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এর अंग्रेजी As is the evil so is the remedy

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Description : What turns tetul blue litmus paper into what ?

Last Answer : Tetul converts blue litmus into red litmus.

Last Answer : Talk And Sweet Taste Tamarind To eat Many Love Again Someone Someone Talk Taste Due Before Face Bending Fell. But Of There is A lot Quality. However Knowingly Taken Let's go Those What? What ? ... , riboflavin , niacin And Vitamins C. Food Digestion, Disease In resistance Help By All this Vitamins.

Description : ―The hail has left nothing‖ – In which context has this line been spoken? (a) Lencho‘s house had been gutted by the fire. (b) A tempest had wrecked the area. (c) Some wild animals had trespassed into the fields. (d) Lencho‘s crops had been destroyed by the rain.

Last Answer : (d) Lencho‘s crops had been destroyed by the rain.

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Last Answer : Frame it and hang it proudly.

Description : What was your ”Good ol’ days”?

Last Answer : answer:Never had them, there is no such a thing as “the good ol’ days”. I do kinda miss the days when I’d watch The Little Flying Bears and Digimon, though

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Last Answer : Der 80’s

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Last Answer : answer:I have the iPhone 3G3. I upgradred from the Blackberry Curve. My workphone is also the Curve. Whenever I have to do anything with my workphone, I feel like I'm having to chisel out something with ... iPhone so to avoid the Curve as much as possible. Once ya go iPhone, ya never wanna go back!

Description : When was the last time you went to a showing of the good ol' Rocky Horror Picture Show?

Last Answer : answer:Jinx ...there was a showing in town last weekend and I was going to ask this question. I am Damn It Janet. i took stuff. water gun, newspaper, meatloaf, hot dog, rice .... The first time I saw it ... ?? but went back so many times. Those midnite shows. It's just a jump to the left .......

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Last Answer : The women I’ve known talk about young guys, yeah but they go about it differently.

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Last Answer : Not any more. I can remember feeling that, though. Now if I get hungry I just munch on a helpless fetus that I forced a grandmother to abort.

Description : Is the desire for a return to "the good ol' days" a new phenomenon?

Last Answer : The only new part about this phenomenon is the phrase “good old days”.

Description : Can I plug any ol' speakers into a surround sound reciever?

Last Answer : Be careful; you should check the ratings for speakers as they can be damaged if underpowered. And by underpowered, I mean both the output wattage of the channel they're plugged into, and the ... driver units in the speaker when you do this. When in doubt check the reference manuals for both.

Description : Remember the good ol' days?

Last Answer : I think of every day as a good day, so when I look back, they are all good old days.

Description : How is tag different from tag? -Technology

Last Answer : tag is used to indicate a list item as contained in an ordered or numbered form. tag is used to indicate a list item as contained in an unordered or bulleted form.

Description : Explain the following with the help of an example. (a) …….. (b) -Technology

Last Answer : (a) tag makes the text bold.e.g. This is a bold text OutputThis is a bold text(b) tag with attribute type of value “1” displays the lists of items with arabic numerals,e.g. Mango Apple Banana Output1. Mango2. Apple3. Banana

Description : What is the …….. tag? Name any two attributes used with this tag. -Technology

Last Answer : ……… tag is used for the ordered list, i.e. a list of items to be displayed in a particular order. An ordered list is also a list of items. An ordered list starts with the tag. Each list item starts with the tag.e.g. A B Two attributes of tag are: start and type.

Description : Identify error(s) in the following HTML code. Also, write the correct code. type=“a” start=“d”> -Technology

Last Answer : tag’s attributes should be placed in between . In the list, the start attribute must be set to a numeric value and type attribute specifies ‘A’, ‘a’, T ‘i’ or ‘1’. So, the correct code is

Description : To start a numbered list with regular numerals, use (a) -Technology

Last Answer : (b) Because regular numbering is the natural numbers starting from 1, 2, 3, … etc.

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Last Answer : (c) Square bulleted list is the part of unordered list.

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Last Answer : (a) The given list uses the uppercase letter for each item so, the correct syntax is

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Last Answer : (d) Because circular list starts with unordered list type circle.

Description : Differentiate between and tag with suitable example. -Technology

Last Answer : stands for Ordered List which can be either numerical or alphabetical while stands for Unordered List which can be either ... AND OUTPUTCODEHobbiesprogrammingDramaticsCODEHobbiesGamesProgrammingDramaticsOUTPUTHobbies1. Games2. Programming3. DramaticsOUTPUTHobbies1. Games2. Programming3. Dramatics

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Last Answer : Which of the following is the structure of (S)-Pentan-2-ol is? A. B. C. D.

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Last Answer : 2-Methyl pentan-1-ol is a A. `1^(@)` Alcohol B. `2^(@)` alcohol C. `3^(@)` Alcohol D. enol

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Last Answer : 2, 4-Dimethyl pentan -3-ol is a A. primary alcohol B. secondary alcohol C. tertiary alcohol D. dihydric alcohol

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : me acaba de pasar a mi me discriminaron y me expulsaron de una comunidad de ayuda para dejar la adiccion a los videojuegos por escribir en ESPAÃ OL sin haber ofendido a nadie, y esperando que alguien ... altura en pleno siglo 21 . lo mas sorprendente del asunto es que luego postee su accionar en red

Description : When an operating motor is connected to the controller shown in the illustration, the a path of current flow through the circuit is ____________. EL-0010 A. 'L1', stop button, start button, coil 'CR', 'L2' B. 'L1' ... L2' D. 'L1', stop button, start button, 'CR' contact, 'M' contact, 'CR' coil, 'L2'

Last Answer : Answer: B

Description : When the operating handle is in the 'off' position, which master switch contacts for the winch shown in the illustration are closed? EL-0102 A. 'MS-DB & OL' B. 'MS-3, 5, 6, 7, & 8' C. 'MS-LVa & OL' D. 'MS-3, 7 & Reset'

Last Answer : Answer: D

Description : How is protection provided for OL and SC?

Last Answer : Damage from short circuits and overloads can be reduced or prevented by employing fuses, circuiDamage from short circuits and overloads can be reduced or prevented by employing fuses, circuit breakers, or other overload ... (a few seconds) due to currents say 1.1 to 1.5 times the normal current.

Description : If an individual is a dendrochronologist (pron: den-drow-kron-OL-o-jist), what would she count?

Last Answer : ANSWER: TREE RINGS (accept: TREE AGE or TREE YEAR)  

Description : What are word games like in languages other than English?

Last Answer : I have seen travellers on Chinese trains doing word puzzles to pass the time. It seems crossword puzzles are possible in Chinese. The grid looks the same but the clues are in Chinese and the answers are Chinese phrases rather than words. The grid contains Chinese characters instead of letters.

Description : Has, like, "as well" overtaken the word "like" as the most overused English in the US?

Last Answer : Well hopefully people will stop comedians from putting ,” in bed” at the end of every sentence.

Description : What does English sound like to a non-native English speaker?

Last Answer : That’s funny, I wondered the same…you know how many people say Chinese is “ching chong ching chong” or that generic insult? I wonder what American-English would be!

Description : What does English sound like to non-English speakers?

Last Answer : There is always this

Description : Where can I find the Kingdom Hearts Vol. 2 soundtrack in english either cd or mp3 (no torrents or any other free mp3 site either like limewire)

Last Answer : answer:http://www.google.com/products?q[equal]kingdom+hearts+soundtrack+2&btnG[equal]Search+Products&show[equal]dd in english is probably impossible

Description : What is the English language of behaving like a fool ?

Last Answer : To make an ass of oneself .

Description : Which of the following sentences best captures the main argument of the writer? (1) Many Indians are capable of using English like any Englishman. (2) Learning English is as difficult as learning any other ... (4) An Indian can learn English in half the time taken by an Englishman to learn Greek.

Last Answer : (3) The importance of English education needs to be recognised by the supporters of oriental learning.

Description : Is it not high time for the english language to replace the pronoun "you", with separate words for informal and formal contexts?

Last Answer : Why? As a native English speaker, the difference seems unnecessary and overly complicated. And now that you mention it, classist.

Description : How do you pronounce an English name and the name of a book?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard Maurice pronounced any other way than as Morris. I would pronounce the title of the book the same way as it is the name of a character in the book.

Description : Can you make the shortest sentence, that would be the first time written in English, ever?

Last Answer : I killed myself.

Description : When do you use "Anglophone", and when "English speaking"?

Last Answer : I only use the latter, because I operate under the axiom that my opposite has no idea what the former means, and believes I am talking about some sort of obscure musical instrument.

Description : Is there a software library for an English language dictionary or word list?

Last Answer : I'm pretty sure it's easy to find an English dictionary file as a CSV. Of course you'd have to write the code to pull it into a list and then run operations on that list. With about 200k ... and then iterated through it to find all of the palindromes and didn't recall it taking very long to run.

Description : Doing English practice. Asking native people for help.

Last Answer : Hi, and welcome to Fluther. I've made the changes that sound better to me: 1, we are the successor of communism. We are the successors of communism 2, please bathe your hands before you eat dinner. Please ... to go fishing a slender rod, a fishing reel and a hook are enough. I hope this is helpful.

Description : What is the English translation of "patrouille" in context of infrastructure?

Last Answer : Small detachment of soldiers, of people to whom one entrusts a mission of surveillance, of liaison. If you suspect a different meaning is being used, you need to provide the context. I have no idea what you mean by “context of infrastructure.”

Description : Can you please find me an English to Spanish translator?

Last Answer : Here you go

Description : What score would an English speaker as a first language score on the TOEFL exam?

Last Answer : The question, to me, is how the TOEFL grading takes into account current English slang and common usage, and how much does it follow the grammar rules that we learned and forgot 40 years ago ... test reflect some theoretical and obsolete way of speaking and writing, or does it reflect common usage?