What matters is what kind of car, house, career and how much money do you have? Is this normal?

1 Answer

Answer :

Unfortunately, in the current material world, an expensive car, a house, a career means masculinity and power. In addition, wealth suggests a sense of security, and women go to security. This is the most important thing for them.

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Last Answer : Nah, it’s probably all your fault. ~

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Last Answer : JLeslie Hey lady this cuts both ways. :)

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Last Answer : answer:This is, at least what emilypost.com says about the business of addressing correspondence, including couples, including the order of names, where it states the following: NOTE: Traditionally, a man's ... of the couple outranks' the other-the one with the higher rank is always listed first.

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Last Answer : answer:Your wife is correct. Wearing hats in any form are not a cause for hair to thin or fall out. From what I've read, the main cause is due to hormonal changes. Some hormonal changes may be ... there are many other factors that can cause hair loss. Here is a list put together by the Mayo Clinic.

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Last Answer : Not sure if he should do it by himself but get him one of these :http://www.amazon.co.uk/Groom-Mate-Platinum-Nose-Trimmer/dp/B000EBFJXS

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Last Answer : Well, I guess you can’t go wrong with a traditional black one, but I think it’s better to have one with a little more character. I don’t know how practical that type would be in heavy rain, though.

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Last Answer : For some reason I want to say that the pepper grinder must be filled when it stops grinding pepper. It requires real peppercorns. It can not be bought in one of those little boxes. Only fresh pepper will do. It goes really well with potatoes.

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Last Answer : IZOD polo shirt those leather slip on shoes sweater pulled over shoulder

Description : What's the difference in a man's size XXL and 2XL shirt?

Last Answer : The wearers of each need slightly different diets.

Description : What is the origin's of man's greed?

Last Answer : answer:Who knows? What is the origin of man’s innate goodness and impulses toward empathy and doing good for others?

Description : At what point in a man's life cycle is his sperm most suitable for producing thriving offspring?

Last Answer : answer: In general, volume decreases with age as the prostate enlarges. This does not mean potency necessarily decreases, however. The greatest misconception about semen is that the amount of ejaculate fluid is ... Dr. Lowe. In fact, sperm count can be normal even in smaller volumes. Source

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Last Answer : Martini. Mojito = not manly.

Description : Can you think of a way for the guy in the movie "No Man's Land" to be saved?

Last Answer : @Sebulba I just watched that film recently, it was really good. I’m not sure how the guy could be saved though.

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Last Answer : Satchel Paige Wilma Rudolph Jim Thorpe And last, but not at all least, Paul Robeson. Just his sports career alone would make him a legend, but man! he did more than that.

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Last Answer : I like a nice strong chin but it’s not a deal-breaker by any means.

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