Does a dog have bones in its tail?

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Last Answer : I guess so, but I think the chubs do it too, so I don't know, it will probably be weird ...

Last Answer : Yes it can. It is also necessary to monitor the way he shakes, facial expressions and ear movement.

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Last Answer : “Neko” is just Japanese for “cat”, so “inu” would be the equivalent since it’s Japanese for “dog”.

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Last Answer : Take her to a vet, she may have sustained some injury involving damage to nerves near the base of her spine.

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Last Answer : I am a puppy.

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Last Answer : If someone twists the dog's tail, they will soon twist the dog's ... The dog wags its tail - it usually expresses a positive mood.

Description : [Update] I fed my dog chicken bones and I'm worried of his health?

Last Answer : Thank you for the update. If the dog was diagnosed as having distemper by a vet, then you need to read up on how a dog gets distemper. It is likely that it has nothing to do with eating chicken ... that distemper cannot be cured. Ask the vet are the options and decide what would be best for the dog.

Description : HELP! I fed my dog cooked chicken bones and I'm worried of his health?

Last Answer : If the dog isn't choking on the bones, don't worry about it. If the dog starts moaning and groaning like it has a tummy ache, take it to the vet. And don't ever do it again!! A neighbor of mine ... never a problem. The bones can get lodged in the throat so if your dog got them down, WHEW! rest easy!

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Last Answer : answer:I know you're not supposed to give chicken bones to dogs, because they can shatter into sharp pieces and choke your dog, as well as injure the dog's stomach and digestive tract, causing it to bleed. I'm ... pooch and break it. He'll just gnaw on it. But I wouldn't give it to a larger dog.

Description : Dog owners: Is it healthy for dogs to eat chicken bones?

Last Answer : answer:No chicken bones for dogs! It does not take but one time for a bone to be lodged in their throat or intestine and die. I have never given chicken bones to any of my dogs.

Description : Have you given your dog bones, like rib bones, for years and they're fine?

Last Answer : answer: People food is NOT bad for dogs. In fact, people food is great for dogs, but just like people food for humans, it has to be the right amounts of the right stuff. Bones, in ... has never once had an issue with blockages. Read about how to choose the right bones for your dog here.

Description : Can anyone suggest safe bones (or chew toys) for my dog to chew on?

Last Answer : Talk to her vet.

Description : I know that you're not supposed to give your dog cooked bones, but I was told that raw bones are OK. Is it true? Wha's the difference?

Last Answer : Yes, raw bones are fine as long as they are not tiny. Cooked bones become very brittle and can get lodged in a dog's throat or intestines. Even though that's not the case with raw bones, your dog should always be supervised when eating a bone in case a problem occurs.

Description : Is it safe to give my dog the bones from the soup?

Last Answer : Only raw soup bones are okay to give your dog. Cooking the bones can make them brittle and littles pieces can break off posing many dangers for your dog. Be aware that the marrow in the bones ... , remove the bone. If you have multiple dogs, keep them separated when chewing bones to avoid fights.

Description : How many bones in a dog)?

Last Answer : Need answer