1 Answer

Answer :

Lens type 2

Related questions

Description : How many types of lenses and what are they ?

Last Answer : Two types. 1. Convex 2. Concave

Last Answer : Lens type 2

Description : Why don't they construct giant magnifying lenses to create heat and power?

Last Answer : We already do This is probably what you pictured in your head, but it is exactly the same thing on a very large scale. excerpt Creating and storing power was the easy part. Far trickier was finding a way to deal with the stresses created by “radiation fluxes”

Description : If I wanted to try contact lenses, could I just order some on Amazon, using the dioptric values of my current glasses?

Last Answer : None of the ones on Amazon are prescription that I’m aware of. Did you find some that asked for your vision prescription?

Description : Making clear eyeglass lenses into sunglasses - who? where?

Last Answer : Most opticians do this. I would check at a warehouse club – if you belong to one – or a local optometrist should be able to hook you up with an optician.

Description : How in the hell could someone end up with 27 contact lenses in their eye?

Last Answer : Those things are very thin. Probably thought that they would dissolve after a while.

Description : How do I remove the big lenses on the bottom of a pair of binoculars?

Last Answer : answer:They are glued in with epoxy, to keep dirt, dust and moisture out of the binoculars. You’ll probably break the lenses before getting them out of the binoculars. Go to Fisher Scientific for science project lenses.

Description : What are the lenses made out of on touch screen phones?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, but it isn’t just regular glass. Most phones use Gorilla Glass (made by Corning) or something similar. link These are specially formulated and baked to be particularly hard. But glass still breaks.

Description : How to know if contact lenses are expired?

Last Answer : answer:I'm tempted to say when you can't read the old prescription, but in all seriousness I think that's a question for your doctor. Different brands and types of lens, not to mention the ... of your eyesight as opposed to the last time you had it examined, would be the determining factors.

Description : Do any of you wear glasses with progressive lenses? How long did it take you to get used to them?

Last Answer : answer:I adjusted to mine within a day. I’d not had the ability to look at close object without taking my lenses for near sightedness off, so once I had the progressives I felt right at home. I hope the adjustment works for you.

Description : What does "mm" mean in camera lenses?

Last Answer : millimeter

Description : My friend wore contact lenses for 8 months. Is this safe?

Last Answer : I am no expert. However I do believe there are factors like protein build up and lack of oxygen transmission through membranes when wear lenses for extended periods. He may have gotten away with it. But personally I wouldn’t try it. You get one set of eyes. No second chances.

Description : What is the best way to buy a pair of glasses and lenses?

Last Answer : If you have a script in hand, check out any local Lens Crafters

Description : What is the process of getting prescription lenses?

Last Answer : You need to get an appointment with an eye doctor and he or she will examine your eyes and write out a prescription for you. You can then take that prescription to a place that makes lenses and ask ... the lenses made at the doctor's office, but it seems to me that lenses are more expensive there.

Description : Photographers - What key lenses/equipment should a novice photographer have?

Last Answer : Go to Costco and get a camera lens kit by canon. Cheap option.

Description : When optical technicians fit eyeglass lenses into plastic eyeglass frames, do they purposely adjust the frame shape in order to fit the lenses in?

Last Answer : No. They do not. My guess is that you’re remembering the frames incorrectly.

Description : Bi-focal Eyeglass wearers, do you use Progressive (No Line) or Line lenses?

Last Answer : Can’t get use to em!! I went back to single vision, much safer too :-/

Description : Is it possible to invent photo magnification without the use or manipulation of lenses?

Last Answer : answer:Scan it on a computer and zoom in? You can’t change how we see something without affecting the light spectrum, and in the case of magnifications it’s distorting it so it warps it. How can you distort light without something to distort it? exactly

Description : What brands for film camera lenses can I use on my Vivitar 35mm?

Last Answer : When all else fails “Read the….. MANUAL” The cameras sold by Vivitar use Pentax K and OTHER brands of lens mounts. So read the manual, it will tell you.

Description : To Any nikon using photographers, what are your favorite lenses?

Last Answer : I have a 55–200 that I bought when I got my new camera three years ago. It has been extra handy so that I don’t have to carry a bunch of lenses. My other lens is a 28–55. I’d get a 70 – 300 if I could afford it.

Description : In desperate need of help for this decision about lenses?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t get an operation at 15; my son did at 24 and was very happy with it. (Think your eyes might change too much,) If you can afford them and hate wearing glasses, why not try contacts if they are appropriate for your vision needs?

Description : Do you have a trick for putting in and taking out contact lenses?

Last Answer : I recall seeing some tools for it, like small suction things? That might be a little less scary to use then seeing your fingers come closer and closer to your eyeballs would be for me anyway.

Description : Where can I send my eye glasses frames, and have RX lenses made and installed?

Last Answer : I have had lenses replaced in glasses that I’ve had, and I have taken frames into an optical store that sold the same line and had them make the lenses. I would not want to risk buying lenses online because of the fitting. If eyeglasses are not correct, you can get horrible headaches.

Description : What does the designation medium or high mean on contact lenses?

Last Answer : answer:Bifocal contact lenses generally contain one additional number which is the add power. A special field will be given for this number. Notes 1. A contact lens prescription is not the same as ... correct for it by changing the power of the lens. Still Have Questions? Email : [email protected]

Description : Will my Nikon D70 lenses work with the D300?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, any lens the worked with your D70 should work fine on your D300 since they’re both DX format cameras. The D300 is NOT a full frame camera. (The D700, D3, D3x, and D3s) are the only full frame Nikon DSLRs.

Description : Are Objective lenses standardized? [microscope]?

Last Answer : I have bought a number of used objectives on line, and have never had the problem of one not fitting, but that may have been luck.

Description : Where do you buy your contact lenses?

Last Answer : Anywhere you go is going to require a prescription, and they recommend it be within two years. You may be able to fudge it if you buy online and happen to have all the information they want, but any storefront will want a valid, American prescription.

Description : My mom has a pair of Diesel sunglasses with scratched lenses she wants replaced. How, who, where to get this done?

Last Answer : Any Optical Sales place should be able to help you with either replacing the lenses or possibly buffing the scratches out.

Description : Extension tubes, or macro lenses?

Last Answer : answer:Well, it all depends on how fast you want your lens and how much glass you want to buy, and whether or not you want vibration reduction. In a situation like this you get what you pay for ... no experience with extension tubes. But an extension tube won't make your lens any faster than it is.

Description : What's the difference between EF and EF-S designation for Canon lenses?

Last Answer : EF means that it is an electronic focus lens, basically every lens made since the late 80s. Also called auto focus. EF-S are crop sensor camera lenses. They will only fit on APS-C cameras, which ... L lens you know you are getting the best optical quality available. You will also pay dearly for it.

Description : Can I use contact lenses that have frozen (and then thawed, perhaps multiple times)?

Last Answer : I would imagine that it might be ok, but to be certain you should call Acuvue customer service or your eye doctor. You don’t really want to mess around with stuff you put in your eyes.

Description : What to buy, Sigma Lenses or Nikon?

Last Answer : I’m pretty noob at photography, but based on research that I did previously, I’d say if you had the money, go for the Nikkor (Nikon) lenses. People say that it ain’t even about what camera you got – it’s your skills and the lens you have that count.

Description : Why have my contact lenses been bothering me so much lately?

Last Answer : How long do you have them in each day?

Description : Where can I get contact lenses for a Flapjack Costume?

Last Answer : Whatever you do be careful to avoid the cheap crap available from party shops and such. People have ended up with some really nasty eye infections that way. Putting your eyesight in danger seems ... . Go to an Optlamologist and get a recommendation for a reliable local source for specialty lenses.

Description : What happens if you wear your 14-day contact lenses longer than 14 days?

Last Answer : Infection becomes a much more serious possibility. In a worst case, blindness could ensue.

Description : Is the standard set too high when over 50% of the population has to wear corrective lenses?

Last Answer : Clear sight seems like an objective standard not a subjective one. I don’t want to grade on the curve for this. It probably means that many people stumbled through life with poor sight.

Description : Does anyone know where I can get a pair of aviator sunglasses with bright green lenses?

Last Answer : eBay? Amazon?

Description : What is the cheapest way to buy contact lenses (Acuvue Oasys)?

Last Answer : Yes! I wear them and have researched the cost. The cheapest place to get them is Costco, hands-down.

Description : Do you have a preferred brand of contact lenses that you would recommend?

Last Answer : The most comfortable contacts I've ever worn are Acuvue2 - haven't tried the oasys, but kind of want to. When I first put the Acuvue2s in, I can not feel my contacts whatsoever and would probably forget ... start to irritate my eyes by then. New, though, I love them and never have to use eye drops.

Description : Does anyone know about getting SLR lenses cleaned?

Last Answer : I don’t think Ritz would have worked on your camera anyway. They would send it out to a repair shop. Google a ‘camera repair shop for your zip code;. If your area is large enough for a dedicated camera store, I bet there is someomne doing camera repairs and cleaning.

Description : Are Transitions Lenses awesome?

Last Answer : I dont personally have these types of glasses but my father does. He does alot of work outside so they are good for him. If you are outside alot and seem like they would fit into your life then you should ... i guess to say ). Just do your research and make sure its what you would like to have. :)

Description : Anyone out there using Bausch & Lomb Multi-Focal contact lenses?

Last Answer : I don’t use the multi-focal, I don’t think. I use the ones that are two different strengths and allow you to see close up and far away. They simulate bi-focals. If these are multi-focals I like them very much and have worn them for about three years.

Description : Polarized contact lenses?

Last Answer : According to Google, no. Probably because if someone were to make them, it would take about 10 seconds to realize that they can't move around on the eye or the polarization wouldn't work. Because ... 't work well. Not saying its impossible, just not as easy popping polarized lenses in your eyes.

Description : Do lenses for digital slrs fit all of the same brand?

Last Answer : answer:They should, unless you're talking about a different system. Across brands no they will not work unless you get lucky and find a converter, which in the end you'll have to use manual ... say made for Olympus dSLR or Olympus Three Quarter system, then it will not mount, making it worthless.

Description : which of the following is accurate in describing converging and diverging lenses? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The following is accurate in describing converging and diverging lenses:Diverging lenses will produce images behind the lens, and converging lenses will produce images in front of the lens.

Description : Which type of glass is used in making lenses and prisms? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What are the harmful aspects of contact lenses ? ?

Last Answer : The biggest risk of using contact lenses in the eye is infection. The most serious of the eye infections is keratitis. This infection can be caused by bacteria and other germs. Studies have shown ... eyelids are closed while wearing lenses. Due to this, the eyes become weak in dealing with germs.

Description : What are the possible harms of using lenses ?

Last Answer : Contact lenses have created new horizons for the beauty of today's fashionable men and women. People who used to wear glasses no longer worry that they will look worse than anyone else at any party ... life 5. Do not give tears while wearing lenses and you must open the lens while sleeping Thanks

Description : What kind of eye problems can be caused by using contact lenses ? What are the rules for wearing it ?

Last Answer : Beauty enhancement or need , because whatever it is , the use of contact lenses is increasing day by day. Women wear contact lenses to make themselves attractive in various programs or events. Many again wear ... place. -Use a separate box for each contact lens and make sure it is full of solution.

Description : Is wearing lenses harmful to eyes ?

Last Answer : No , but if the lens falls on the eyes, bitterness may come. In my opinion, it is better not to study.