State three basic objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement. -SST 10th

1 Answer

Answer :

(i) Maintenance of international peace. (ii) Abolition of colonialism and imperialism. (iii) Protection of environment.

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Description : What is meant by Non-Aligned movement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by our moderators...

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Last Answer : A number of summits were held by NAM countries to discuss world problems. (i) The non-aligned nations discussed world affairs at Belgrade in 1961 and Cairo in 1964, in order to ... countries have changed their emphasis. NAM is now stressing on human rights, democracy and economic development.

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Last Answer : Many countries wanted to avoid falling under the global superpowers

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Last Answer : the world is still divided into two groups developed countriesand developing countries .colonialism is still present in some countries

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Last Answer : Non-Coorporation Movement (1920-22) wanted to bring the Government to a standstill by refusing to cooperate with it; Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-34) wanted to paralyse the government by performing illegal acts like violating the laws.

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Last Answer : (i) Increasing productivity. (ii) Improving quality. (iii) Ensuring good prices to the jute farmers and enhancing the yield per Hectare.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : objectives are more complex

Description : Describe briefly any three economic effects of the Non-Cooperation Movement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Boycott of foreign goods : People decided to boycott foreign goods and wear Swadeshi clothes, and use Swadeshi goods. (ii) Impact on imports : As people began discarding imported clothes, ... As people decided to boycott foreign clothes, production of Indian textile mills and handloom went up.

Description : Why did Gandhiji decide to withdraw the 'Non-Cooperation Movement in February 1922? Explain any three reasons. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Gandhiji decided to withdraw the Non-Cooperation movement because the main objective of ahimsa i.e. non-violence was not being followed by the satyagrahis. He felt the need of training the ... was still able to unite everyone and shaped the creation of mass mobilization at the national level.

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Last Answer : Significance of tourism as a trade: 1. The number of foreign tourists in India has increased over the years and has contributed significantly to foreign exchange. 2. Over 15 million people ... generator. 3. It's also an encouraging factor for the local handicrafts and cultural traditions.

Description : Why did Non-cooperation Movement gradually slow down in cities ? Explain any three reasons. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The non-cooperation movement slowed down in cities because: 1. People could not boycott mill clothes for long because they could not afford Khadi clothes, Khadi was much expensive compared to mill clothes ... come up. It was too less to take in the enormous number of people in British institutions.

Description : Explain any three effects of the Non-cooperation Movement on the economy of India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Three effects of Non-cooperation on the economy: 1. The import of foreign cloth became half by 1922 because its demand had drastically fallen. 2. Merchants and traders refused to handle foreign goods ... 3. Indian textile mills' and handlooms' demand grew as Indian clothes were now in huge demand.

Description : Describe briefly any three economic effects of Non-Cooperaton Movement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The effects of Non-Cooperation on economic front were : (i) foregin goods were boycotted, (ii) liquor shops were picketed and (iii) import of foreign cloth was halved as it was burnt in huge bonfires. Production of Indian textile mills and handlooms went up.

Description : Mention three main proposals with reference to Non-Cooperation Movement, as suggested by Mahatma Gandhi. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Gandhiji proposed that : (i) The movement should unfold in stages. It should begin with the surrender of titles awarded by the government. (ii) Then a boycott of civil services, army, police, ... . (iii) Then, in case the government used repression, a full disobedience campaign would be launched.

Description : Mention three main proposals with reference to the Non-cooperation Movement as suggested by Mahatma Gandhiji. -SST 10th

Last Answer : *Boycott of Foreign goods. *Boycott of Government schools of students and teachers. *Boycott of law practice by lawyers. NCM was non violent with consists of the Indians resigning titles with the boycotting government educational institutions foreign goods and more.

Description : What were the three proposals regarding Non-cooperation Movement, as suggested by Mahatma Gandhi? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Gandhiji proposed that the movement should unfold in stages: (i) Surrender of titles that the government awarded. (ii) Boycott of civil services, army, police, courts and legislative, councils, ... (iii) In case the government used repression, a full civil disobedience campaign would be launched.

Description : Name any three leading figures who participated in the Non-Cooperation Movement: -SST 10th

Last Answer : The three leaders who participated in the Non-Cooperation Movement were: (i) Dr. Zakir Hussain (ii) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (iii) Rabindranath Tagore.

Description : State the objectives of NREGA 2005. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Objectives of implementing MGNREGA 2005: (i) To give employment opportunities to the people who live in rural areas. (ii) To raise the standard of living of the people. (iii) To implement the right to work.

Description : State two important objectives of the Indian National Army. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The two main objectives of the Indian National Army were: (i) To work towards the liberation of India and the Indians who were staying abroad to serve foreigners. (ii) To acquire support from outside India and fight against Britain.

Description : Briefly state the aims and objectives of the United Nations Organisation. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The United Nations Organisation aimed at: (i) Saving the succeeding generations from the scourge of war. (ii) To re-affirm faith in Fundamental Human Rights, in the dignity and worth of human ... law can be maintained. (iv) To promote social progress and better standard of life in larger freedom.

Description : Mention any three objectives of National Jute Policy, 2005. -Geography

Last Answer : After Bangladesh, India is the second largest producer of raw jute and jute goods. 40% of the small and marginal farmers are supported by this industry as they are engaged in the cultivation of Jute ... farmers get the good prices of the Jute produced by them and to increase the yield per hectare.

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Last Answer : What is Economic Planning? Give objectives of last three five-year plan.