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Last Answer : Same reason, why my dog WILL NOT lick your face, but he will lick his ass…quirky dog personalities I guess

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Last Answer : Cats are mean – they love putting one over on dogs. Our cat will hide the dog’s treats, even though he doesn’t like them himself. Our dog will eat anything, especially loves any of the cat’s leftovers. If the cats in your case are strays, then they are not so fussy – survival comes first.

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Last Answer : Does your species eat its own?

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Last Answer : I didn’t consider it “eating off of”; I considered it a pre-wash.

Description : 5'2" female with a small frame and in her late 30's (family history of Osteoporosis) what can I do to strengthen my bones?

Last Answer : Plenty of walking and other light exercise, and lots of traditional foods. It sounds too obvious, but make broth out of marrow bones. Eat some organ meats once in a while. Make sure animal products are from wild or free-range/grass-fed sources, otherwise they’re not nearly as nutritious.