does it indicate rain is coming when a tree's leaves curl and turn over?

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Last Answer : It doesn't have to be a storm. The leaves will turn when it is very humid or before it rains, period. It isn't that it is necessarily going to storm.. it just means that the atmosphere has a lot ... soft and they sort of wilt. From the ground, it appears as if they are turning before it rains. :)

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Last Answer : It is a fungal infection. Can only treat in dormant condition.......fall & spring dormant oil or AG oil..................for instructions carefully for application. Leaves will drop off but new ones will appear.

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Last Answer : The leaves on mine are also curling - have been most of the summer. They don't die and seem to be O.K. weeks later when they grow. I increased the water because we had 11 days over 100 degrees last month. Could it be too much water or the heat?

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Description : Aphids cause leaves to curl. Sray a small amount of dawn detergent and water mix on the leaves.

Last Answer : 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water......mix & spray after sun went down & tree cools off. spray again after rain.

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Description : what causes the leaves to curl on my tomatoe plants

Last Answer : Sounds like some bug is trying to make a use clean scizzors and cut the leave off and bag it...wipe the scizzors off.......put that into the trash can......mix up 1 teasp of ... of leaves.....tomorrow is you see anything crawling use a plastic glove to take it off and bag & trash it.

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Description : why do tomatoe plant leaves curl and go brown

Last Answer : I suggest using a spray bottle to keep your plants leaves moist throughout the way; they dry faster than the base and soil. As for leaves gowing brown, snap those off as soon as you notice, you ... a diseased plant. However, try the spray bottle first to keep things nice and green. Hope this helps!

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Last Answer : I go into the garden with a small plastic bags & clippers and cut off those leave and trash them. After the sun goes down & the plants are cooled off mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray. They don't like soapy water. Happy summer.

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Last Answer : I would give them a soapy bath.................... after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap with 1 qt water and spray spray might be a tiny bug.... ... & pets away until it is dry. do this when the sun goes down......that way by morning it should be dry.

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Last Answer : Answer: Option D

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Last Answer : It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing global warming 

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Last Answer : Maximum biodiversity

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Last Answer : Ten GQ’s but not one answer. I’m sorry, Jeruba :/

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Last Answer : Probably, if not from apple, than from the SDK when it gets released.

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Last Answer : Pull out the plug in the bath.

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Last Answer : Yes. I had the pleasure of experiencing hypocapnia after using a ventilator that forced me to hyperventilate. The reduced CO2 in the blood can cause muscle cramps and involuntary contractions of the ... awful. Fortunately it goes away quickly when you adjust your breathing (or the ventilator)..

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Last Answer : Interesting observation. Maybe it’s a build up of lactic acid from no respiration? (Let me check that spelling). That looks better.

Description : Why doesn't my hair hold a curl?

Last Answer : Do you have fine hair? I have the same problem due to having fine hair. My best suggestion would be to not brush the curl out at all. I always lose my curls once I take a brush to them.

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Last Answer : answer:The first few minutes of Die Hard 1 (fists with your toes) I always copy that part for some reason. Lazy Sunday mornings stretching in bed does it too, and cramp.

Description : My hair doesn't curl at all. I'm alright with this. I'm just curious, though - would it straighten?

Last Answer : I'm not entirely sure, but since my hair's stubbornly straight I can relate with the no-curling. My guess would be that straightening hair is easier than curling, since with curling it's gravity weighing down the ... curls in the world, she got her hair straight. Best way to find out is to try! : ]

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Last Answer : Use a curl-holding gel product on your hair. Put it on wet after you wash your hair. Set your hair on rollers, and then use haur spray after your take the rollers our and have it fixed the way that you want it.

Description : What is the name of the childrens book about the " Little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead. when she was good she was very very good...

Last Answer : can you describe a bit more about the book….please…