
1 Answer

Answer :

I tried it once ... so what can I say, if there is no determination and self-discipline in a person, nothing is worth it, it doesn't work for me without it. :)

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Last Answer : I had to research what the mono diet was and here in a nutshell is an explanation. The other approach to this diet is eating mono meals, or eating one food, macro nutrient, or ... diet's followers that they are likely to experience fatigue, a decreased metabolism, malnourishment, and muscle loss.

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Last Answer : answer:Sure, when I was a teenager and young adult, I tried just about anything. So did my friends. Most of us were left feeling sick, strung out, heart palpitations, sweaty, nauseated, the ones with ... as soon as we quit taking them. Those things will mess with your system, it's not worth it.

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Last Answer : Well as vegans, we're dairy free - we were able to make a switch easily by using soy milk, vegan cheese and vegan ice cream and by eating a lot more green leafy veggies and adding a calcium supplement. ... eat regular ice cream but I pay for it w/diarrhea as my system isn't used to dairy anymore.

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Last Answer : answer:I found tons of videos on the subject on youtube. I’m kind of a nerd, it’s what I do. So here’s one of them. I hope it helps![equal]x2NeFtohbYs

Description : Hi, you've tried the prodietix protein diet. I really like it but I don't dare cut in, I'm afraid I won't get out.

Last Answer : You could write more about it

Description : Have you ever tried a Keto diet?

Last Answer : I haven't tried ketogenic diet and I don't think I want to try. I've read that ketogenic diet is a type of strict diet plan. It is a full fat diet with no carbs or proteins. Usually, our ... fats, your body keeps breaking down fat in a process known as ketosis. Hence, you start to lose weight.

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