Wait, you're ready for it.

1 Answer

Answer :

It's a bit far away, but baking, cooking, watering. As every year

Related questions

Description : When you were a child, what was your idea of what The Easter Bunny / Hare and the Tooth Fairy looked like?

Last Answer : All was chocolate! Cadbury cream eggs and hollow milk chocolate. Nothing else mattered. The tooth fairy was quarters. I sold to my dad for $5 , and cut out the middle man.

Description : If you had Easter egg hunts as a kid, what were they like?

Last Answer : Well, they certainly weren't full of competitive parents snatching eggs from toddlers. I never went to a public egg hunt, though. My parents would hide plastic eggs filled with candy around the house ... remember someone found one of the eggs a few months later-the candy inside was still good :P

Description : Are you doing anything fun for Easter, Passover or the Spring vacation?

Last Answer : I’m going into the city tomorrow and @jca2 you know which city that means. I’m meeting cousins for lunch at the Morgan Library and then going to a seder at my brother’s. Because it will end late, I’m staying overnight in a hotel and hoping to see the Easter Parade the next day if it doesn’t rain.

Description : I want to plan an Easter party for 6-12 friends who do not have young children and have no religious affiliation. Will you help me?

Last Answer : Have a grown up Easter egg hunt. Buy a pack of those plastic eggs and hide them. Guests can trade in each egg for a shot or cocktail of their choice. Rent a chocolate fountain and have an array ... be purchased very cheap. Use a few of those to set out with goodies for guests to indulge themselves.

Description : Does anyone else think the Reese Cup Easter eggs taste better than the Reese Cup pumpkins? If so, why do you think that is?

Last Answer : Both of them are bastardizations of the original, authentic Reese's peanut butter cup. As such, they are cannibalistic brand extension derivatives and are not credible products. Having said that, the Reese's ... stuff. I don't think one is better than the other; just different shades of inedible.

Description : What will you be doing on Easter?

Last Answer : With my family, trying to avoid eggs as much as possible. Happy Easter to everyone on Fluther!

Description : Today is Easter, but it is also World Poetry Day. Do you have any favorite poems that you'd like to share?

Last Answer : answer:Du fragst mich, wie ich heiße, weil du meinst, ich bin dir fremd. Laß dir etwas von mir erzählen, dann merkst du, wer ich bin. Ich habe viele Gesichter, und ich kann mich gut verstellen. Ich ... weiß, dass du mich kennst. Ich bin du, du bist ich, ich bin ein Mensch (translate it yourself)

Description : Happy Easter to Jellies who celebrate! What are you doing for Easter, or is it just another day for you?

Last Answer : Just another day to me. Another day drowning in assignment. Happy Easter to you anyway :)

Description : Suggestions for Easter Sunday brunch in or around San Francisco?

Last Answer : It's been over 10 years since I've been to the Buckeye Roadhouse just north of The Golden Gate Bridge, but the reviews on Trip Advisor equate to what was experienced then. If you have any interest ... place to stop for a meal. Just note that it isn't cheap and will probably require reservations.

Description : Is it not long overdue, to officially recognise the true core of Easter and Christmas, namely the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus?

Last Answer : I always enjoyed The Onion’s Easter cards.

Description : For anyone who munched on an Easter egg today, what variety was it?

Last Answer : We don’t usually have the filled with a bag of sweets hollow chocolate eggs here in the States. We have other kinds of Easter candy. My kids were ecstatic in England when they discovered English Easter eggs – and so was I.

Description : What does your family eat on Easter?

Last Answer : Ham, macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, potato salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, and dinner rolls.

Description : What do you think about Google celebrating Cesar Chavez instead of Easter on their logo today?

Last Answer : It confused me. When I realized it wasn’t even April I was all like “hey it can’t be Easter today!” so I checked Google to see if they had an Easter theme just to make sure because I assumed they would have an Easter theme if it really was Easter.

Description : Why is the word "Easter" capitalized?

Last Answer : It is a Noun.

Description : What's something special I can do for my wife on Easter?

Last Answer : answer:Cook her a nice meal, massage her feet, shoulders, neck, back, calves, shins well, you get the idea , write her a love poem, buy her a flowering plant which will last far longer than cut ... for a few sleep-ins after the baby comes and she is pooped. You sound like a really nice husband.

Description : What would you get a two year old for Easter?

Last Answer : Depending on how robust its teeth are you could get it its first roast rabbit.

Description : Do you feel it's a teacher's place to tell a classroom of 3rd graders that Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real?

Last Answer : Of course it's not the teacher's place! It's not up to them how the child is raised, and if they are raised to believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny (as many kids are) then it's none ... their beliefs. They don't have to encourage the belief, but that doesn't mean they should ruin it for kids!

Description : Has anyone found the Golden Easter Egg? Where have you looked?

Last Answer : I laid the golden egg. I’m not only a fluffy chicken. I’m also magic.

Description : Any VERY easy low mess Easter Egg coloring ideas?

Last Answer : I should mention that if it stays unseasonably warm, we will go outside with her naked or diapered only and just let her go to town on the eggs and then dunk her in the kiddie pool afterwards. But I’d like an indoor backup plan.

Description : What will it take to cancel Easter?

Last Answer : The Easter Bunny has started a conspiracy to overthrow Santaclause and claim his place as king of commercialism.

Description : Easter eggs to leave my coworkers?

Last Answer : The cake is a lie.

Description : In a Atheist Universe, is there a replacement for Easter, Halloween, or Christmas... etc?

Last Answer : There is still Ground Hog Day, President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Earth Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Flag Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Flag Day…

Description : If you are not religious, why do you celebrate Easter?

Last Answer : answer:I don't really celebrate it. My family sets up an easter egg hunt for the little ones, but I'm not sure if they know why we're hiding chocolate around the house for them to find. It's just a ... about it, It seems kind of silly. Hmph. I just like chocolate . (when it's on sale next week)!

Description : Are you the Easter Bunny tonight?

Last Answer : Nope, I’m the yarnlady.

Description : Who wants to sleep in on Easter?

Last Answer : Umhm, I will be sleeping in.

Description : Can I wish my fellow Jellies and Happy Easter and Happy (belated) Passover, along with a Happy Spring?

Last Answer : Thank you ^_^ Right back atcha )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Description : What is the Easter Bunny leaving for your kids this Easter?

Last Answer : They will be spending the weekend at their dad’s house, so probably nothing. But the Pancake Bunny will have a basket for them when they get back. It will have a chocolate bunnies, spice jelly beans, Peeps, Cadbury robin eggs and other sweets.

Description : What do you put in your children's Easter baskets?

Last Answer : my grandparents usually gave us each a stuffed bunny, and a TON of jelly beans and egg shaped candies. then they'd send us home with mom all sugared up! also, Cadbury eggs were my FAVORITE! for ... decorated and half would be the plastic ones with treats inside, like a 50 cent piece or more candy.

Description : Do you think it's okay to teach your kids that Santa Clause/ Easter bunny/ tooth fairy exists?

Last Answer : Myth and magic are fun for kids.

Description : Parents: what is your favorite candy to pilfer from your kids' Easter eggs?

Last Answer : Peeps. Marshmallow peeps. Yummy

Description : Why are Easter dresses always summery things when in at least half the country, Easter weather is usually cold?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but you are right. I remember wearing lightweight, short-sleeved frocks with a winter coat!

Description : Will hydrangeas be in bloom in the Northeast before Easter?

Last Answer : Hydrangeas usually don’t bloom until early summer. They are worth the wait!

Description : Does Paris shut down for Easter?

Last Answer : “Lundi de pâques” is a common jour férié, but the rest of the week should be business as usual.

Description : How do rabbits have eggs on easter?

Last Answer : Both bunnies and eggs are signs of fertility, rebirth. It has to do more with spring than with bunnies laying eggs.

Description : What are some easter eggs you've found on Google?

Last Answer : That’s fucking hilarious.

Description : What easter eggs am I missing from the Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog DVD?

Last Answer : Also, Merry Christmas, Fluther world!

Description : When did the Easter bunny stop bringing baskets to your house?

Last Answer : When I left home. Or maybe when my sister did. But my mom still sent us care packages around that time, so in a way she never really stopped.

Description : How can I get Easter Seals to stop calling our house?

Last Answer : Call the president of your local Easter Seals chapter, and tell them that you will, never, ever give them money because they’re hounding you.

Description : Easter is coming and I need some input on finding a new recipe for the main course of the meal I have planned?

Last Answer : You’re eating the Easter bunny?! ~

Description : Do you have a perfect Easter Casserole Recipe?

Last Answer : Breakfast Casserole 9 13 pan, greased The night before, fill with 8 slices bread, torn up 2 cups grated cheddar cheese 1 can chopped green chiles Whisk together 6 eggs, 2 cups milk and pour over ... just about anything in it. Tastes like a cross between quiche and a souffle, but without the hassle.

Description : Mr M's question got me thinking. What's your favorite Easter candy?

Last Answer : Malted milk eggs. Can’t get enough of them.

Description : For Easter, I'm looking for the best tasting jelly bean. What flavor is the best and who makes it?

Last Answer : Jelly Belly and buttered popcorn

Description : When is Easter this year?

Last Answer : April 8th

Description : Will your chocolate easter bunny be hollow or solid

Last Answer : neither.. how bout yours?

Description : Does anyone have any special traditions for the Easter holiday?

Last Answer : I live on Long Island in New York, and every year for Easter my whole family from around the country would go to upstate New York in the Catskill Mts. My great grandfather owned a huge property of up there, so we would have a gigantic egg hunt

Description : Easter gift ideas?

Last Answer : How do you and they celebrate Easter? Is it mainly secular or mainly religious?

Description : What makes a good gift for your Godson for Easter?

Last Answer : instead of a Easter basket

Description : Why is Easter always on a different day every year?

Last Answer : Easter’s date is determined by the spring equinox and the full moon… Google Easter and you’ll learn all about it

Description : What did the easter bunny leave for you to find?

Last Answer : As a follow-up from a previous question, it left me pelleted poop!

Description : Did everyone have a wonderful Easter?

Last Answer : No. Today was my birthday. Today was the end of my spring break I spent the day packing up my stuff and driving back to campus.