What is the average cost of a family lawyer?

1 Answer

Answer :

Their fees vary consistent with the world of law and a lawyer's experience. the dimensions and site of the firm also can play a neighbourhood  with country lawyers usually charging less. In NSW, If you want to know more about price you can contact us.How much is a retainer fee for a family lawyer?Depending on the lawyer and therefore the complexity of your case, the fees will depend upon your lawyer we will help you to know more about this if you have any query you can contact us.How can I pay for a lawyer with no money?Contact the city courthouse.Seek for free lawyer consultations.Look to  legal aid societies.Contact your county or state bar association.Go to small claims court.How long do custody cases usually take?If the oldsters didn't come to an agreement about all of their custody an

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Last Answer : I just got here. What’s going on?

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Last Answer : Are you asking about “funding” as in $$ or ‘finding’? Talk to a lawyer in Indiana who has a reciprical agreement with a Texas lawyer. Contact the Texas Lawyer referral agency.

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Last Answer : Including Esq.' is not pretentious and is perfectly acceptable or appropriate. I think I know what you mean, though. The fact that some attorneys use it, while others do not, probably makes the matter ... Esq. or Mr. John Smith would be correct, but Mr. John Smith, Esq. would be incorrect.

Description : Negative experience with lawyer?

Last Answer : I have actually had pretty good experiences with lawyers. My divorce attorney was young and conscientious and worked hard. I believe he was ethical as well. He looked out for my interest and didn't over-bill his ... lawyer and he is a jerk. However, he was a jerk long before he went to law school.

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Last Answer : @skf: What was wrong with the service? Not thorough enough? Bad outcome? Poor turn-around time or inattentiveness?

Description : pro bone lawyer to file for non-profit status?

Last Answer : Many law schools have legal clinics where they will do pro bono work of this type (under the supervision of real attorneys, of course). I'd check out your local law schools. As well, all large ... work, that might be a good option because that's the type of work that firms have experience with.

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Last Answer : At my local Radio Shack they sell a device for this very purpose. Plug one end of your phone line into it and viola: recorded.

Description : Have any of you settled with an insurance company without a lawyer?

Last Answer : answer:You can. They are likely to call you. They will offer you a check and ask that you sign a waiver for any future claims. Just make sure that you are confident (medical exam; reasonable length of time) that no future injuries will crop up. I have done it and had it work out OK.

Description : If i work for a lawyer to i have to have a license? Also, is getting paid under the table illegal?

Last Answer : Getting paid under the table is illegal.