If there were higher species, can humans be viewed as bioindicator species?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you mean other species that would be regarded as more intelligent with a much more developed brain than the human species  which I think there aren't but let's assume, then maybe humans can actually be considered by them as bioindicator species. Bioindicator species are species whose presence, absence, abundance and functions within an ecological community indicate something about the quality of the environment. For instance, frogs and toads are used to assess the level of pollution in their environment as their skins and gills have the ability to absorb harmful chemicals compounds around them. As we are witnessing man's current increasing and alarming rate of destruction of the environment, I can say that man is an indicator of environmental degradation. Humans wherever they are found always alter the state of the environment to suit themselves.

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Last Answer : answer:If you’re talking about the video with the circular framing, infrared imaging, and low key narration, I saw them posted on abovetopsecret.com, although I assumed it was NoCal. (There’s a second video with 4 in formation.) I think it’s military craft.

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Last Answer : Have you logged into any shared or public computers or work computers, and forgotten to log out? This would be my first thought. If you have used a shared computer but logged out, it's possible the computer ... , and also check to make sure you haven't left any comments that you don't know about.

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Last Answer : answer:Depends on where you are. Recreational smoking is considered a non-event in the SF Bay Area, but heavy dependence is bad no matter what the substance. Some parts of the US take a very dim view of marijuana use. And so most major corporations.

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Last Answer : My understanding is that none of those apps work. Because of that, I’ve never used one. Besides which, since my privacy settings are set so that only my friends can view my profile, it seems pointless to want to know which of them did, since I’ve given permission to do so to all of them.