Should I run away

1 Answer

Answer :

how old are you

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Description : Have you ever done anything for Halloween that actually made little kids scream and run away?

Last Answer : I walked up to a toddler and he looked up way up to me and fell over. No costume needed. I was 198cm tall. It is not rare.

Description : What would happen if I will run away from my parents while traveling abroad?

Last Answer : Think of the pain and anguish you will put your parents through. Think of the panic they will feel and how they won’t want to leave the country until they find you. Don’t do that. It’s cruel.

Description : Do you run appliances when you are away from your home?

Last Answer : answer:I set my dishwasher on a timer to save energy; I usually run it after midnight. I will run the washing machine and dryer when I am out. If nothing else, the dryer seems safe because there is no chance of flooding.

Description : Has your dog ever gotten away and run round the neighborhood a bit only to show up at your doorstep a few minutes later?

Last Answer : My parents had a cat that did that. He’d run off but eventually show up at our door. Eventually he became an indoor cat.

Description : Have you ever run away from home?

Last Answer : I was 51 and spent a couple nights at my office.

Description : As an adult have you ever wanted to play knock on doors and run away?

Last Answer : answer:Indulge yourself, @LornaLove! You just missed your chance to knock and run people would have laughed it off. I outgrew the games of my childhood. Collecting stuff/glassware and playing with words ... ! Call it collecting if you want cards, marbles. Have you considered being a Big Sister?

Description : If you run away with the circus, what kind of performer would you be?

Last Answer : I’d be the bearded lady.

Description : I want to run away from home. (See deatails) Any suggestions?

Last Answer : 1) Don’t talk about the plan on a website your daughter visits.

Description : Any of you have an indoor/outdoor cat (or cats). How did you go about getting them used to the outside, so, that they didn't run away?

Last Answer : When my family moved, they would just wait a week or so before letting the cat out, so the cat had time to associate the new place with home. They never had any trouble with their cats running away. ... s much you can do to keep your cat within a certain distance of home, if that's your goal.

Description : How would you convince an angry 9 year old boy not to run away after finding out his parents are separating?

Last Answer : Nine year olds are old enough to comprehend pretty serious stuff. He wants to run away because he's afraid and unsure of how to cope with such a scary situation, but pacifying him is not the way ... his parents' decision, which may be the outcome he is hoping for, and acting out of desperation.

Description : Racy swim attire for beach time fun; ignore them, run them off, or run away?

Last Answer : I would tell the guy to stop complaining.

Description : Do you ever get the feeling that you want to run away from everything?

Last Answer : Yeah, quite a bit of the time. Only thing is that doesn’t work.

Description : Which is better: to die fighting or to run away to live another day?

Last Answer : I think a tactical retreat is in order, live to fight another day & have the gun tested & calibrated to do the job it was intended for…… :-/

Description : Did you run away as a teenager?

Last Answer : I ran away for around a month and was sleeping in the back yard of my girl friend. LOL My father told me I couldn’t ever see her again and so I left and was sleeping in her back yard.

Description : How much money do you think it will cost me to run away?

Last Answer : I think there are a few too many open variables to give a sensible answer on this one…like where you are now, and what exactly young adult means…

Description : Ever wanted to just get on a bus, train, or plane and just run away from everything?

Last Answer : Absolutely.

Description : My computer is so freaking slow I'm seconds away from smashing it out of frustration. How can I make it run faster?

Last Answer : …Also, currently running a SpyBot scan.

Description : How is it that someone can come from another state, do a hit-and-run, and get away with it?

Last Answer : If you still have the plate number and description you might post it here and someone might help identify it for you. You never know.

Description : What should i do if I want to run-away?

Last Answer : We would need to know more about your situation to figure out if you actually need help or are just being emo. Either way, running is not the answer, you probably could not even look after yourself.

Description : Where can I run away to where nobody will know who I am?

Last Answer : In my experience, it didn’t matter where I ran to. The problems followed me. Then again, I never tried the Florida Keys.

Description : What would you guys do if you wanted to run away?

Last Answer : I contemplate running away all the time, but I'm 23 and I have some money saved up. Sometimes I think there's nothing holding me back, other than my fear, which is probably true. But I ... to. You'll also be that much stronger emotionally, which will help you through life more than you know.

Description : Did you ever run away from home?

Last Answer : I left home once and made it as far as the end of the block before I came back home about 30 minutes later. I was quite young when I did this and it was all prompted by me being angry at my parents for them punishing me for something.

Description : If I was to run away where would be the best place to go?

Last Answer : Face your parents. If you start running now, from one of the first, most serious things to happen in your life thus far, you will continue to run for the rest of your life - from everything that makes you too ... , it happens. And you look past it and move on. Don't run away It is a bad decision.

Description : Can a turtle ever run away from home?

Last Answer : I just met someone who said their turtle had run away, so: yes.

Description : Is it illegal (or a crime) to cut someone's hair and run away?

Last Answer : At the very least it would be battery, maybe assault and battery or if it turns you on, sexual assault

Description : Suppose you want to run away from the life you are living in right now, how would you do it?

Last Answer : If you want to disappear it can be done. Harder with todays technology but it can be so e

Description : What's the best country to go to if you want to run away from your current life?

Last Answer : [deleted]

Description : I am present on a winter's day, Surprise me and I am taken away. The faster you run, the harder I am to catch, Try all you can, I am not easy to snatch. I am always with you, somewhere in the ... a sound. Keep your head cool and you will finally see, That I am inside you. What could I be? -Riddles

Last Answer : Your breath.

Description : I am the unreachable boundary, yet the place you wish to go, I run away as you approach. But I am always there. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The Horizon.

Description : Why do lizards run away when they see egg shells at home ?

Last Answer : Many people know that lizards run away when they see egg shells. Studies have shown that the shell of an egg can cause lizards or any other reptiles to escape because it acts as a natural ... shells also protect trees from insects, which is why many people scatter egg shells around plants. Thanks!

Last Answer : There may be a cooking stove

Description : Hello, about four days ago I bought a small rat from a pet store. He doesn't have any problems or bites yet, but he won't let himself be picked up so I can take it out. He's always trying to slip me out ... I don't even know if it's a male or a female, because I can't even turn him around and look.

Last Answer : Like any other animal. He wants to devote a lot of time to the animal, gradually get used to it and always take it away. It's not a matter of days.

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Last Answer : You won't run

Description : When I take a cat to a cottage can it run away? I've had her for 2 years so she's used to me.

Last Answer : There is a certain risk, every cat is different. I drove all my cats to the cottage (gradually 5 + one was local) and they mostly stayed at the cottage, the last boy even walked at my feet like a dog. ... to stay away until it finally cost her her life. But it was atypical, I would risk it again :)

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Last Answer : Believe that you will not run away from pigs:

Description : What circumstances compel Ponyboy and Johnny to run away from home?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : If your inboard or outboard boat run aground what action should you take in addition to shift the weight away from the point of impact?

Last Answer : Place the drive in neutral.Check everyone onboard is OK.Check for leaks.Kill the engine and raise the skeg to check that the prop has not been damaged.If there is the depth try and reverse off.IF any of the above does not work, Radio for help.

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Last Answer : b. chemotaxis

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Last Answer : D) You will accept your mistake and extend whole hearted, support to the young child