Would you be very interested in what it means to dream with a deceased man? I dream a lot with my deceased loved one.

1 Answer

Answer :

I'm used to it in general. The change of time tends to come in, which is usually "predicted" at the time. It's interesting to say ... I'm sure your deceased loved ones often come to mind ... These two things came to me! I do not know more. :)   

Related questions

Description : What is the reason for repeatedly dreaming of the same dead person ?

Last Answer : There is nothing to do if you see a dead person in a dream. However, in all cases, Doa and Chadakba should be done for them. Man's dreams are of three types (a) Good dreams - which carry good ... is a superstition in our country that dreaming of a dead person is a very bad sign. Allah knows best.

Description : Do you enjoy dreaming?

Last Answer : I do. My dreams are very cinematic and since I am a very light sleeper, I often wake up in the night remembering them. Sometimes they are working out an emotional issue I have and often just a mishmash ... of my days. The one problem is that I often wake up tired from living so much at night!

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Last Answer : I did a few nights of melatonin to help me sleep and on the last night I had a horrible nightmare in which I could do anything- like in a lucid dream- but I was very slow at all of it ... Maybe not the exact thing you are asking- but it was terrifying enough that I have never taken melatonin again!

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Last Answer : No. When I realize I am dreaming, I have no problem waking up. In fact, I am more or less forced awake through the process of reflecting on the dream. It's a funny sort of thing, but as the ... my this can't be right switch, and the realization that I'm dreaming puts an end to it all.

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Last Answer : My weekend starts now. Home alone for the next few days and while I have the usual stuff to do I am looking forward to a lot of solitude too.

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Last Answer : answer:It means that something has triggered the memory of her. Memories from one's past never disappear from your brain. I still dream from time to time about people I haven't seen in 50 years, and ... though for me it doesn't seem to be working right this minute. Dream questions are asked A LOT.

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Last Answer : We generally look fondly on our first car in much the same way as our first sexual encounter, nice ride, but it didn’t last long.

Description : How has your dreaming changed over the years?

Last Answer : I dream and have always dreamed a lot, and they have ranged from funny and entertaining to downright scary. But these days they seem often to bring up anger and sadness. I keep seeing old friend’s faces or composites of them and having lengthy conversations, not always pleasant ones.

Description : Despite being in your late 30s or early 40s, do you still find yourself dreaming about high school or college final exams?

Last Answer : No. I can’t remember ever dreaming about a long gone exam as if it will take place on Monday (or whenever). I’m not sure what it signifies but I would say it obviously relates to something that’s worrying you.

Description : Do you enjoy dreaming?

Last Answer : I rarely sleep deep enough to dream and when I do dream my dreams are mostly stressful. I prefer not to dream.

Description : What would possibly be causing me to suddenly start dreaming?

Last Answer : Are you getting more sleep lately? As in, you used to get less sleep than you needed, and now you’re on a more stable sleep schedule?

Description : What is the deal with lucid dreaming?

Last Answer : I have done it a few times, but not for about a year. With me it starts with waking up in the morning as normal, but noticing that things seem a bit strange, and then checking and double checking ... awakening. I get stuck in that cycle for what feels like about an hour until i genuinely wake up.

Description : Does anyone else here like Kate Bush's "the Dreaming"?

Last Answer : She was always a favourite of mine back in the day, though I haven’t listened to her in years. I loved The Dreaming. This is the second Kate Bush reference here in about a week… maybe I should take the hint and dust off some mp3s.

Description : Has anyone had the experienced that while you are dreaming, you feel that someone came into your actual bed and when you wake up, there was no one there?

Last Answer : answer:Tell me, does this smell like chloroform to you? On a slightly more serious note, I do have similarly vivid dreams sometimes, it's rare but it happens. Enjoy it (unless it's creepy lol), ... hop skip and a jump away from lucid dreams, and those are AWESOME. Oh, and: Welcome to Fluther!

Description : Lucid Dreaming -- Is it a good or bad idea?

Last Answer : I’ve only had a few lucid dreams and it was a good time. I’m not sure why it would be a bad idea, though.

Description : How would you interpret dreaming about the same thing two times in a week?

Last Answer : answer:two possibilities 1. something weighing heavy on your mind 2. omen of something to come/ guidance for a current situation

Description : What does it mean dreaming about your ex and the guy you love in the same dream?

Last Answer : It means you’re unsure which one you want to be with.

Description : What does it mean to be dreaming about your ex ?

Last Answer : answer:In my case it means that I am mentally trying to re-write reality. I think you need to understand that dreams are your projection upon the world. They are not a mystic portal to the future nor are they a sign of destiny. It is a dream. Just a dream.

Description : Any tips on Lucid Dreaming?

Last Answer : It was simple for me.I used to have nightmares about getting attacked by bears.I finally told myself before I went to sleep that I would fight back if I dreamt of bears again.Sure enough,it happened.I ... bothered by those dreams for a long time.Until recently. What does that mean?? Oh,never mind ;)

Description : Do you ever have delusions of grandeur while day dreaming?

Last Answer : I’m hesitant to say that I have delusions of grandeur, but I often visualize success, or a happy ending, or the best possible outcome. These imaginings are not so much related to me, but to a situation. But that convertible Lexus sounds lovely—maybe, just maybe.

Description : When's the best time to learn and start lucid dreaming?

Last Answer : answer:There are two ways Ive heard are really good. The one that I tried and had success with was every time I walked through a door was touching the frame and asking myself Am I dreaming? and really ... . Like I would be like YES HOLY SHIT IM DREAMIN RIGHT NOW!! and that would wake me up lol

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Last Answer : Open my eyes? Or are they already open? If so, I think I’d shut them.

Description : How can I stop dreaming so much at night?

Last Answer : You can’t really stop yourself from dreaming. Maybe you could listen to some soothing music before you go to bed and things won’t be so hectic.

Description : How can I stop dreaming about my abusive ex?

Last Answer : answer:When things are doing really well in your life, I don't think it is uncommon to fear the worst could happen. In your case, because your past relationship was so bad, a return to it would be ... from reaching that safe place increases. I hope that you will be very happy and wish you the best.

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Last Answer : The poor angels; I see our male squeaking and wiggling and I wake him up.

Description : How do you know when you're dreaming?

Last Answer : answer:When one is aware that they are dreaming, it’s called “Lucid Dreaming”. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon. Wiki :: Edit :: I just realised that is not at all what you were asking. I have no opinion on this philosophical question. I apologise.

Description : Good lucid dreaming techniques?

Last Answer : Write down your dreams throughout the day. Ask am i dreaming and test it. Eventually you’ll ask while your seeping.

Description : Where do we go while our minds are dreaming?

Last Answer : I have no idea, but welcome to ask-public..and I starred it because it was a very good question. :P

Description : Could Lucid Dreaming effect my brain?

Last Answer : you could start sleeping too much and get addicted to It…I’m a lucid dreamer too… I miss the good old days…It’s good for your spatial ability

Description : What does dreaming of washing hair mean?

Last Answer : You’re going to meet a rich handsome fella and live happily ever after.

Description : Dreaming about death?

Last Answer : The odds of her dying are 100%. Whether or not it will be of cancer, I don’t know, and neither does your dream.

Description : Has anyone used lucid dreaming to resolve an emotional problem or concern?

Last Answer : Well, when I’m lucid in my dreams I do the most fun things I can think of doing at the time. So, that at least helps. I’m sure I’ve had lucid dreams that dealt more specifically with hangups and burdens. So, yeah, I guess.

Description : What do seeing a group of three red cardinals mean in dreaming?

Last Answer : Birds or members of the RCC?

Description : What does it mean when you keep dreaming of someone you formerly liked?

Last Answer : From dreammoods.com: To dream of an old lover, signifies unfinished/unresolved issues related to that specific relationship. Your current relationship may be awakening some of those same issues.

Description : My nephew has some very bad nightmares, he wakes up scared, shaking, and he says that he wants the sun to come up, but in the morning he doesn't remember what he was dreaming... What can this be?

Last Answer : These are known as night terrors. This is very commn in kids and toddlers, and needs no treatment. Kids eventually grow out of them. According to the NIH, these are the symptoms: Night ... some pediatricians suggest waking the child before the terrors occur so as to disrupt the sleep-wake cycle.

Description : Any tips on intentionally lucid dreaming?

Last Answer : Edit: the question that partially inspired this question is http://www.fluther.com/disc/60808/what-is-the-scariest-dream-you-can-remember-having/, not the link I posted in the question.

Description : Has anyone ever tried to control or manipulate the course of their dreams, while dreaming?

Last Answer : I’ve tried, but haven’t been able to get there. I’m desperate for my own holodeck.

Description : Why do I keep dreaming about random things from the past?

Last Answer : Has there been any recent change in your diet or any medication(s)? Are you under any type of stress at the moment? These are things that can trigger dreams to be more vivid and seemingly relevant. I will leave the interpretations to others with more knowledge in that area.

Description : Why Am I Dreaming About My Old Friend Almost Every Night?

Last Answer : Well I’m no dream interpreter, but it sounds like you really do miss your friend. Your brain is thinking about her so its on your mind. Sometimes dreams mean nothing and people dream about things they never want to happen (nightmares, etc). Why don’t you try contacting her?

Description : Why am I dreaming all of the sudden?

Last Answer : The question is NOT Why am I dreaming all of a sudden? . You ALWAYS dream. What you should ask is Why am I REMEMBERING my dreams all of a sudden? and I suspect the answer is that something is ... before you go to bed? P.S. Try to remember who's PROPERTY you dived on. THAT might be revealing.

Description : After losing someone in your life (death), did you dream about them a lot after their passing? Were they sick/dying in your dream? Do you think that you're dreaming these things because you're trying to come to terms with their passing?

Last Answer : I know this isn't quite relevant, but I have a lot of dreams where someone who is still living irl has died, and I wake up afraid that that person really did die. My theory about your ... so she appears in your dreams. Perhaps your feelings are unresolved, you haven't reached some kind of closure.

Description : Have you ever experienced lucid dreaming?

Last Answer : @jess, sorry I didn’t see your post!

Description : Dreaming?

Last Answer : i heard that dreams that happen just before you wake up are the result of stress. it dosnt really make sense, but im not a psycologist, so who cares what i think.

Description : Has any one ever had sleep paralysis, I recently experienced this and it was horrible! I ususaly have lucid dreams where I know im dreaming but never something like this?

Last Answer : Holy shit. Ive had the same thing. Its pretty wierd and my friends have had it too. Its like your mind is a awake but your body isnt. Sometimes people have told me they even feel as if there is something evil beside them.

Description : Dreaming of apples on a wall. And dreaming often, dear. I dreamed that, if I counted all, How many would appear?How many? -Riddles

Last Answer : And dreaming of ten, dear.

Description : freud's psychodynamic theory of dreaming emphasizes -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Freud's psychodynamic theory of dreaming emphasizes dreams as internal conflicts and unconscious forces that are based on wish fulfillment.

Description : How many times more time do children spend dreaming than adults ?

Last Answer : Children spend 10 times more time dreaming than adults.

Description : Is there any possibility of loss in dreaming ?

Last Answer : If a man sees a beautiful woman attracted to him, it is believed that his financial condition will improve soon. But if the woman shakes his hand and says goodbye to him, the man is likely to suffer financial loss in the future.

Description : What is Lucid dreaming ?

Last Answer : A lucid dream is defined as a dream during which dreamers while dreaming are aware they are dreaming. Though Lucid dreaming is not harmful to our body in any way whatsoever, it can be extremely addictive.

Description : What does dreaming about arguing with someone you love mean?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer