Is it just because of the smell? Or does it have another purpose?

1 Answer

Answer :

and hydration and disinfection

Related questions

Description : How does hair grow back after shaving?

Last Answer : answer:Shaving won't have caused the change to your hairs other than making the ends blunt on the ends so that it appears they are more thick growing out. Chalk it up to change in hormones as you age. You ... shave or pluck my black hair from my light skin and it sucked to be teased, I feel for you.

Description : Have you ever felt genuinely sad after shaving your beard?

Last Answer : i can’t exactly empathize as i’m a girl, but i’m sure i would if i was a dude. also, there’s this song beard lust that discusses the hardships and potential awesome of growing facial hair…

Description : Any advice for bad, bumpy red skin, especially after shaving?

Last Answer : With me, such bumps often come with having had a poor diet for a while, stress and an onset of flue. Make sure to take care of yourself and most importantly your sleep and diet. I often find that ... For me, shaving wt works better, as long as I use sharp razors and specific brands of shaving foam.

Description : Why use alum after shaving ?

Last Answer : Alum is a type of semi-transparent glass-like solid substance that tastes sweet and tan and is extremely dry in nature. It is usually a mineral. Alum is used as the cheapest , most effective ... alum to stop bleeding. Bacterial infections are not. That's why barbers apply light alum when shaving.

Description : After shaving the head, the skin grows from the roots of the hair. What to do now ?

Last Answer : Observe carefully whether it is dandruff or not. And such problems are due to lack of vitamins. You use coconut oil or virgin oil. Keep eating foods rich in vitamins. Keep hair clean and dry after trimming, do n't worry. Stay tuned.

Description : When I shave my beard with an electric razor or razor, I get a rash. Such pimples and it itches terribly. Do you have it too?

Last Answer : Buy foam for sensitive skin. I have the same problem.

Description : After shaving with an electric razor, you will also have so many pimples on your neck and cheeks that burn terribly? It irritates my skin terribly. I'm not even talking about one-offs. I thought that with el. with the machine, the skin relaxes and it's terrible.

Last Answer : A quality razor is - in my opinion, more gentle than any electric razor. The question is what kind of water you use after shaving. But I - I admit, I'm just trimming my beard - I'm eliminating any irritation.

Description : When I shave, my neck burns terribly. What with this?

Last Answer : Either you have a blunt razor or unsuitable aftershave. When I was still shaving, I used Nivea Sensitive - try it. ;-) Or do it like me - instead of shaving, I just cut my beard (with a razor) - and I'm satisfied.

Description : ttt of foliculitis after shaving the bread a- oral steroid b- topical steroid c -oral antibiotics may be there was topical antifungal but no topical antibiotic choice

Last Answer : c -oral antibiotics

Description : The hair of shaving brush clings together when removed from water due to – (1) Surface tension (2) Viscosity (3) Elasticity (4) Friction

Last Answer : (1) Surface tension Explanation: Surface tension is a contractive tendency of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force. It is revealed, for example, in the floating of ... is caused by cohesion of similar molecules, and is responsible for many of the behaviors of liquids.

Description : How do I educate my wife on Shaving Brushes for Christmas?

Last Answer : answer:You definitely want one made of badger. When you figure out how to educate a mate, let us all know, please.

Description : Would shaving a cat do anything at all to curb someone's pet allergy?

Last Answer : I agree it’s ridiculous. The cat’s fur serves him in a lot of ways. What can he do without fur? If she is allegic to cat she shouldn’t have a cat in the first place.

Description : Why did women start shaving arms, legs, sometimes pubic hair, and, as we get older, facial hair?

Last Answer : The idea of shaving pubic hair is horrifying to me. I don't want to look like a pre-pubescent girl. In the 70's it was considered mandatory to shave one's legs. Hairy legs on females doesn ... our society, but not in the younger generation's society where shaving one's private parts is more common.

Description : What age did you start shaving and were your parents fine with it?

Last Answer : answer:I started shaving when I was 14 because I had enough of a beard that I was looking scruffy and unkempt. Within about three months I was to the point of shaving every day. My daughter ... , she went months without shaving. And my current girlfriend is not all that fastidious about her legs.)

Description : Is there any detriment to shaving my cats?

Last Answer : It’ll hurt you much more than the cats. The clippers will freak them out and you’ll have to deal with a frantic, clawing cat.

Description : Why do monks practice shaving of the head?

Last Answer : As ascetics who shun material fanciness they do not value the fashion of hair styles. And shaved heads don’t get lice and in all ways is seriously low maintenance. To the extent they would have liked their hair, shaving it off is an exercise in taming the ego.

Description : Female jellies: anyone here tried shaving all their hair off their head?

Last Answer : What?! Nooo! Well, I would if I was donating to cancer.

Description : Ladies: what is the longest you have gone without shaving your armpits and legs and why?

Last Answer : Years. So many years I can’t remember. I am not hairy at all.

Description : How do they decide if a small mole needs stitches or just clipping or shaving?

Last Answer : It’s precisely because the mole is on your face that the doctor wants to use stitches so there won’t be a scar. Most likely, the doctor will put the stitches below the skin where they will dissolve.

Description : Is some blood during shaving normal?

Last Answer : answer:I never bleed shaving with the grain… Against the grain is as you describe. Much happier now with electric clippers that always leave a short stubble.

Description : So, I accidently cut off a freckle/small mole while shaving my face. What will happen?

Last Answer : It could grow back. Certain types are more likely to grow back than others. It also matters if you removed all the roots of the mole I think. The most important thing is, had the mole been there a long ... I would not worry about it. I don't think you can do anything to prevent it from coming back.

Description : Men: how would you handle it if women just up and stopped shaving altogether?

Last Answer : Amen!

Description : Ladies and Gentlemen what is your option on shaving body hair once in a committed relationship?

Last Answer : answer:For me, when I was single I was the same as I am now that I'm married. I keep my underarms shaved, shave my legs about once a week when my husband is home and in the summer (that's all I ... , he will take a break from shaving. I like him with and without facial hair, so I'm happy either way.

Description : Would the shaving cream trick work for your car windows?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard anything bad about RainX, especially not for glass. Glass is largely non-reactive.

Description : What do you think about women not shaving their underarms?

Last Answer : answer:Personally, I prefer a girl with shaved underarms. It's just my preference. I'm not going to publicly humiliate women who don't or anything like that. It's their body, they can do whatever ... I did see an insanely hot hippie chick with hairy armpits once. That really threw me for a loop.

Description : WTF Someone is shaving my cat! What should I do?

Last Answer : That is extremely bizarre. But just to be on the safe side, I think you’re doing the right thing. You never know if someone is crazy and plans on hurting him. Is it getting really hot where you are? Maybe someone thought it would cool him down…? Ugh, that is scary.

Description : What do you think of the trend for dyeing or shaving off eyebrows among models?

Last Answer : Hmm…haven’t heard of this. Geez….

Description : My friend passed out helping me redo my server. How do I treat this, and what should I do...shaving cream, dry ice, etc?

Last Answer : Start with not being a dick and thanking your friend when he wakes up. Then buy him breakfast.

Description : What do you think is the best technique for wet/dry electric shaving?

Last Answer : bump?

Description : Gentlemen. Do we find shaving a pleasurable or painful experience?

Last Answer : Painful. I hate it.

Description : Can Someone Help Me With The Experience Shaving their Chest?

Last Answer : Can’t help you, sorry. I don’t have an issue with natural bodies.

Description : Is shaving with a straight razor really worth the price and effort?

Last Answer : I have an electric razor I use. Personally I like to have a little stubble on my face. Chicks dig the Jack Buer, 24, look.

Description : Does the monistat shaving relief creme clod your pores?

Last Answer : …I thought monistat was a treatment for yeast infections. ETA: Also, there is a drag queen who goes by Monistat.

Description : Ladies, when did you start shaving your legs?

Last Answer : I think I was in 6th grade also. Not sure I really needed to, but everyone else was shaving.

Description : Why do men over 55 stop shaving?

Last Answer : They do?

Description : Can somebody tell me WHY in the world women go to a salon and get the unwanted hair RIPPED off of their faces with wax--instead of just shaving painlessly and quickly?

Last Answer : I’m niether a woman nor waxer, but doesn’t waxing leave a smoother, longer lasting result than shaving?

Description : Men shaving body hair?

Last Answer : Body builders do it all the time.

Description : What is it with young people shaving or waxing every hair south of the neck?

Last Answer : I think it’s stupid. The only time you should need to groom your hair is if it got jammed in a door because it was so long. And I mean chest hair.

Description : Shaving?

Last Answer : Electrics suck. Get a your self one of flexo blades or whatever. They’re a good one to start out with. Then move on to the power MACH III TURBO POWER.

Description : what is Best Bald Head Shaving Cream For Guys Who Shave Their Heads?

Last Answer : Shaving is just not about dragging the blade on your head skin. Shaving is for many guys, a daily habit that they do to be happy in daily life. However, shaving on a bald head is major artistry, and ... case if you go for the whole package you get to use all the products and you get an instant res

Description : Is shaving able to boost men's confidence ?

Last Answer : Not at all. It's just a commercial campaign. Socrates , Rabindranath , how many people will I name ? Was there a lack of confidence or success in their lives ? And the greatest human being, Hazrat ... knows more or less how much he was a symbol of success and self-confidence in his personal life.

Description : Is foam or cream good for shaving ?

Last Answer : : Of course foam. Because if you save foam, the beard of the face gets cleaned well. And it makes the face soft. And in case of cream, these are not so noticeable.

Description : Do you shave your legs like a man?

Last Answer : No! I wouldn’t even think of shaving my legs. I don't think it's good.

Description : Hello, do you shave your beard with a disposable razor in the direction of your beard or in the opposite direction?

Last Answer : I shave in the direction of my beard. Never against the direction.

Description : Hello, I'm 14 years old and I already have a beard under my nose and it doesn't look nice. Do you think I can start shaving now? Thank you Jáchym

Last Answer : There is a mustache under the nose. # (# giggle) .You can roll. I started shaving at fifteen and I still hate shaving, but what to do when hormones are rampant.

Description : I'm 14, should I shave? Mustache? So that it doesn't grow even more than before.

Last Answer : Depending on how many years your beard has started to grow ...: DA so it depends on which treatment you choose - I haven't shaved for almost 25 years.

Description : Should a man shave int. party or not?

Last Answer : At your own discretion (you need to ask your partner for your own opinion) ...: o

Description : Sweating terribly. Will I be weird if I shave my armpit? Will it help at least a little to sweat?

Last Answer : It won't help with sweating. You will sweat the same, but it will be better washed and cared for.

Description : How do you deal with shaving bumps or rashes?

Last Answer : Without sugar coating anything, I am a very hairy somebody. I was born that way because I inherited the trait from my dab. And I wasn't the only son that inherited it from him, but all of us ... make use of dusty power or after shave cream or spirit depending on which one that suits you skin type.

Description : Is shaving cream a solid liquidor gas?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer