do resources contribute to a cultures development

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Last Answer : Little by little.

Description : Are there any cultures that encourage children to continue to live at home after they've become adults?

Last Answer : I don't know. On Roots, they cut Kunta's footoh, handed him a bedroll, and told him to go to his new hut. One of my fluther friends is a young woman in her early twenties living with her parents. ... 't know more on the subject. It seems like by now I'd have seen enough pbs specials to know more.

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Last Answer : When I was in my teens I thought parts of the country outside of the northeast, DC, Las Angeles and San Francisco were full of people who were at a slower pace, and who were not very receptive to people ... snowfall they get, but I simply don't know, I don't have an assumption. I would just ask.

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Last Answer : Who says they were? Those cultures have a long history of slave capturing and trading, plus ruthless and cruel-even murderous-exploitation of peoples in their occupations, trading hegemonies, and ... had more convincing bragging rights about their liberalism'. But that's pretty darn recent.

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Last Answer : (architecture [F., fr. L. architectura.]) The Greeks used three orders of style, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, to which the Romans added the Tuscan and the Composite. Later the French came up ... old styles. More can be learned on this subject by viewing the PBS program The Western Tradition.

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Last Answer : What I read and what I see when I visit distant lands. That’s all.

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Last Answer : Anything is possible and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.

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Last Answer : answer:There is a big difference between ethnicities and cultures. In many ways, we are becoming more multi ethnic all the time, people have much more diverse genetic backgrounds than people one hundred ... , there seem to be too many divisive factors at play, religions, language, climate, politics.

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Last Answer : I am all for gun ownership, but I do not understand gun culture.

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Last Answer : I don't think that's true of Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar novels. There are conflicts, but I don't think that's the point of having the different cultures. I think they advance the plot and ... about humanness and how it can be found anywhere: evil within good cultures and goodness within evil ones.

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Last Answer : I remember hearing about a westerner telling a group of women in a tribe that customarily goes topless that breasts are considered sexual objects by western men. The women thought that was hilarious.

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Last Answer : Anything to do with eating bugs.

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Last Answer : Flavored specialty coffee from Columbia.

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Last Answer : answer:Americans aren’t sarcastic at all. Just trying to get some obvious one liners out of the way.

Description : Why do some cultures think it is okay to cut in line?

Last Answer : Different societies have different rules on pretty much anything. You only think it’s rude because that’s how you were raised.

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Last Answer : answer:Turn the question around.\ Why do western' cultures' find natural body functions offensive? We all fart, we all burp - it is the most natural thing in the world, and everyone, everywhere, does ... things seen as offensive? They shouldn't be, any more than eating or sleep. Nature is nature.

Description : Despite having done similar things, Prometheus and the Serpent are seen differently in the cultures that believed they existed. Why do you think that is?

Last Answer : The Greek tradition encourages pride and assertiveness; the Abrahamic tradition does not. They also have very different views about the trickster archetype and its place in their respective mythologies. What you have noticed is just one manifestation of these differences.

Description : Why do some non-English speaking cultures use some English words?

Last Answer : Why do English speaking people adopt some foreign language words? Voila! Deja vu. Zeitgeist. Ach du lieber. Caro mio. Sometimes, other languages have words for which English does not have an equivalent. ... to speak another language, you'd use that language. Don't fight it, learn some Japanese!

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Last Answer : In Japan you didn't give your realtor who helped you find an apartment a tip. That is considered an insult. At least it is what we were told. However you could give gifts like a nice bottle of ... , they could offer it to their boss as a token of appreciation and that would make them look awesome.

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Last Answer : The attitude I would project on the middle east regarding the west is one of mutual respect, with a strong financial relationship that is disturbed by the specter of islamic terrorism, and the west’s necessary response to it.

Description : Why is pedophilia such an awful thing in western cultures?

Last Answer : I would wager it’s b/c the children aren’t capable of intellectually forming a decision about their sexual behavior yet. The pedophile either deludes the child, or forces himself upon them. Either way, society views it as a more heinous form of rape.

Description : Do different cultures consider different colors to match?

Last Answer : I am sure this is the case - I've never really considered it. I do think that even the very concept of caring whether or not you match' is culturally bound - many people around here make fun of the ... ) but I think they're just not used to seeing people dress just to dress and not to show off.

Description : How do kisses differ across cultures/countries?

Last Answer : Need any volunteers for a cross-cultural study?

Description : Is having an open relationship more acceptable in American society when compared to other cultures?

Last Answer : I’m not sure if America is more willing to accept open relationships than other countries. I live a sheltered life and I know that when I’ve mentioned it to my fiancé he gets upset that I would even ask about something like that. He’s close-minded. I hope not everyone in America is like him.

Description : Why is it important to know the history of other cultures then our own?

Last Answer : Because you are a person of the world, not just of your own little community. And as such, you should be compassionate and understanding of others and the history of others. So when you meet the emperor of Japan, you bow to him because you know that is the culture of that country.

Description : Why are cultures obssessed with dragons?

Last Answer : ‘Cause they’re AWESOME!

Description : Why do different cultures develop different notions of personal space?

Last Answer : Because of our differences in amount of land. Canada only has 3.5 people per square kilometer, whereas in small countries with massive populations, they have to get used to living in dense areas. Naw’m’sayin’

Description : Are there any cultures that don't have patronymic last names?

Last Answer : Chinese or Asian cultures, perhaps?

Description : Are there any cultures that don't understand (or, at least, have time for) the concept of the "white lie"?

Last Answer : Bavarians? they’ll smack it right in your face

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Last Answer : We’d all slowly go crazy due to lack of sleep and die?

Description : Are STD's more common/rampant in Western cultures, despite the education on awareness/contraception?

Last Answer : Jonny, The answer is a fairly definitive NO! Most STDs such as T. pallidum (syphilis), N. gonorrhea (gonorrhea), Chlamydia sp. are much less frequent owing to better use of condoms and/or ... also far more prevalent in Africa, South America and Asia where condom use and education rates are low.

Description : Do most languages and/or cultures use the same numeric symbols that the English language uses?

Last Answer : No. Without googling, (which is what you should be doing,” I can think of Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, Farsi, Arabic, Sanscrit, Hindi, for starters.

Description : How did various cultures blended with the migrants and the inhabitants? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . In Trinidad the annual Muharram procession was transformed into a riotous carnival called Hosay', in which workers of all races and religions joined. . The protest religion of Rasta ... of the global world, where things from different places got mixed and became something entirely new.

Description : “The novels brings together many cultures.” Explain. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Novel brings together many cultures, like the nations.First the use of Vernacular, the language spoken by the common people. By coming closer to the different spoken languages of the people, the novel ... with the language of the streets and make them all a part of the Vernacular that it uses.

Description : With reference to Scotland and Ireland, explain how British nationalism grew at the cost of other cultures. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Through the Act of Union (1707), England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. (ii) The growth of British identity in Parliament suppressed the distinctive culture of Scotland. ... was also divided between Catholics and Protestants. (vi) Ireland was forcibly incorporated in the UK.

Description : “The novels bring together many cultures.” Justify the statement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) By coming closer to different spoken languages of the people, the novel produces the sense of a shared world between diverse people in a nation. (ii) Novels may combine classical languages and languages of the streets and make them all a part of Vernaculars.

Description : cultures use shaping in order to __________. -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Cultures use shaping in order to mold the behavior of people within the culture.

Description : Who is the author of the book Indian Cultures as Heritage ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Romila Thapar

Description : Modern readers continue to read the texts of ancient cultures because?

Last Answer : Classical Egyptian

Description : For Islam, Taoism, and Shintoismhow might these worldviews influence the way people from those cultures communication with each other give two clear examples?

Last Answer : Western Australia

Description : How has American culture impacted the notion of gender roles in other cultures around the world?

Last Answer : It has been suggested that their culture contributed to political thinking during the development of the United States government