I mean such tense leggings like that. Boys, girls, are you lost?

1 Answer

Answer :

I buy underpants, yes. Or you have to have underpants and shorts on it.

Related questions

Description : How do I wash red pants that have never been washed before without their color running?

Last Answer : Washing separate. Safest way to go.

Description : Where can I purchase tight running pants?

Last Answer : You can purchase tight running pants from dicks sporting goods. They carry lots of sports apparel, including tight running pants and many more related products.

Description : Are you supposed to wear pants under snow pants when skiing?

Last Answer : answer:You don't wear other pants under most ski pants, other than thermals (if needed) or underwear. The exception is if you wear a shell , a thin layered water proof covering you pull over your ... You'll see them at gas stains on the highway to the ski resort, wearing ski pants and sweaters.

Description : What is the prayer if the pants fall under the navel ?

Last Answer : A person who was praying while covering the satar but unintentionally uncovered some parts of the satar and covered it immediately, his prayer will still be pure. Whether that person is male or female. That ... . Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning ): And fear Allaah as much as you can.

Description : Is running the best exercise to lose weight?

Last Answer : It’s not what the exercise is, it’s the combination of cutting caloric intake while increasing caloric burn. The best exercises are the ones that you like to do so you will stick with them. By the way, walking burns as many calories as running and is easier on the joints.

Description : Do running boards help you lose more weight?

Last Answer : Running boards do not make you lose more weight. However, using a running board instead of free-running is easier on your body, so in essence running boards make it easier to lose weight.

Description : Can anyone tell me where to find motorcycle riding pants?

Last Answer : Harley Davidson clothes You might find something here. I had boots and a jacket that were pretty nice from this company.

Description : Can one knit pants?

Last Answer : I don't remember ever seeing a man wear them, but I've seen women. Solid color and also a winter pattern. Here is a photo of a man wearing a knitted pant. https://www.etsy.com/listing/580989632/hand ... it I recommend not making them too thick. I didn't find a pattern in the little googling I did.

Description : Is it legal to accidentally pee your pants outside in a city ?

Last Answer : Illegal to be sick or incontinent? You really do need a hobby. The opposite is true of course. If you can whip it out in time to avoid wetting your pants, you face arrest for indecent ... , you can wet your pants all day long and suffer little more than considerable embarrassment and chapped legs.

Description : Does this give new meaning to the saying "Lawyer, lawyer, pants on fire"?

Last Answer : If it was not staged, it was certainly a hullava coincidence.

Description : Have you found an easy way to restring drawstring pants?

Last Answer : I had that job once about 50 years ago. I cut a coat hanger and made a loop in one end like a foot long sewing needle. But I mostly just don’t buy drawstring pants, except swimsuits. I buy something with a stretchy waistband.

Description : Do you fold your pants side-to-side, or front-to-back?

Last Answer : answer:Side-to-side. I may be creative in everything but not housework. I can't use my imagination on chores :( My father does the same thing as you, but it's just because he doesn't know any ... clothes turn into ugly piles of wrinkle cloth. I figure it would be safer to go for the traditional way.

Description : How many pair of pants or shorts would I need?

Last Answer : Infinite pairs since you have technically already earned the money.

Description : Unknown brand of pants, can you figure out what kind?

Last Answer : Is this the logo?

Description : When's the last time you got caught with your pants down? Metaphorically speaking.

Last Answer : Not too long ago it was a Sat morning and one of my wife's yoga students came by to drop off a class payment. I was in the office adjacent to the front door doing some work. What was should ... my hooded bathrobe. Needless to say it was not my best moment meeting a person for the first time. XD

Description : What is the reason for sewing pants pockets shut?

Last Answer : If they are real pockets and not fakes, they are sewn shut to keep the shape pristine before wearing. Once sold you should snip the stitches and use the pockets! Similarly a tack is made at the ... see people who have left the tack in whilst wearing it. It's meant to be removed before wearing.

Description : Will the youth of today be forever saddled with the "saggy pants" walk, or will they grow out of it?

Last Answer : While i’d like to Hammer this trend, i’ve decided i can’t touch this particular issue…so I won’t.

Description : When is it time to wear a dress, and when is it time for wearing pants?

Last Answer : My mood. If I wake in the morning and go I feel like wearing those pants and that top or if I wake and go I feel like wearing that pretty dress . That's about the gist of it. These days ... dress to a formal meeting, so the functions I have to attend won't influence my choice of dress or pants.

Description : For a light-hearted bit of amusement, which looks better on a petite, slender or athletic woman, yoga pants or leggings, or are they interchangeable?

Last Answer : Both look good on fit, athletic and well-sculpted women. Neither item looks nice on chubby ladies. Yoga pants require that extra fit body. But then there are those who insist on wearing them when tracksuit pants would be a better choice.

Description : Anyone know where I can find skinny cargo pants?

Last Answer : Amazon from Red Fox Girls

Description : Do you change your pants after getting home because "it's dirty outside"? How about changing pants before going to bed?

Last Answer : I just wear my jeans and she said no matter what pants I’m wearing, I’m not allowed to go to bed with the pants which I wear when I’m outside. She even ask me to change them as soon as I get home. Is that normal?

Description : White shirt with dark blue pants?

Last Answer : Yep!

Description : What sort of pants (or covering) is John Mellencamp wearing in his "Hurts So Good" music video?

Last Answer : Those are called chaps. They were all the rage with 80’s pop stars. David Lee Roth (of Van Halen fame) was fond of wearing them without pants.

Description : I've got ants in my pants! garden.... What, if anything, should I do?

Last Answer : answer:Get an aardvark. Seriously though, they won’t harm anything, You just turned up their nest. But ants out in the wild are pretty hard to get rid of.

Description : When women wear leggings as pants, which of these are the better way of wearing them?

Last Answer : answer:I wear leggings as pants with a long tunic top or short dress, usually with flat heeled, black, leather boots. Always black, not shimmery, no prints. Matthew 5:28

Description : Which women fashion do you hope would be utilized more in 2014, minis, skinny jeans, bra abandonment, yoga pants, or leggings as pants?

Last Answer : answer:I would like women to actually utilize clothing that is appropriate for their body types, regardless of what that is lol No clothes too small and shit hanging out everywhere. I hate that.

Description : How do I remove this white residue from my black pants?

Last Answer : answer:If it is excess soap you are dealing with, try wetting the pants with a piece of cloth again, rubbing a little, and then ironing them while wet. I read somewhere that might help. No guarantees, though, I can’t remember where.

Description : What urban legend, myth, or fact have you heard as to how the saggy pants fashion got started?

Last Answer : I don't know that there's an urban legend about it. I recall that when break dancing and other hip-hop dance styles started, they would wear baggy clothes because the drape and flow of the cloth would ... and the saggy pants in the video?), so I always saw it as an evolution of that style.

Description : What color of shoes do you wear with khaki pants?

Last Answer : Black.

Description : Is there a way to permanently shrink pants a bit?

Last Answer : Other than drying them on high heat and dependent on the material used, the only other option is to gain a few pounds. lol

Description : Is Canada the US's hat? or is the US Canada's pants?

Last Answer : Can we say Canada is America’s brain, and America is Canada’s heart? If there must be a hat, perhaps Canada is holding it over America’s heart. ;)

Description : Sometimes, kid's get murdered for their pants. (misheard lyrics question)

Last Answer : answer:These are known as Mondegreens, and you can find more of them here My favorite might be from the Young Rascals Groovin’ They say “You and me endlessly”, but I always hear “You and me and Leslie.”

Description : Bit of a medical question. Is pressure in the chest (certainly heart-related) in keeping with a hiking trip (hilly terrain) in pants during a heat advisory while carrying the party's water supply?

Last Answer : It’s never a good sign. You clearly were pushing it to the max. I would follow up with a physician just to be prudent

Description : How exactly do you know when it is time to break down and buy a new pair o' pants a size larger?

Last Answer : When you have to lay down on the bed to zip them and then have to walk straight legged for the next hour while they stretch. Or when your love handles can be tucked into the pockets. Then it’s time for a larger size.

Description : Where can I find dress pants for boys?

Last Answer : Is there a Kohl’s around, or a Sears or Macy’s?

Description : Why do pleated pants out number flat fronts at Goodwill and other thrift stores?

Last Answer : In general there is a lot of older folks clothing at thrift stores. I think they tend to wear pleated pants more than younger folks. So especially in areas where there is a good deal of ... a shitty thrift store that contributes too. Goodwills are shitty, and overpriced in general, in my opinion.

Description : Why do kids walk around with their pants falling down?

Last Answer : Well in prison it is an advertisement for a husband. Maybe the kid is just too shy to verbalize his feelings.

Description : Laundry for Bacheloriods: how do you clean a pair of really dirty pants?

Last Answer : answer:I'm wondering what kind of detergent you're using and whether your machine has a soak cycle on it. I would recommend pre-treating the dirtiest areas with a something like Resolve/Spray ... cycle. If that fails to get the grime out, then you might consider having them professionally cleaned.

Description : What underwear does one wear when wearing leggings as pants?

Last Answer : I would just wear whatever underwear you currently own, @Hypocrisy_Central.

Description : Do you launder your pants and shirts every time you wear them?

Last Answer : No I do not. When we came here to the U.S. from Russia, this was quite a change. There, it was appropriate to wear one thing all week. Here, it’s not socially acceptable because of the pretense of status as a mainstay American value.

Description : What's up with the "Leggings as Pants" controversies?

Last Answer : It has always been ugly in my opinion – the sooner women realize this the better. There are too few women who can pull this off to make it fashionable. Bathrobes are comfortable too – would you want to see guys walking around wearing them?

Description : Is wearing a message on the seat of your pants misleading?

Last Answer : I think messages on the butt are really trashy.

Description : Did you hear about the new Sisterhood [of the Traveling Pants] book?

Last Answer : THERE’S A NEW ONE?! Why was I not informed of this?! I loved that series!

Description : Is it not time the saggy pants craze to go away?

Last Answer : answer:Since it has been around for twenty years, I wish it would go away. I see men in their late thirties that wear their pants that way, they look ridiculous. And I feel sorry for the teenagers that have to hold her pants up with one hand while walking down the street.

Description : What are the silliest pajama pants you own?

Last Answer : answer:I have some Spongebob boxers and the butt of them says, “spit shiny clean” or something like that and there’s a picture of him brushing his teeth. Lawl. The only pair of pajama bottoms I own have polar bears holding little red hearts on them! D’awwwww.

Description : Where can I get pants zippers fixed?

Last Answer : Ask the dry cleaners. Often they have a seamstress or someone like that who they use to alter and repair clothes.

Description : How would you judge me if you saw me wearing pajama pants in the grocery store? (honesty please)?

Last Answer : I see it quite a lot from the girls in my rural town. I does not bother me as I often go to the supermarket in summer with bare feet but I do think some of them are defeating the point and are ... have obviously put a lot of time into the hair and make-up, yet try to act unperturbed by wearing PJs)

Description : How do you organize your underwear/pants in the closet?

Last Answer : Put a small dresser (nightstand-like) in the closet.

Description : Do some of you wear plaid pants?

Last Answer : I can’t find good ones in my size for cheap. :(

Description : How does one get nail polish out of cotton/polyester/spandex pants?

Last Answer : answer:Normally I would say I scrape off as much as possible and then dab it with nail polish remover to get any remaining little bits off. I wouldn't recommend scrubbing with nail polish remover because you ... fix the original color). Since you washed it, I don't know if that would work though.