Don't the colors fade when the laundry is dried often in the sun? Will they lose color?

1 Answer

Answer :

I've been drying in the sun for several years and I don't see a difference. The main thing for me is that it dries quickly.

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Last Answer : That smell is ozone. And it’s amazing that it will still be on sheets that have been folded and stored away for months.

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Last Answer : I disinfect only a small cloth and a dishcloth in it. Michal Kole once put this idea and instructions on the competition website and with a link, and since then I have been practicing it: o maybe well-squeezed laundry could dry in it (nod) //

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Last Answer : It could be a form of epilepsy called an olfactory seizure.

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Last Answer : It is a safety mechanism.

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Last Answer : Nope! I am no chemist but I have done that many times and nothing happened! You only see the color change a bit.

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Last Answer : answer:If there is any chance it is ball point pen ink hair spray will take it out. When the pants are dry spray hair spray let sit for 30 seconds, and then rinse. It doesn’t work on other types of ink or marker. Peroxide will leave a bleach stain. Unless the garment is white I wouldn’t use it.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : You’ll make love more often if you have super neat, clean clothes.

Description : Does laundry detergent formulated for darks actually do anything different?

Last Answer : It tends not to contain compounds that might bleach the colour out.

Description : Best format of laundry detergent for my needs?

Last Answer : answer:I prefer the liquid detergents, powders can clump and not dissolve as well. There are lots of color safe brightening/color preserving liquid detergents on the market. I can't help but laugh, this is ... the collar or a kid that has ground in dirt and grass stains? Damn that little Billy! lol

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Last Answer : I hear that lentils last long.

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Last Answer : answer:How detailed would you like this list? Woke up too early, laid in bed for an hour, got up, got ready (teeth, hair, makeup, etc), took the dog out, packed my lunch, went to work, ate breakfast, ... of water from the fridge. It is now nearly 2:00. I'm not expecting my attorney back until 4. Oy

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Last Answer : I never tried this but I am wondering if you put the clothes in the machine (just this once) and just ran the machine, if it would do (again, doing it just one time). Of course, if you had stains on the clothes, they may or may not come out, depending on what they were.

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Last Answer : Where would the laundry room open into? I would like the laundry closer to the master if it was practical since that’s where all the dirty linens end up.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm wondering what kind of detergent you're using and whether your machine has a soak cycle on it. I would recommend pre-treating the dirtiest areas with a something like Resolve/Spray ... cycle. If that fails to get the grime out, then you might consider having them professionally cleaned.

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Last Answer : answer:Liquid I guess, no need to dissolve. : ) The question could be would laundry soap perform better if you play the violin while washing your clothes?

Description : How much does it cost to do one washing in a self-service laundry?

Last Answer : It depends. Most places I’ve seen you’ll end up spending $1.25 on the wash, and $0.75 for drying. Two bucks all together. It probably varies from place to place.

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Last Answer : If it made me millions like it is going to for her….Nope. Not worth it. I prefer my dirty little secrets stay secret.

Description : Do you use separate baskets for clean and dirty laundry?

Last Answer : No but that’s because it’s a big plastic bin. If it were a cloth bag then I’d keep them separated between washings. Unless your clothes have moist, seeping guck on them then I can’t see why your husband thinks the clothes get contaminated/dirty.

Description : Laundry detergent bottle?

Last Answer : This isn’t online but if you have a dollar store nearby, they usually sell bags or boxes of single use foil packs of detergent. Just make sure it’s economical.

Description : Is it wierd to love doing laundry?

Last Answer : Yes…very weird…go outside do something normal….play Frisbee or change your oil.

Description : Which laundry setup is best and why: front load or top load?

Last Answer : My untested opinion is that front loaders are better because they don’t have the agitator in there beating up the fabric. Less wear on your clothes.

Description : How do you do laundry?

Last Answer : answer:Eh, it depends on my mood. I try to do a little bit every day, especially now that I have the kids running around again. Between them, my husband and the pets the laundry piles up fast. ... waiting to be thrown into the dryer, and I almost forgot and went to bed without drying them. Thanks.

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Last Answer : Ideally, you want your laundry close to the bedrooms and bathrooms, since that is where most of the dirty laundry come from. In reality, homes are designed with cost in mind, so they put the laundry close to the other gas/water pipes.

Description : If someone put laundry detergent in their dishwasher and tried to wash their clothes, would it work?

Last Answer : I tried using dish detergent once…wow. What a mistake. Suds everywhere for five miles.

Description : Laundry emergency -- red and white, oh no! Please HELP?

Last Answer : answer:A quick google search rendered this: How do I fix pink laundry? Pink seems to be the most dreaded color to find on white underwear but I've also seen whites turned blue or gray ... ! Here's another link with even more ideas

Description : What do you do to your laundry to make it smell really good?

Last Answer : Arm and Hammer liquid detergent! Always smells lovely.

Description : Is Tide Coldwater Liquid Laundry Detergent even more effective in hot water than in cold?

Last Answer : I think the point of Coldwater Detergent is to use less energy by not using hot water. I think it would be as effective in hot water, but probably not more effective. Unless you have really dirty socks or ground in dirt, there would be no reason to use hot water.

Description : What kind of laundry soap do you use?

Last Answer : Whatever national brand is cheapest.

Description : Standard Coin Laundry Fees?

Last Answer : answer:I haven't looked up a standard rate , but when I was apartment hunting in a Philadelphia suburb, most laundry machines were $1.50 per load, per machine, which would come out to $3 per load. ... . Granted, you might have to do a little more ironing, but might save a little money in time.

Description : I am considering building a trash/laundry chute. What do I need to consider?

Last Answer : You need enough space behind the wall (I assume that's where you're going to put it) to allow the laundry to drop freely. Optimally, it should drop near the washer downstairs. If you have kids, it needs to be ... . My grandmother had one when I was a kid, but I swear it wasn't me shoving the cat in!

Description : How do I my get kids to stop unfolding laundry and throwing toys all over the room?

Last Answer : Time to call the Super Nanny.