Good or bad?

1 Answer

Answer :

Very good :) I can't have a bad word for it.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : Yes, there are also good mother-in-law. They are the ones who understand that every next generation is already intelligent and does not talk to them, they do not try to make decisions for the young. Too bad there are only a few ……: D

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Last Answer : It is really depends on the family tradition,some after their wedding wive lives with the mother in law, others choose to live their own house. In the Philippines, where I grow up, I have notice ... feeling or completely ignoring it. But it is wise to talk about where to live before getting married.

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Last Answer : You can get good support for her at a mental institution or a good medical care facility. They have staff that are prepared to care for your mother and will best know how to take care of her and her needs.

Description : Mark the correct option a) A pensioner of any central or state Govt whom dept of post has signed an agreement for disbursement of pension can open either single or joint with spouse account. b) ... from time to time as guardian when father and mother both are not alive d) All the above

Last Answer : d) All the above

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Last Answer : Answer: A

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Last Answer : (D) Sister of Father-in-law

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Last Answer : Correct Answer: D is C's brother