If there are no humans in our world, what species will become dominant in the world?

1 Answer

Answer :

Primates probably. Chimps already reached the stone age

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Last Answer : Cows. Milk and hamburgers.

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Last Answer : 100% Because it already happened. Many times. It has been observed. Many times. See here

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Last Answer : I really really have to say no. Race is a social construct. All humans are virtually the same, genetically with slight variations due to demographics of their ancestry.

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Last Answer : answer:LOL Maybe Dolphins or Elephants….emotionally intelligent, hardy, socially evolved. ???

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Last Answer : Uh, well given how much of the extinction was our doing, I think we should be trying harder to override ourselves, not nature.

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Last Answer : King Louie from Jungle book wanted to be a man cub so maybe they think of us as the superior being , the all mighty power could i be wrong / Jungle book was real so don’t say it wasn’t if its on tv its real . lol

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Last Answer : Well, if it were a moogle, they’d probably enslave us all, and we’d lose our human rights with our humanity. But if it were a floogle, then we would remain pure of heart and pristine of soul, and bestow upon them all the perquisites and rights pertaining thereto!

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Last Answer : Speak

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Last Answer : Extinction contributes to the loss of natural food sources.

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Last Answer : If you mean other species that would be regarded as more intelligent with a much more developed brain than the human species which I think there aren't but let's assume, then maybe ... degradation. Humans wherever they are found always alter the state of the environment to suit themselves.

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Last Answer : I do not think that human beings are keystone species. Keystone species are species whose existence are critical to the survival of other species and the environment. Without the species, there ... in biological processes. For example animals also give off Co2 that plants use during photosynthesis.

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Last Answer : Humans need to maintain enough space and resources to increase the earth's capacity for all species. They have to make sure that they and other people have enough to survive.

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Last Answer : its they are closely related

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Last Answer : (d) order.

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Last Answer : (a) Tiger - tigris, species

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Last Answer : a. Gram-Negative Rods

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Last Answer : C) cladogenesis.

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Last Answer : we would go extinct. Plain and simple.

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Last Answer : 1. Democracy is the dominant form of government in the contemporary world. 2. The challenge of deepening of democracy involves the strengthening of institutions and practices of democracy and ... bring down the control and influence of the rich and powerful in making governmental decisions.

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Last Answer : No such thing. Here

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Last Answer : recessive alle