I want advice on rabbit breeding. We are not as big as we should be.

1 Answer

Answer :

We had rabbits but we didn't breed them.

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Last Answer : They are not. You are presenting a false premise. There are not specific don't have more than two children messages being baldly promoted, but the awareness of overpopulation is high, and most of ... live in a fairly rural area, this doesn't apply as much, but families are definitely shrinking.

Description : Got any tips for inducing tonic immobility in rabbits?

Last Answer : answer:I have a bunny. Hold the bunny with belly facing up. Tilt the head back until its back legs are above the head. You need 2 people. This works for a good minute or two. Do a little ... trained. Once the bunny associates grooming with treat it will get easier. And thank you for having a heart.

Description : Why do rabbits love apples so much?

Last Answer : We have sheep in the field next to us and they love the apples that we chuck over the fence for them. Both would have access to apples that have fallen from the tree naturally

Description : Does carrying a severed rabbit's foot give the bearer good luck?

Last Answer : Of course not. But superstitions live on thanks to the irrepressible power of confirmation bias.

Description : How do keep rabbits off lawn without fence?

Last Answer : answer:Get a medium-sized Havahart”: and drop the rabbits at least five miles away at a field or woods or riverbank. I have used the small ones for mice, voles, and chipmunks. Except for the squeaking in the car on the ride, it’s straightforward.

Description : How should I cure my baby rabbit's wound?

Last Answer : I would go to the vet. If it smells it is likely infected.

Description : How can I keep rabbits out of my yard?

Last Answer : The only surefire fix for rabbitts is a fence they can’t get under. You could try Hinder repellent, but it probably will not be 100 percent effective. Or get a weally weally big wifle.

Description : Why and how would rabbits do this to two people in one week?

Last Answer : Ah, those wascawwy wabbits!

Description : How do rabbits have eggs on easter?

Last Answer : Both bunnies and eggs are signs of fertility, rebirth. It has to do more with spring than with bunnies laying eggs.

Description : Are rabbits clean and non-stinky pets?

Last Answer : All animals poop. And pee. If you intend on keeping an animal indoors, you should also include in your intentions the possibility of a smell. That said, fish won't stink up your house. Also, the ... the cage out weekly. Same with the fish and cleaning out the water. All, repeat, ALL animals smell.

Description : Question about pet rabbits and exercise?

Last Answer : This doesn’t answer your question but I laughed out loud to see Pet Rabbit Question asked by dog.

Description : Why is it when rabbits make love you can't hear it?

Last Answer : Tks Rabbit don’t make love they procreate and human can’t hear low frequency

Description : Why dose the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs. What's the reason behind this, I have to know?

Last Answer : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_bunny This has been asked before, in a round-about-way, but here you go.

Description : I have a rabbit and was wondering if they can swim. If yes, so they enjoy it?

Last Answer : Yes, rabbits can swim and they are pretty good at it. Swimming is good exercise for your rabbit. But never leave him/her unattended. In summer you can use a kiddy pool where your rabbit can cool off. In the wild rabbits will use the waterways to escape predators.

Description : It's getting really hot. I was thinking about giving my rabbit a bowl of ice to help cool him down. Is it dangerous for him?

Last Answer : He'll probably start knawing on it, it can break or chip his teeth. I would cut up some veggies, freeze them, run it under warm water (just to soften it up a bit) and then feed it to them. Or you could mist him down with cold water. :) Hope it helps!

Description : I know that you are suppose to spay and neuter dogs and cats. Should you neuter rabbits too?

Last Answer : Probably, because they reproduce very very fast! But if you only have one rabbit then I think your fine with saving your money. :)

Description : how long can a doe flemish rabbit give birth

Last Answer : Flemish rabbits can grow quite large, can reach about 20-22 lbs., and especially need a good size cage when expecting a litter. These rabbits don't like the heat and should be kept out of the sun and taken ... from 5-12 babies. It's best if they have no more litters after the age of three years old.

Description : I was thinking of getting a pet for my son. I want something quiet. I heard that rabbits don't make any sounds. Is that true?

Last Answer : Rabbits do make sounds, but they are usually so soft that we can barely hear them. However, when a rabbit screams, it means it's terrified or in terrible pain and needs your immediate attention. When ... . If they honk or grunt they are very happy. They do snore and sleep with their eyes open.

Description : How to get rid of rabbits

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What can I use to keep the rabbits from eating the Hosta leaves?

Last Answer : if it rabbits, they hate dried blood sold at walmart, lowe's, homedepot......................after the sun goes down & the plants cool off...............mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and start with 3 ... spray spray spray........................and after a rain spray again................

Description : what is a recipe to repel rabbits

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : The rabbits have eaten all the leaves off of my lupines. Can they come back?

Last Answer : Rabbits hate dried bone meal............stinks wear gloves..........they should come back but you might want to fence them and stake the fence. If it rains, you need to put it on again...........also try 2 tablespoons dawn in 1 qt tap water and spray.........spray again after the rain.

Description : how does one keep rabbits from eating everything in garden?shrubs,lilies,flowers

Last Answer : They hate something called dried blood meal.............it stinks............just gloves............might need to reapply again after a rain.................fencing has to go down in the ground as they ... you tried a mesh cover.............soapy water with some hot sauce it in.................

Description : What would you get if 120 rabbits took one step backwards at the same time? -Riddles

Last Answer : A receding hair line.

Description : Do rabbits use combs? -Riddles

Last Answer : No, they use hare brushes.

Description : What type of music do rabbits listen to? -Riddles

Last Answer : Hip hop.

Description : How do rabbits travel? -Riddles

Last Answer : By hareplane.

Description : How many hairs are in a bunny rabbit's tail? -Riddles

Last Answer : None. They are all outside.

Description : Is it true that the king eats only hay and not fresh grass?

Last Answer : This is not true. Who would dry wild rabbits?

Description : How many rabbits do you leave with the female at most? Thank you

Last Answer : Leaving a maximum of 8. The female usually does not have more teats.

Description : Grass or hay?

Last Answer : Grass in summer, hay in winter (the opposite would not be possible) and hard bread and probably something else, but I never kept rabbits, I only know it theoretically :)

Last Answer : Wet yes, steamy no. However, chopped wet grass will soon evaporate. Do not risk feeding wet grass.

Description : Is hay really allowed to dry as much as possible, or is it stored earlier? For rabbits. So that it wouldn't be too dry and then they didn't want it.

Last Answer : It won't be dry. If it is very dry, it will take its necessary moisture from the air. However, if it is slightly dry, it can mold, it can also ignite at higher humidity levels and with a larger layer.

Description : Does anyone know a recipe for biscuits for rabbits? Or a treat that can be baked or something.

Last Answer : I found the following about suitable or unsuitable delicacies for rabbits: http://www.kralici.cz/pages.asp?f=krmeni#pamlsky Domestic production will probably be quite complicated, given that a suitable delicacy ... other ingredients. Maybe in this lazy period it is good to serve these fruit juices.

Description : Is it true that a rabbit doesn't need water? That only damp leaves are enough for him?

Last Answer : Rabbits need to supply water (clean water, so best from drinking fountains). The water contained in the green feed is not enough for them - and you must not feed "wet leaves" at all - such a feed will evaporate!

Description : How do rabbits use sound waves?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Can rabbits eat mustard green?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What type of population growth effect is a flood that washes away many rabbits of population?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : In mice of men What is the attraction of the vision of the farm and the rabbits to Candy?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why does Lennie like rabbits and mice?

Last Answer : He likes soft things, such as those because of the soft fur. Helikes to pet them and feel them.

Description : Do rabbits have soft fur?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Why do rabbits from polar regions have white fur?

Last Answer : Why do rabbits from polar regions have white fur.

Description : What is a pen to hold rabbits?

Last Answer : rabbit hutch

Description : Do rabbits live in woodlands?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Do rabbits go through a complete metamorphosis?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Are rabbits cunsumers decomposers or prudosers?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is a pen to hold rabbits?

Last Answer : rabbit hutch

Description : Do rabbits undergo complete metamorphosis?

Last Answer : no

Description : What is a natural, organic solution to keeping rabbits out of my vegetable garden?

Last Answer : One good, organic way to help keep rabbits out of your garden is Fox Urine Repellent. This is powdered fox urine that is spread in the garden. It is non-toxic and rain resistant. Another good way ... and a half feet from the ground and buried 6 inches to stop rabbits from digging under the fence.

Description : How are rabbits and squirrels alike?

Last Answer : They both have fur and give birth to live young. They are both warm blooded. This makes them both mammals. They both have chisel-teeth. They are both herbivores.