1 Answer

Answer :

Hello cookies cost 10 rupees

Related questions

Description : How much does it cost to buy sugar cookies?

Last Answer : If your looking to make sugar cookies from scratch then they won't cost too much around $10 for all the ingredients and this will make a good amount of cookies.

Description : Hello , my name is Tony and I want to rent a dumpster to clean up the back yard , most of them are cut down trees and dry leafs. How much it cost to rent a big one and how do I get it thanks?

Last Answer : "A big one" does not specify, but San Francisco Dumpster Rental, at http://sfbaydumpsters.com/, is a great place to start. They have sizes from 8 yard to 50 yard with prices varying for all of them.

Description : Hello people, I am looking for a low-cost bathroom cleaner, it is a small budget job, does anyone have a recommendation I reside in North Carolina. Your answers will be appreciated.?

Last Answer : Hi Ben, I have taken services from MollyMaids an year and a half ago and must say they are profesionals at work and also they did the work before time. Espacially when it comes to corners and windows, ... cleaning products. I was in bit of a doubt with that but none the less i liked the services.

Description : How do you stop your cookies from spreading?

Last Answer : Mask, mask, mask.

Description : What are computer cookies and should I accept them?

Last Answer : They are small files created by your web browser at the request of web sites, which store whatever data the web page is programmed to store, such as identifying information so a site can tell you ... tracking cookies in its security settings page, at least in the version of Firefox I'm running).

Description : What is the difference in outcome in baking cookies, if you use butter in different aggregate phases?

Last Answer : The softer the butter, the more they will spread when being baked.

Description : Should Girl Scouts be allowed to sell cookies outside of marijuana dispensaries?

Last Answer : I think it’s brilliant, too!

Description : Why tax a jar of peanuts but not a package of cookies?

Last Answer : Healthiness of the peanuts has nothing to do with it. Where I live, neither are taxed. Taxes like this are on a state by state basis. Maybe your state taxes anything in a jar.

Description : Would you rather eat cookies or donuts?

Last Answer : Depends on the cookie, depends on the donut. That said, toll house cookie dough is the best thing ever!

Description : Are shortbread cookies or Cliff bars good replacements for emergency rations?

Last Answer : Anything non-perishable can be used as emergency rations.

Description : Is there perfume that makes you smell like freshly baked cookies?

Last Answer : No, but there is one that smells like chicken. It’s called Chicken Permission.

Description : What are the ethical issues with fiddling around with browser cookies?

Last Answer : answer:Really none. By developers, cookies are considered public data. No decent security would rely on them as they are stored on your computer. Anything important will be stored with the site ... hacking in a legal sense are even less technically involved, and further against best practices .

Description : What do you use for soft chocolate chip cookies?

Last Answer : answer:Here is a guide to tell you what makes different styles of cookies: butter or oil, sugar white or brown, baking soda or powder, flour refined or whole wheat. You would most likely get what you want with granulated sugar and baking powder.

Description : Are any of you baking special holiday cookies, cakes, or other desserts this year?

Last Answer : answer:I'm trying to warm up to the idea of baking a bunch of cookies. A neighbor is hosting an open house and cookie swap next week. You wrap them in little bundles of six or eight and ... in ages, either. Warm gingerbread heaped with real whipped cream-what a treat. You will inspire me, @Kardamom.

Description : What kind of cookies would you like for me to make for you?

Last Answer : Oatmeal chocolate chip.

Description : Why do people make and give out so many Christmas cookies?

Last Answer : This must be a US thing, don’t do that over here.

Description : Girl Scouts will now be able to sell cookies online. Is this progress?

Last Answer : The only reason I ever order them is because of my niece or a coworker’s kid, so I won’t be using online ordering. But I’m frankly surprised that it’s taken them this long.

Description : Can I refrigerate rainbow cookies?

Last Answer : You can store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 week. In general, cookies do not need to be refrigerated, but if you plan on keeping them for longer than a week, consider freezing them.

Description : Would it bother you if you were the parent of a Girl Scout, and they're encouraged to sell cookies, including standing out in the cold in front of stores, yet the leader of the GS organization makes almost half a million dollars a year?

Last Answer : answer:Our daughter has been in Girl Scouts the past two years and she enjoys helping at the booths to sell cookies. We have had no pressure from the troop leader or other parents to reach certain quotas. The ... girls sell at have been indoors, so being out in the cold hasn't been a problem for us.

Description : Why can't I edit my Firefox cookies in Intego's Washing Machine?

Last Answer : answer:Probably because they're intellectual property, or possibly because that's not what Washing Machine is for. If you really want to, you might be able to find the cookies in the temporary or ... panel has a function that allows you to delete cookies. Why are you bothering with Washing Machine?

Description : If you had to choose between a sweet snack(cookies, pastry, cake) or a salty snack(chips, nuts, popcorn). Which would you choose?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood. Both are good. Would vote more towards salty though. I love salty things.

Description : Would you feed your Kirby vacuum salesman cookies and beer?

Last Answer : None. I never let perfect strangers in my house.

Description : Have you ever known a parent who got mad at their kid because they wouldn't eat candy or cookies or cake?

Last Answer : My guess is that maybe the mother was not so concerned about her not eating cake, but was concerned about her daughter being rude/offending her friend by not taking what was offered to her. I ... offended or find it rude if someone declined, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people were.

Description : What are computer "cookies" and how do I enable them?

Last Answer : Which browser are you using?

Description : Do you have a favorite snickerdoodle cookies recipe?

Last Answer : answer: If you don't have any cream of tartar in your pantry, you can use one of these substitutes in its place: For beating egg whites - use an equal amount of white vinegar or lemon juice, ... ⅔ tsp cream of tartar For frosting - leave the cream of tartar out. No substitution is necessary. Source

Description : Issue with internet, service provider suggests disabling cookies, what happens if I just bite the legs off a gingerbread man?

Last Answer : Remember: A moment on the lips – a lifetime on the hips. Fix the problem without injuring others.

Description : How do you make chocolate chip cookies?

Last Answer : How many does your current batch make? Most home recipes that I know make 3 dozen regular sized cookies. Double it and you’ll have leftovers for your freezer. Or to send to me. If you’re making big cookies – like 3 ounces pre-baked weight – you might need to triple it.

Description : What are tracking cookies?

Last Answer : They are cookies that monitor your internet usage so that companies can target advertising and use you for statistics.

Description : Can I use less sugar in Chocolate Peanut-Butter No Bake Cookies?

Last Answer : No, that wouldn’t work with this recipe. The sugar is essential to the physical structure of the cookies.

Description : Are Linzer cookies from the U.S. or from Austria?

Last Answer : answer:I looked at five different sources all of which say the cookie originated in Austria (the city of Linz). The traditional Austrian cookie was made with black currant jam. Linzer cookies employ ... cutout is circular, all sorts of shapes, such as hearts, are also popular. Food Reference

Description : What biscuits (otherwise known as cookies in the US) can I make that go well with coffee?

Last Answer : Do you mean cookies? In America we would use the word cookie fot sweet biscuits.

Description : Cookies and milk or cookies and tea?

Last Answer : Cookies and, not just a glass, but at least a quart of milk. That’s my vote. I’m not much of a tea drinker, to be honest, but I love milk.

Description : What burned my cookies?

Last Answer : answer:Were they all burnt or some on one side or the other. Maybe the temp for the oven is off and needs calibration. Is it gas or elec. You always go with ungreased, why did you put foil ... some parchment paper of if you want to spend the money some silpats Pass those yummy treats around now!!!!

Description : Would you buy cookies online?

Last Answer : No. I don’t like hard cookies.

Description : How can I make oatmeal cookies to be less crisp and more "cake-like?"?

Last Answer : Make sure that your mixture is moist and not very dry. Try not to make them too thin when your putting them in the oven either.

Description : Does anyone have a recipe for English biscuits (cookies)?

Last Answer : Find a recipe for scones and clotted cream. Try the BBC recipe.

Description : Why are my chocolate chip cookies more cakey than crispy or chewy?

Last Answer : Are you using self-raising flour perhaps?

Description : I'm taking cookie orders; what are your favorite kinds of Christmas cookies?

Last Answer : Springerle. My absolute favorite cookie of all time. I’ve got the rolling pin if you need to borrow it. And hey—aren’t you close enough to get it without too much hassle?

Description : Do you honestly like the taste of Girl Scout cookies?

Last Answer : I still like them

Description : Can web developers use HTML 5 to obtain your search histories (through temporary files, cookies. etc.) retroactively?

Last Answer : HTML 5 has nothing to do with it. The original purpose of a cookie was to save settings etc so the next time you visited the site it could pull those files and the ability for someone to grab that ... exploit what you have been up to has been around since the inception of the internet as we know it

Description : How do I find and delete flash cookies?

Last Answer : I read a similar story on the BBC recently and they suggest that you can alter your Flash players privacy settings via the Adobe website, specifically the Global Security Settings panel

Description : I have two containers of premade Toll House cookie dough and it's 3 months past the "use by or freeze by" date. Is it safe to make and eat the cookies?

Last Answer : Does it smell or look funny?

Description : If i take pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough and roll teaspoonfulls in oatmeal, will the result be similar to chocolate chip oatmeal cookies?

Last Answer : You would be better off adding chocolate bits to oatmeal cookie mix.

Description : Any recipes for BLUE cookies?

Last Answer : answer:Jeff Smith on The Frugal Gourmet once took up the subject of why people have an instinctive aversion to blue food. Your cookies may not get eaten. But if you try coloring something that is ... coloring to white frosting and get real blue. You could frost some sugar cookies. That might work.

Description : A simple recipe for sugar cookies?

Last Answer : answer:I've made these Molasses sugar cookies, which were wonderful, and also these which were very basic sugar cookies that tasted great. Both were simple enough. Here are a lot more to check out. Why make ... and then store them in a sealed jar for later. They are so good you won't regret it!

Description : Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies?

Last Answer : InB4“myfavoritecookieis________”

Description : What would be a good invitation for a Candy and Cookies Sleepover?

Last Answer : What about calling it Iron Chef America Sleepover?

Description : Where to find cookies,candy, cupcakes, etc. invitations?

Last Answer : You can find some printable templates at hallmark or cheap software available most anywhere. As for the image, as long as you're not selling invitations I find it highly unlikely that you'll be ... a court of law or sued unless you're a celebrity or billionare sending out hundreds of invitations.

Description : Does anyone know where to purchase Girl Scout Cookies online?

Last Answer : I don’t think you can, actually… But if you look up a local scout troop, I bet they have a web site that might list where they’re selling.

Description : How can I keep cookies moist?

Last Answer : I think you should just let me hold them in my mouth!lol!