What is the meaning of the word Rash ?

1 Answer

Answer :

reckless , stubborn , hasty, etc.

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Last Answer : Why?

Description : Can using a hot water bottle on your tummy cause a blotchy rash?

Last Answer : answer:What's the hot water bottle's exterior covering? The part that touches your skin? If it's non-porous (like rubber), then you've likely chapped your skin by preventing your sweat from ... able to buy an electric heating pad or blanket very cheap if you don't mind disinfecting second-hand!

Description : Have you experienced an amoxicillin rash?

Last Answer : answer:Hives and antibiotics probably means you had a reaction. Talk to Dr Now Stop taking antibiotics and get some Benedryl into you. But contact Dr and have someone else monitor you for any other symptoms. It can be life threatening.

Description : What can I do about heat rash?

Last Answer : Oh man. I looked it up (WebMD) and see that you are not supposed to use any creams or ointments. It says to move to a cool, shady spot and lit it air dry. That is not possible in your case. Do you ... lot of heat from the head.. About where do you live? PM me if you don't want to make it public.

Description : What is the best way to treat a rash under my breast?

Last Answer : Can’t say I’ve ever dealt with this, but maybe some medicated talcum powder? I’m shooting in the dark here.

Description : Warfarin users: do you have a rash on your arms that may have been diagnosed as psoriasis?

Last Answer : I'm a longtime Warfarin warrior but have never experienced a rash that I was aware of. I checked to see if there were any side effects I'm not aware of and found these, a couple of ... to do with the skin. You might want to check with a hematologist or whoever originally prescribed coumadin.

Description : How long should it take for an allergic rash to heal (see details)?

Last Answer : answer:A lot of it depends on how many other allergens you're exposed to at the same time. For example, I got a nasty bug bite on my foot a few weeks ago. I swelled up so I couldn't put ... band aid on my foot. So this means my limb was extra sensitive to any possible allergens because of that bite.

Description : What will Pat Robertson be saying about the rash of twisters in OK?

Last Answer : answer:It’s the same drivel every time, with one variation. If it’s a red state, they didn’t pray hard enough. If it’s a blue state, they’ve brought the wrath of God down on their own heads for their sinning ways. My question is, how is this bobbleheaded fool credible to anyone whatsoever?

Description : Is it me? Why the rash of religious questions?

Last Answer : The questions are preordained. We are merely the players in the asking. ~

Description : Any idea what this rash might be?

Last Answer : Was she playing outside again? Maybe a plant she touched amd then touched that part of her body? Some sort of minor reaction?

Description : "Why do the ingredients in Tide laundry detergent make so many people itch and develop a rash?"?

Last Answer : answer:Generally laundry detergents don't give people rashes, however some people are overly sensitive to the cleaning chemicals in detergent. There is usually a warning on products like this telling people who develop ... It's not a big deal - just switch brands or buy a special gentle detergent.

Description : What might you suspect this type of skin rash to be?

Last Answer : To my (extremely untrained) eye, it looks like it could be allergic. At least, I’ve had similar looking allergic reactions. Has she come in contact with anything unusual lately?

Description : What to do in order to keep from spreading poison ivy rash?

Last Answer : answer:Jewelweed is a plant that grows near poison ivy fairly often, and happens to help stop it. Crush some of the leaves and stem up and rub them vigorously with water. It’ll make a sudsy solution; rub that on the afflicted area. That or rubbing alcohol. Or strong soap.

Description : Does this look like the Lyme disease bull's eye rash?

Last Answer : It looks like a bruise in the photos. From what I remember, the bull’s eye is usually a distinctive bull’s eye pattern… but a doctor could tell you for sure, of course.

Description : Any ideas what this rash (?) might be?

Last Answer : answer:Can you post a photo of them? That would really help. It doesn't sound like a food allergy or hives. From the description, it really sounds like poison ivy or oak. In case you are ... s anti-itch gel. It works immediately and is clear, so it isn't visible like some other medications.

Description : Rash on 6 year old from a life buoy by a swimming pool. Any ideas how to help treat it?

Last Answer : answer:Not Lamasil… I can not remember the name of the topical pain reliever…. Lidocane is what I was trying to think of.

Description : Has anyone evergotten a rash from snorting Molly/ecstasy?

Last Answer : Never gotten a rash from it

Description : I have a rash on my hand - how do I find out what it's from?

Last Answer : New perfume? Washing products? Have you been in the garden and touched something that could cause a rash? Is the rash just on your hand? Sounds like you touched something.

Description : What type of skin rash is this?

Last Answer : See a doctor!

Description : What kind of skin rash or skin problem is this ?

Last Answer : A couple of questions: Did the doctor offer an opinion or advice? Are you eating properly and drinking plenty of water? Have you gained any weight recently? Are you bathing daily?

Description : Should I get a second opinion when my son has a bullseye rash from a tick bite and she does not administer an antibiotic right away?

Last Answer : Run, don’t walk and get another opinion. That rash is one of the classic Lyme symptoms and the bloodwork will probably come back inconclusive at this early of a stage.

Description : My dog keeps scratching her back legs and she has formed a rash. Could it be itching from a bug?

Last Answer : It could be many things- from parasites to allergies. Time for a trip to the vet.

Description : What is this rash?

Last Answer : Photo needed for the resident dermatologist and the resident amateur guessers.

Description : Do I have an acne problem or is it a rash?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds more like a rash than acne. You didn't indicate if it was a single pustule or an area of raised or irritated skin . . . but . . . 1) Have you changed your soap? 2) Have you ... used to wash your face cloth or towels? 3) Have you been sweating more than usual (yard work, etc.)

Description : How can a tanning bed cause a rash?

Last Answer : Don’t know, but I know it causes cancer :).

Description : The doctors are stumped. Blood tests are clear, what in the world could be causing this rash?

Last Answer : If you were out of the country and this developed after your return, it could be something he picked up in Guatemala. I am not a doctor but I did look up the symptoms then I suggest ... direct you to a physician in your area that could administer tests for a more definitive diaganosis. Good Luck!

Description : Why does my dog have a black rash on her arms and stomach?

Last Answer : Try another Vet.

Description : Know of any treatments for heat rash for fast comfort?

Last Answer : My mom always used talcum powder or alcohol. The alcohol burns like shit. I don’t remember if the powder worked. Can’t hurt to try though!

Description : Sun burn and heat rash possibly?

Last Answer : Drink more water and keep applying the aloe.

Description : Could the open air testing of A- and H-bombs in the 40's and 50's be connected to the rash of lung cancers in non-smokers who were 15 years and under during that time?

Last Answer : Interesting. I would imagine that the dose and proximity to the location of the tests would be key. In addition, one likely culprit in the development of lung cancers in non-smokers is second hand smoke. ... would venture to say that second-hand smoke is as likely (if not more so), than radiation.

Description : Diaper Rash Extreme?

Last Answer : Without knowing more about the situation (and seeing the rash itself), it can be difficult to speculate, as there are a number of potential causes. However, one possibility is that all the ... Only a doctor (or someone with a lot of child rearing experience) can accurately diagnose the rash.

Description : Can a bullseye rash be attributed to anything other than Lyme Disease?

Last Answer : If you live in tick country and have noticed the very distinctive bullseye rash, I would assume Lyme or at least a trip to Doc's for prophylactic antibiotic. I have only seen the ... buggers. There are several other tick-related diseases; all bad. Ehrlichiosis Rocky Mountain spotted fever Babesiosis

Description : How can I tell if my rash is of Poison Ivy or Shingle source?

Last Answer : Shingles is a nasty thing according to the internet. If you have had the chickenpox you will more than likely get shingles and there is not much you can do to prevent it. Apparently this virus ... week. Otherwise you are probably one of the inevitable unlucky barers of the shingle virus. Good luck.

Description : Where can I get Road Rash?

Last Answer : You can go to www.romnation.net and do a search there. You will find the versions for Nintendo, Sega, and Genesis consoles. If you want to play the game, you must download an emulator. You can find more help about emulators and roms on their forums. Good luck!

Description : Should i see a doctor about this bugbite/rash?

Last Answer : yes- photograph it now and see a doctor to rule out tick- bourne illness.

Description : Can the American pokeweed cause a blistering rash?

Last Answer : Guess anything is possible. We picked it when I was a child using our bare hands. You know the rule of boiling to eat.? Never read a word to truth, but we always put the leaves in water boiled it, ... . Did you mean eating it or touching it to break outs? Hope this helps, is all I know about it.

Description : can you get a rash from milk weed o cader bushes I removed both of them from my yard

Last Answer : Could be the cedar bushes as a lot of people are allergic to them. Milkweed does not bother me and I am allergic to a lot...........benadryl cream is what I used after washing up.............

Description : Is itching and rash a reaction to grass, mowing?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do Trumpet vine leaves cause rash on skin?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Who was Rash Behari Bose? -SST 10th

Last Answer : He was an Indian revolutionary who went to Japan in 1915 and established Indian Independence League in 1942. He played a vital role in raising the Indian National Army.

Description : How to Avoid Baby Diaper Rash ?

Last Answer : Spread petroleum jelly or powder on hot days before putting on diapers. Most importantly , after the natural work is done, clean it thoroughly with a soft towel with water. Or you can do it with the baby ... in the market , if it is done , clean it quickly and do not wear diapers for some time.

Description : Burning sensation while urinating, fever in body and rash on skin. What medicine should I take for this and how long should I take this medicine ?

Last Answer : You can use Hamdard Safi Syrup. As well as tablet neofloxacin 500 mg 1 + 0 + 1 after meals. 7 days. Tablet sitin. 10 days. 0 + 0 + 1 after meals.

Description : When I shave my beard with an electric razor or razor, I get a rash. Such pimples and it itches terribly. Do you have it too?

Last Answer : Buy foam for sensitive skin. I have the same problem.

Description : When I have my dishes, I have a rash after Spring. How to cure her?

Last Answer : I would try to lubricate my hands with Indulona and next time I would choose another detergent or gloves. :) I'm sorry, but I fixed your spring for Spring, otherwise no one will understand you :)

Description : After shaving with an electric razor, you will also have so many pimples on your neck and cheeks that burn terribly? It irritates my skin terribly. I'm not even talking about one-offs. I thought that with el. with the machine, the skin relaxes and it's terrible.

Last Answer : A quality razor is - in my opinion, more gentle than any electric razor. The question is what kind of water you use after shaving. But I - I admit, I'm just trimming my beard - I'm eliminating any irritation.

Description : Hello, please advise how to effectively and quickly get rid of rashes after the body-tiny red semolina, until the red map, the worst in the cleavage area, otherwise all over the body, is itchy. The doctor wrote ... had the rash for a week now and it doesn't go away much. Thanks for the advice. J.

Last Answer : The TV went for such a solar allergy. I went to make coffee, so I just heard it. I think the pharmacy will be able to advise you.

Description : what causes skin rash

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How to treat rash in groin area due to fat thighs?

Last Answer : Fat thighs might be an indirect contribution, but the problem is gut flora coming out of your butt. Get a small spray bottle and fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is cheap so get plenty. ... because the yogurt bacteria will flush everything else out of your system. But that takes a few weeks.

Description : Diaper rash?

Last Answer : DefinitionA diaper rash is a skin problem that develops in the area beneath an infant's diaper.Alternative NamesDermatitis - diaper and Candida; Candida-associated diaper dermatitis; Diaper ... mothers are taking antibiotics while breast feedingHave more frequent stoolsOther causes of diaper rashe

Description : Poison ivy - oak - sumac rash?

Last Answer : DefinitionPoison ivy, oak, and sumac are plants that commonly cause an allergic skin reaction. The result is typically an itching, red rash with bumps or blisters.ConsiderationsPoison ivy is one of the most ... . Each stem contains 7 - 13 leaves arranged in pairs.CausesThe rash is caused by skin