Should they be in the sun, or rather in the shade?

1 Answer

Answer :

In any case, in the shade - direct sunlight is harmful to drying (and dried) herbs.

Related questions

Description : What is the best way to dry herbs?

Last Answer : For the thyme and other herbs, cut stems of about the same length and tie them together with thread, string, or even rubber bands. hang the bunches in a warm, dry, dark place like a garage until ... and freeze the leaves in a single layer on a cookie sheet, then store in a baggie in the freezer.

Description : What are some herbs, spices or fruits and vegetables to grow indoors or in a community garden with limited space, in Canada?

Last Answer : Like garlic or anything that tastes better fresh.

Description : How do I make my own dried herbs?

Last Answer : Do you live in a humid or dry environment? When I lived in Colorado, it was dry enough to pick them and hang them upside down til they dried, then I roughly ground/crumbled the leafy stuff and stored it ... stuff, wet it, and freeze it in ice cube trays, then store the cubes in bags in the freezer.

Description : Why aren't the herbs out of my garden as tasty as the ones I buy at Whole Foods?

Last Answer : answer:Make sure to plant herbs in a location that provides a good amount of sunshine as many herbs require 6-8 hours of sun each day to produce the essential oils that give them a pleasant taste ... watering needs in proximity to each other and water enough to keep the soil moist, but not soggy.

Description : How much do you trust the vitamins and herbs you take?

Last Answer : Well, I take renal multivitamins and vitamin D as prescribed by my physician, so I trust them well enough. As I said before I do not take herbal supplements.

Description : Do herbs and spices have calories?

Last Answer : In most cases, the flavor of herbs and spices comes from an essential oil, and oils do add calories. But it would be a tiny amount given how potent most of these oils are (it only takes ... hot ); if there were enough oil present to substantially raise the caloric content, it would be unpalatable..

Description : Do you know of a good comprehensive database of spices, herbs and peppers?

Last Answer : answer:Us. I, for example, am an expert on dill, tarragon, basil, turmeric, mint and oregano.

Description : Do you take prescription medicine from "big pharma," or do you tend to trust supplements, herbs, and alternative medicine more?

Last Answer : answer:Here we go. I take and prescribe medications that have proven efficacy. Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? Medicine.

Description : What would be a good mix of herbs to season this dish?

Last Answer : Cayenne pepper for kick, mustard powder for flavour, and some minced chives would be my recommendation. Perhaps a dash of turmeric. Some minced horseradish would probably be good too.

Description : How do they clean the bug poop off of herbs that are being dried and packaged for commercial sale?

Last Answer : Is there a lot of bug poop on those herbs?

Description : What herbs do you need to leave a bit at the bottom when cutting them?

Last Answer : answer:You can pretty much hack chives (cut them like hair). I always leave some leaves on thyme and rosemary and oregano and parsley.

Description : I'd like to plant a few herbs in a 12"x12"x12" pot.How many plants can I fit in here without overcrowding?

Last Answer : About the distances i know nothing (i would suggest though to give them all some space that seems logical), but with planting oregano it is best to not push the seeds under/ don’t cover them with ground(?) because they need air to spring. After they have sprung you replace them in their own pots.

Description : What size pots does one use for herbs?

Last Answer : If you're going to plant a single herb to a pot, a 6 to 8 inch pot is about the smallest to go and still get a nice sized plant. Some of the herbs would go well together and make a ... go smaller on the pots and replant more often, but I prefer more mature plants for more intense herbal properties.

Description : If you grow mint next to other things (like strawberries or other herbs), will they then taste minty?

Last Answer : No. But mint is very invasive, it will grow like wildfire and suffocate everything else. It can literally grow into bushes with really woody, hard stems.

Description : I have something similar to these flower (railing) boxes, would growing herbs in there (legal variety) work?

Last Answer : Yea, just make sure that the ones you’re planting can tolerate the amount of sun they’ll get. It might also be helpful to read up quickly on companion planting, and plant things together that will cooperate and help each other. That way, they tend to require less watering and fertilizer.

Description : Whether you are vegetarian or not would you eat a pastry that contained tomato, silverbeet, onion, herbs, cheese & mushroom?

Last Answer : I don’t know what ‘silverbeet’ is but, sure, I’d give it a go.

Description : What spices/herbs do you use a lot?

Last Answer : cayenne, cumin, coriander

Description : My friend, years ago, had a box filled with herbs, a foul smell would fill the room when you opened the box, what herbs could these have been?

Last Answer : answer:My guess would be Asafoetida-it is used a lot in middle eastern cooking (giant fennel). Tastes great after you cook it, but it stinks to high heaven before cooked. It is a smell that would go ... Latin, I think, and is the same as the English root for fetid (having a heavily offensive smell).

Description : What kind of herbs and spices do you use? fresh, cheap or ...

Last Answer : I just use pepper with everything. The trick is to add a pinch of salt as well to bring out the flavor and not the spiciness.

Description : Which herbs grow successfully on kitchen window sills in small pots?

Last Answer : Chives, Thyme, Tarragon, sweet marjoram, sage, rosemary. You can grow them individually in 3–4” pots or as a mixed herb garden dish of 10–12” in diameter.

Description : Has anyone ever taken herbs to heal an illness? If so, what were the results?

Last Answer : I’ve taken Chinese herbal medicine… it does work. Takes terribly bitter, but I would sacrifice taste for not consuming the chemicals that are in pills. The herbs you take depends on your ailment.

Description : Tea experts: which of these herbs would taste good together?

Last Answer : Most of the ones I'm familiar with there do not taste particularly good. Rose and cinnamon (or cardamom) might make a good blend, though. (My husband, a homebrewer, makes a delicious rose petal mead ... be drinking! Datura, for example, is poisonous. That might add something to your plot, though. ;)

Description : Roasted Carrots and Parsnips - What herbs do you use for Christmas Dinner?

Last Answer : Anything that’s better than my empty plate. Ahem, I mean, can that be for 9? :P

Description : Where can I purchase edible herbs, seeds, whatnot?

Last Answer : That should be *sells these kind of things.

Description : What vegetables or herbs can I plant right now in San Francisco?

Last Answer : Not much. You are about to run out of growing season.

Description : What's a good place to buy roots and herbs on line.

Last Answer : Have you checked out Mountain Rose Herbs?

Description : How long can I keep my dried herbs?

Last Answer : The herb packagers will tell you six months to a year, but I think that’s partly self-interest. Trust your nose. If they’re waning in strength, you can add more volume than you did when they were brand new. Old ones won’t hurt you, just won’t be as poignant.

Description : How do you feel about herbs?

Last Answer : Ummm… I love herb. I enjoy the greenest stinkiest herb everyday.

Description : What are good outside plants/flowers/herbs to grow in Portland, Oregon?

Last Answer : Portland is zone 7, you lucky dog and you can grow almost everything. For the smaller plants needed for boxes and decks, check out

Description : What vitamins or herbs help with circulation?

Last Answer : answer:I believe that the sad reality is that varicose veins are caused by 1) heredity 2) weight gain 3) pregnancy 4) aging and 5) blind luck. Females have a higher %. The only permanent solution is ... is due to my gene pool. The women in my family have bad backs and bad vision. varicose veins

Description : What are the easiest herbs to grow?

Last Answer : has some great advice about herbs.

Description : How do I cut herbs so they will grow back.

Last Answer : cut some maybe 3 inches from the top........bring it in rinse it off and dry on paper towel..................or tie them and hang them near the stove on a hook and just take some as needs. ... it comes back next year. I want to do a mini green house around mine so I can get it fresh all year long.

Description : What herbs can you freeze?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : can I freeze herbs after a frost has damaged the leaves of the herb ie thyme and basil

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when is the best time to transplant herbs

Last Answer : fall to late fall is the best time to transplant

Description : can I use frozen herbs in the flavoured oils

Last Answer : You could but the taste won't be the same.....I prefer fresh it has a better taste in the oil.

Description : Can you freeze fresh herbs?

Last Answer : yes depending on what herb of course for instance Basil washed then dried (no longer wet) then rolled up into a cigar shape in a ziplock bag then frozen take out bag chop off as much as u need and put it back in freezer

Description : How do you harvest herbs?

Last Answer : Pic the youngest shoots and prune back and flowering sections. Keep the plant producing new shoots.

Description : grayish film on sweet basil leaves? is it mold? rest of herbs ok

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : strawberries, tomatoes, herbs and more.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Should herbs be fertilized?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : The supported the boycott of imported goods by making tea from herbs and berries and by weaving cloth?

Last Answer : The daughters of Liberty

Description : How long would the herbs or potion make Juliet appear as though she were dead?

Last Answer : 42 hours

Description : Hello, I have been on herbs for some time, see. picture, I thought of mint, basil and rosemary after a long time, you still have a question, what is it? Thank you

Last Answer : I think it's a greenhouse thrush. Try NATURA Rock Effect spraying. I would cut all the infected parts before spraying. The shelf life of the product is 1 day.

Last Answer : This cannot be said unequivocally. Some substances in herbs can react with metal. A ceramic knife is recommended for herbs.

Description : What else can I grow at home besides basil and lovage?

Last Answer : Almost all. Buttermilk, goodwill, thyme, satureja, mint, lemon balm but also parsley, wild garlic and many other things.

Description : Do you grow herbs and fertilize them somehow?

Last Answer : I only add compost

Description : Is it true that herbs lose all vitamins when you cut them with a knife?

Last Answer : This is not true, some elements may react with the metal. The stainless steel knife is of better quality, and the ceramic knife is without any problems.

Description : Hello, light flies, allegedly moths, appeared on the herbs (mint, lemon balm, marjoram, basil ...). I sprayed them on a natural basis, but the effect is none. Please advise on the ... the herbs safely again. PLEASE ADVISE, basil and marjoram have already fallen for the homeland. Thanks a lot

Last Answer : Against aphids and moths, pea wrappers and gooseberry mildew, plants can be sprayed with soapy water - for 50 parts of water, one part of greasy soap. Effective rapeseed oil-based products are also ... the pests of the pests and kills them, while it is completely harmless to health, even edible.