I got a dachshund dog for my 12th birthday. I go with him 8 times a day for walks behind the barracks in the garden. It's not much? Thank you for the answer NELA

1 Answer

Answer :

I think the dog is happy every time you go with him.

Related questions

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Last Answer : An adult dog should be walked at least 3 times a day, of which at least once it should be a longer walk. If a dachshund lives in a block of flats, I hope you use the elevator! The dachshund should not climb the stairs often, as it could cause intervertebral discs to protrude.

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Last Answer : Dogs seem to have an endless stream of urine when out walking. If the color is normal and the dog is healthy otherwise, I wouldn't be concerned. Dogs want to leave their scent in lots of ... territory, letting everyone else know they were there or covering the scent of another dog with their own.

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Last Answer : I don’t know anyone who persisted in upsetting their dogs by leaving them on, true story. My dogs came off within the first three minutes and we never tried again.

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Last Answer : The collars probably have spikes on the inside to discourage the dogs from pulling. At least, that is what I would do.

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Last Answer : A little. You tell lies! You let your dog go miles in front of you. By the way people his dog is dominant over him. Lastly he is missing one detail. His dog is a small dog with a fragile neck. Just a regular leash trying to get a small dog to walk beside you can choke them.

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Last Answer : Well, I’d ignore it! Who cares?

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Last Answer : Depends on the dog and on what you mean by walks. If that’s the only time he gets to urinate, then no, it’s not OK. If he gets out to relieve himself more often and is an inactive breed, then it’s probably no big deal.

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Last Answer : You can squirt lemon juice in their mouth every time they do it. The lemon creates a sensation in their mouth or throat that is displeasing to the dog but not harmful to them. What I like about ... you must do this while they are barking because dogs memories/minds do not work the same as humans.

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Last Answer : Why stop your dog from being a dog? Instead, get another kind of pet whose life isn’t intimately concerned with scents.

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Last Answer : people are lazy and grossed out by fecal. But, everyone loves a puppy.

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Last Answer : If you did not raise a dog and neglected it when you were young, it will be a bit of a problem. The dog has already experienced it and it is very difficult for him to get used to something else. You ... won't go fast, and you have to be very consistent. Do not miss and pay attention to the dog.

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Last Answer : A table.

Description : A,B are start walking around a Circular park of radius 70m. They start at the same point, and A goes clockwise at 10m/s, while b goes anti-clockwise at 20m/s.How many times will they cross each other at the starting point if they walk for 30 minutes? a) 20 b) 40 c) 60 d) 80 e) None of the above

Last Answer : Radius = 70m, So circumference = 2 (22/7) 70 =440m Relative speed = 10 +20 = 30m/s They will meet everytime at the starting point when the distance covered by both put together is a multiple of 440 ... =1800/44 =40.9 So they will meet 40 times (we need to ignore the decimal part). Answer : b

Description : A,B are start walking around a Circular park of radius 70m. They start at the same point, and A goes clockwise at 10m/s, while b goes anti-clockwise at 20m/s. How many times will they cross each other at the starting point if they walk for 30 minutes? a) 20 b) 40 c) 60 d) 80 e) None of the above

Last Answer : Radius = 70m, So circumference = 2 (22/7) 70 =440m Relative speed = 10 +20 = 30m/s They will meet everytime at the starting point when the distance covered by both put together is a multiple of 440 ... =1800/44 =40.9 So they will meet 40 times (we need to ignore the decimal part). Answer : b

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Last Answer : Answer – C (7) Explanation – Relative speed = (2 + 3) = 5 rounds per hourSo, they cross each other 5 times in an hour and 2 times in half an hourHence, they cross each other 7 times before 9.30 a.m.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- EQUAL