Why are there so many motherly jokes, and why does everyone always hate them? Are they really that awful?

1 Answer

Answer :

It lives in the public consciousness and most of them are afraid of their child, so it can be evil with its counterpart. It basically shouldn’t be and I think you can have a good relationship with them.

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Last Answer : a short on the lake but a long time upset

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Description : Good or bad?

Last Answer : Very good :) I can't have a bad word for it.

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Last Answer : Yes, there are also good mother-in-law. They are the ones who understand that every next generation is already intelligent and does not talk to them, they do not try to make decisions for the young. Too bad there are only a few ……: D

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Last Answer : d) All the above

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Last Answer : B) total age of father, mother and son at the time of son's marriage = 90*3 =270 present age of family father, mother, son, daughter-in-law, child = (father, mother, son age at the time of marriage ... 60)+ daughter-in-law present age + 14 = 80*5 =400 daughter-in-law present age= 400-344 = 56yrs

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Last Answer : Correct Answer: D is C's brother 

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Last Answer : Drink while pregnant

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Last Answer : I don’t know that it is true. Assuming there is such a thing as evil, many evil people have high IQs. Ted Bundy, Hitler….others.

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