Should it have a stacked bottom made of bricks, for example? Or just dig a hole, stack around the stones and you're done?

1 Answer

Answer :

Just dig a hole and stack stones, basically not even that hole is necessary ... ;-) Bricks - if the fireplace is not protected from rain, they are not very suitable - they are absorbent and water vapor then (in the fire) tears and crushes. It is also not appropriate to place stones "freshly" pulled out of the water around the hearth (they are soaked, even tearing "explosively").

Related questions

Description : Who makes cottage cheese the way it used to be?

Last Answer : If this helps, Lucerne brand, sold by some stores like Albertson’s, Safeway, and maybe a couple others might be to your liking. It seems quite firm, congealed.

Description : Cottage cheese with a fork or a spoon?

Last Answer : Spoon, generally.

Description : Does cottage cheese melt?

Last Answer : Not really, it still stays pretty curdy in Lasagne. I suppose you could puree it first or mash it down more.

Description : Why do you feel that personal hygeine is out the window, for some, when they're camping or up at the cottage?

Last Answer : I think a possible cause is not that people aren’t washing but they insist on wearing “technical clothes” such polypropelene base layers when camping that tend to smell much more noticably than natural materials.

Description : A month of serenity; out in the woods, in a cottage all by yourself; are you down?

Last Answer : I would just need a female and a lot of viagra.

Description : Can you please help me locate this cottage decorating blog that I can't find?

Last Answer : answer:The Lettered Cottage The Cottage Chick Top 10 Cottage Style Blogs I, too, like cottage style DIY blogs @jca. I think re-finding this one you saw may be difficult unless you can remember ... name their home? Sometimes I'll remember some random tidbit that will help me search and find better.

Description : Dark wood old English cottage suite - how to update?

Last Answer : I have refinished many pieces of furniture in my house.This is the stripper I use.Make sure you wear gloves and do a good job sanding.It makes a difference.

Description : New item: Kraft Simply Cottage Cheese. Are you brave enough to try it?

Last Answer : Doesn’t all cottage cheese resemble a vanilla milkshake with pieces of butterfat in it?

Description : What is a good low-carb diet that includes cottage cheese and eggs?

Last Answer : Herbs? Perhaps a couple shakes of dried rosemary in your eggs would make them more palatable.

Description : Is flaxseed oil in cottage cheese healthy and if so, how does it work?

Last Answer : The flax seed oil is wonderful and it keeps your veins lubricated and helps stop any blockage building up in the arteries.

Description : Are cottage cheese and premixed dips (like french onion chip dip) pasturized?

Last Answer : answer:This link and this one say cottage cheese is OK. Most dips are cooked, which does the same thing as pasteurization.

Description : Can you do anything with cottage cheese besides eat it plain?

Last Answer : answer:I like it with peaches or mandarin oranges (from a can) or any other juicy fruit. I also make an artichoke sauce for spaghetti using cottage cheese. I figure it was probably ricotta originally, and someone changed it because American supermarkets may not have carried ricotta in those days.

Description : What does cottage cheese taste like?

Last Answer : Not much really

Description : I know cottage cheese expires... but how to tell?

Last Answer : Goes sour just like milk. Great in coffee.

Description : Can you recommend some decorating books---that focus on cottage, vintage, shabby-worn style?

Last Answer : Do you get any of the magazines? I like this style, too.

Description : Does anyone else occasionally hack up small bits of cottage cheese-like stuff? What is it?

Last Answer : I had this problem a year or two ago but it disappeared. I think it just popped up when I was traveling and my sinuses couldn't handle the crazy changes. I'm pretty sure mine was from sinus ... to infections. The gross cottage cheese stuff had the same smell as an infection. eww. i feel for you.

Description : What do you mean by cottage industry? -Geography

Last Answer : Cottage industry is a small-scale industry, where the products are created at homes rather than a factory. Here the labour force is minimum. Example: Weaving, Pottery etc.

Description : A wealthy man lives alone in a small cottage. Being partially handicapped, he had everything delivered to his cottage. The mailman was delivering a letter one Thursday when he noticed that the front door ... mail. The police officer suspects it was foul play. Who does he suspect and why? -Riddles

Last Answer : The police officer suspects the newspaper delivery person. The absence of Tuesday's and Wednesday's newspaper indicates that the delivery person knew there was no one there to read it.

Description : Two schoolgirls were traveling from the city to a dacha (summer cottage) on an electric train.'I notice,' one of the girls said 'that the dacha trains coming in the opposite direction pass us every 5 ... because 60 divided by 5 equals 12.'The first girl did not agree. What do you think? -Riddles

Last Answer : If the girls had been on a standing train, the first girl's calculations would have been correct, but their train was moving. It took 5 minutes to meet a second train, but then it took the second train ... the time between trains is 10 minutes, not 5, and only 6 trains per hour arrive in the city.

Description : Give a reason for the decline of cottage industries in India during the British rule. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Machine-made goods, made in England were supplied in India. This ruined the cottage industries in India.

Description : Mention some problems faced by small-scale and cottage industries. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Some problems faced by small-scale and cottage industries are: (i) Outmoded methods and techniques. (ii) Inadequate financial resources. (iii) Poverty and ignorance. (iv) Competition from large-scale industries. (v) Improper marketing organization. (vi) Exploitation by moneylender and middle man.

Description : Name the cottage industries associated with Ludhiana and Hyderabad. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Ludhiana: Sports good. Hyderabad: Bidriware.

Description : In what year was the bill for establishment of small and cottage industries corporation introduced ?

Last Answer : The bill for establishment of small and cottage industries corporation was introduced in 1956.

Description : Explain in one word "small cottage located high" ?

Last Answer : "Tongi" in a word.

Description : What are small and cottage industries ?

Last Answer : In the general sense, small and cottage industries are used in the same sense, but in the subtle sense, there is a difference between the two. According to the Factories and Industries Act in ... weaving industry , bamboo and cane industry , bidi industry , salt industry etc. are cottage industries.

Description : Do you have a Hungarian name at all? Cheese or cottage cheese?

Last Answer : It is usually translated as cottage cheese. There’s somewhere between cheese and cottage cheese, but more cottage cheese! Very healthy!

Description : I love them all?

Last Answer : anything can come from pancakes :)

Description : Hello, we have internal chipboard walls in the cottage, there are gaps between the individual boards and they are not completely flat. They don't even have the same structure (it would be visible after painting). Please advise. We don't want to line the walls with decks. Thank you

Last Answer : If you don't want floorboards ,. so stretch the glue with a bead. After regrinding, apply internal stucco and paint.

Description : Hello, on the weekend I would like to bake something with cottage cheese, some slices, or whatever, does anyone have any of your favorite and tasty recipes? :) I've done various bags and the like, I'd like to try something extra and proven :) Thank you :)

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I bought a cottage and I think I will remove the wooden shutters that close when a person leaves the cottage. What are shutters for in the cottage?

Last Answer : Shutters have the main function as protection against thieves.

Description : What makes lime better?

Last Answer : By painting with lime, you will achieve that the plaster and walls under the painting breathe better and are not closed as when using clay and other modern products. Another advantage of lime is that it disinfects the entire space.

Description : We have a cottage on the slope and it seems to me that it is a bit pushed. How do you know if it's moving?

Last Answer : There will simply be cracks in the walls ....: D and other parts, don't worry if it moves, you will know ...: D file is an optical illusion ... ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Description : Spiders descend on our outside on the walls and make cocoons there. But in large quantities.

Last Answer : Why delete. They were there before your cottage. They don't hurt, so why kill them?

Description : If I live in a cottage all year round, can't I use some subsidy for insulation?

Last Answer : Unfortunately - the cottage is not intended for permanent living (even if you live there all year round) ... You would have to have the cottage approved as a permanent living facility.

Description : I need to concretize the pipe that will lead the water from the roof to the pond. Can I concrete a plastic pipe? Or rather tin? What is better?

Last Answer : both go, but the metal one will rust and disappear over time ...

Last Answer : Well, it's about what you want to add and how many m2 you want to add, and if we're talking about building, which extension is, you need a building permit. It depends on your building authority ... things. on the pergola you need a permit and possibly the consent of the neighbors and not the other.

Description : In the bathroom about 4 tiles fall under the washing machine, there is an old wooden floor .. What to do with it? It occurred to me to have a large board cut off and put it under the washing machine.

Last Answer : It just occurs to me .... which smart guy thought of putting tile on the wooden floor? .... It's more than clear that it will be damaged ... even if the water does not go under the stove, it goes from the ground ... a snag and it will rot again. . whether the most persistent .... ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Description : How much is built above the roof?

Last Answer : ... it's the norm, this is better than reading it:

Description : When I run more electrical appliances, the circuit breakers go out and I have to go "throw them". How to fix it? Call us electricians to put stronger circuit breakers? Or how is it handled?

Last Answer : calculate the power consumption of the appliances (current must be lower than the value of the circuit breaker (s)) the question is what appliances are involved (some, typically motors, need more ... "electricity", invite electricians and have specific options and needs explained "on the spot". ;-)

Description : We arrived at the cottage yesterday and bees or hornets are flying from the top. How to proceed in such a case? We are afraid to enter the cottage.

Last Answer : That's a pretty big difference. If they were bees, which is unlikely, it would be best to call a beekeeper to dump the honeycomb with the queen and the remaining bees will fly away on their own. Wasps usually ... flight. I have never seen you in the house, I have no idea how to deal with them ...

Description : Do I have to have a building permit for a garden, cottage or pergola if I have land in private ownership?

Last Answer : By size. Probably just a construction announcement will suffice.

Description : What are cheese made of?

Last Answer : Cottage cheese is cheese, so it's made from milk.

Description : One tree protrudes from the forest and is leaning over our hut. Who should we contact? When it's a forest, they should arrange liquidation, right?

Last Answer : Notify the owner in writing and request a remedy.

Description : If the cottage is marked for example E236, can I have a permanent residence there?

Last Answer : yes, if the address is in the ÚIAN register, see Act 133/2000 Coll. §10 paragraph (1) The place of permanent residence means the address of the citizen's residence in the Czech ... according to a special legal regulation11) and which is intended for housing, accommodation or individual recreation.

Description : What do you think is the optimal distance between the apiary and the residential building? Is 200 meters enough?

Last Answer : The bees have a different concern than annoying the people sitting on the terrace. They usually only notice people who produce a specific odor, such as drunks, and some perfumes also provoke ... sharp movements. Mostly the provocation comes from the people .. The bees are just defending themselves.

Description : I have water drawn above the ground at the cottage. As soon as the frost in the tube begins, it freezes immediately. Do you think that it would be enough to insulate the pipe and the water that it would ... ? Or that if I want to use water in the winter, I will have to run the pipe underground?

Last Answer : The best solution is to dig the water back to non-freezing depths. I recommend at least 120 cm

Description : Why do you think the sun shines only over the Hatchings cottage?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What happened when the cottage industry was replaced by mill's?

Last Answer : Textiles became more plentiful and less expensive. This firsthappened in England.

Description : What is an example of a cottage industry is?

Last Answer : Power looming