Can you tell me how many days November is?

1 Answer

Answer :

November is 30 days, but this question describes how many days are in all months.

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Last Answer : It is 699,952 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date. Or 1916 years, 4 months, 24 days excluding the end date. Or 22996 months, 24 days excluding the end date. 60,475,852,800 seconds 1,007,930,880 minutes 16,798,848 hours 699,952 days 99,993 weeks and 1 day

Description : 12 November days in Fiji - What should I do?

Last Answer : answer:Do you dive? Is seems to be a mecca for scuba divers. If not, I highly recommend it – you’ve got time to take a course. Do you need a suitcase carrier? A sock folder? A personal assistant? I’ll beg, I will!

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Last Answer : Enjoy the day all!

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Last Answer : I would like to but I’m to far away but hope the Flutherfest goes well.

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Last Answer : Brown wave.

Description : In your opinion do you think Trump's trade war, will help or hurt the Republicans come November?

Last Answer : There is no right or wrong answer since all I asked for was opinions, weather we agree or disagree, doesn’t matter I just want some opinions on this. THANKS!

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Last Answer : Would that be good for the country?

Description : Trump or Cruz, aren't the Republicans screwed either way come November?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll answer this way: Hillary is laughing, and picking out her inauguration dress. They beauty of this election process is that Clinton didn’t need to engage in any dirty tricks in order to beat the republicans. They did it to themselves.

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Last Answer : Why is the link I posted giving me today’s? Let me try again: Same thing. How do I get it to post yesterdays?

Description : Who would care to speculate on the implications of a Sanders vs. Trump face off in November of 2016?

Last Answer : They are unified in what they represent: a shock to the system and a chance at actual change of the sort we keep being promised by mainstream candidates. Whether they'd actually be ... or at least willing to temporarily ditch their policy concerns if it means upsetting the political establishment.

Description : Is November Men's Moustache month an effective way to raise awareness for Men's health?

Last Answer : I had no idea it was about men’s health awareness. I thought it was just a thing people did for no reason and I’ve known about it for years and years. That shows how effective it is lol.

Description : USA: Who will you be voting for as your next president this November?

Last Answer : The one with a track record of governing at the highest level.

Description : Do you think that the lack of jobs & the economy will cost Obama the election in November?

Last Answer : nods

Description : Where will you be at 12:01am on November 25, 2011?

Last Answer : I’ll be right here, finally getting some me time after a full, fun day.

Description : How's November treating you?

Last Answer : It started out terribly. It just got a hole lot better.

Description : Why is Night of a Thousand Masks on November 11th?

Last Answer : It looks like, searching google news, somebody tried to get something going for the fifth but it didn’t widely circulate. So they are attempting to reschedule for the 11th with more publicity.

Description : Americans, care to comment on November 24th this year?

Last Answer : I will be saying thanks for my dad surviving his brush with prostate cancer, I will be saying thanks for all the help we received in getting my son from the depths of his depression, I have so much to be thankful for….it will be a long prayer at the table.

Description : YU55, asteroid to come between earth and moon November 8th. Does this cause you worry?

Last Answer : answer:I could care less, I don't live in a state of paranoid fatalism. It is highly doubtful that earth will be effected. Remember the old addage only believe half of what you hear and nothing that you ... kinda into drama, so, have fun with it if it feeds a need for excitement in your life. lol

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Last Answer : I have all my November decorations out, so I’m doing my part.

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Last Answer : No. I despise facial hair (on me). I don’t get way anyone likes it, but that’s just me.

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Last Answer : You can always go to Egypt or Croatia for your vacation.

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Last Answer : At this point, you have nothing to lose. Contact their Human Resources department, explain that you changed email addresses and did not get their message until now, and ask if an interview is still possible.

Description : How do I fight the itch during No-Shave November?

Last Answer : Keep your skin clean and dry and it will get better over time.

Description : [Fiction question] What kind of work is to be done on a New England farm in mid-November?

Last Answer : I live in Massachusetts, and I have been seeing a lot of gourds being harvested for cornucopias.

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Last Answer : Hua Hin area has plenty! Look me up if I am in town. I live in Bangkok. When you have your dates let me know.

Description : What is the issue name of GQ November 2008 with Jimmy Kimmel on the cover?

Last Answer : I’m not sure, but I think you should be aware that Jimmy Kimmel is, in fact, fucking Ben Affleck.

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Last Answer : I hadn’t heard about it, but I’ll look for something in my area.

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Last Answer : Global warming is actually in some ways a misleading name, which is why some scientists call it "climate change" or "climate crisis". Very small changes in temperature can lead to much larger storms and disruptions ... what would have been a level 1 or 2 storm to intensity to a category 4 or 5.

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Last Answer : It’s ten day’s after my birthday? Seriously though, perhaps you can find what you’re looking for at Wikipedia.

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Last Answer : answer:The war will go on. Not a very pleasant thought, is it? It won’t matter who gets elected. It’s a Gift from the Republicans.

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Last Answer : I’m ready for it. Every four years I hate the news.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : depending on your location it may be possible anything in zone 5 or lower probably not

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Last Answer : Do I ask for they money back and cancel the order or am I worrying for nothing?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why ate my small new lemons turning yellow and falling off they dont get ripe in Texas til November.

Last Answer : Maybe it is too dry or the soil doesn't have enough nutrients in it to support the additional little lemons. Water heavily every other day, but only if this area has good drainage. If it is clay type soggy soil, that may also be the problem.

Description : why are my small lemons turning yellow an falling off they dont get ripe yil november

Last Answer : You don't mention if this is a potted plant or in the ground. In a pot, if it has good drainage, it can be watered every day. It needs the fluids to make the lemons juicy. If it is in the ground, ... My lime has done the same thing, This year I have no fruit on it, last year it had a bumper crop.

Description : How did the bride die in the November Rain video?

Last Answer : A bad Axl

Description : A mother gave birth to six kids. The first daughter's name is July. The second daughter's name is August. The third daughter's name is September. The fourth daughter's name is October. The next child was ... turned out that she got a boy. If she didn't name him December, what is his name? -Riddles

Last Answer : Jason. She took the first letter of the names of her children. July, August, September, October, November.

Description : One of the four words does not belong with the other three. Which word does not belong? What is it that the others have in common? 1. Green, yellow, red, blue. 2. April, December, November, ... , cumulus, stratus. 4. Carrots, radishes, potatoes, cabbages. 5. Fork, comb, rake, shovel. -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Green. Yellow, red and blue are primary colors, green is not. 2. December. The other months have only 30 days. 3. Calculus. The others are cloud types. 4. Cabbage. The others are vegetables that grow underground. 5. Shovel. The others have prongs.

Description : There was a penny that had 5 children. The first was named November. December was the second ones name. The third, January. February was the fourth ones name. What was the final ones name. -Riddles

Last Answer : The fifth ones name is what.

Description : Every month someone dies, there are five suspects. The suspects are, Jason, Lily, Nathan, Elizabeth, and Erin, and the months of the murders are, July, August, September, October, and November. Who's the murderer? -Riddles

Last Answer : Jason. J, July. A, August. S, September. O, October. N, November.

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Last Answer : I am the letter "e''.

Description : Who were called 'November Criminals'? -History 9th

Last Answer : November criminals are those who supported Weimar Republic mainly socialists, Catholics, democrats as they were thought to be responsible for treaty of versailles. it was the Weimar Republic who ... were the easy targets of attack in the conservative nationalists circles, so they were targeted.

Description : Who were mockingly called 'November criminals'? -History 9th

Last Answer : The supporters of Weimar Republic were mockingly called as the 'November Criminals'. They were actually teh Socialists, Catholics and the Democrats.

Description : Where did Lord Kenning declare the Crown's rule in India in the court held in November 1858? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer: