Will Yahoo be no more?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I’m not sure I understand your question, “Yahoo!,” while still struggling – still receives over 130 million unique users per month. They’re worth billions, there’s no reason to assume whoever buys them (rumor has it that News Corp is also trying) would just “close them out.” It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end but it’ll be years most likely before we as internet users are ‘affected’ – that is, unless you own Yahoo! stock. Then you have good news coming your way. ;)

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Last Answer : answer:I actually use a separate Gmail account for my throwaway needs. I know that the Gmail software will ask you whether or not you want to link it with your other accounts, but I simply always answer no. ... . Edit to add: I used Mail.com for a while for throwaway stuff. I did not like it.

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Last Answer : No.

Description : Does anyone find Yahoo! Answers useful?

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Last Answer : Which browser are you using?

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Last Answer : Nope worked just fine for me.

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Last Answer : It is working for me. Try disabling Ghostery if you have it on in Firefox.

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Last Answer : It might be helpful if you include the OS of the machine on which you’re having this problem.

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Last Answer : It makes sense to me since there must be thousands of accounts of people who have died, and they should get cleared out.

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Last Answer : Really? You see this? Every time, all the news I see is about how some celebrity wore a really horrid dress in public. Seriously, I’m not being funny, I don’t know how many times that really has been one of their headlines. :/

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Last Answer : Try deleting your account on your PC and then re-creating it. You might also try creating your account in an entirely different email program.

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Last Answer : Perhaps they’re guessing your age based on your searches?

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Last Answer : Do you have an email client like Outlook? Try to see if it works on an external program. I think Gmail now has the capability to link other email accounts too.

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Last Answer : answer:dearmarissamayer.com In all seriousness, I can't imagine anything she could do to save it. But I'm a pretty big Google fan boy. Mayer was Google's 20th employee, and seems to have some ... the ashes. It would be nice to have another player - whether in search, social, or something unique.

Description : Is there a way to archive years of yahoo email?

Last Answer : I would just copy it all to disc.

Description : Yahoo always has lists. This one is the 10 best interview questions. Agree?

Last Answer : answer:That's a really good list. I would add, Why is the position open? That can tell you a lot about the company. If the interview is going well, I would also ask, What present employees ... position? And if the interview is going exceedingly well, I would finish with, Can I have the job?

Description : How does this site compare to Yahoo Answers, Amazon Askville, Answerbag, etc.?

Last Answer : We have a fairly active community (though not at this time of day). Since I’m the community manager here, I might sound biased, but it’s a fantastic community, too! Helpful, thoughtful, and smart.

Description : How do you delete ALL emails from Yahoo Mail on an iMac?

Last Answer : So far, what I do is click on the trash sign button to delete when the message is on display and it stays deleted that way.

Description : If I sent a link to my ex boyfriend that was an email in my yahoo email account, can he access my email?

Last Answer : answer:No. He can't get into your email account without knowing your password. He doesn't know your email password, does he? Without knowing the actual link, I can't say exactly what will happen. But he' ... Yahoo, or at a login page at the flower site, or just get a broken link that goes nowhere.

Description : What happened to Yahoo Mail lately?

Last Answer : They changed format and now it sucks, a big smelly one with dingleberries. Wish they would’ve left it alone. Now I use my other email adresses more.

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Last Answer : Probably because its’ Google Chrome.

Description : Are you forgetful? Yahoo has nine reasons why this could be - and maybe even a good tip on what to do about it?

Last Answer : answer:Yes I… what was the question again? Sorry, had to do it. No, but seriously I am pretty… wait, what?

Description : Yahoo Fantasy Football Waiver Wire Time Zone Question?

Last Answer : I use yahoo too and I am assuming that it goes EST. Good luck with that pick up.

Description : How do I turn off Yahoo chat so it does not turn back on when I check mail?

Last Answer : I’m not experiencing this behavior. My chat settings persist from one logon to the next… even after clearing cookies from my browser’s cache (since it’s a user profile setting anyway).

Description : Where is my comment under the news article (from a week ago or so) in Yahoo?

Last Answer : If you left a comment under a news article on Yahoo, it is subject to being deleted by a new moderator.

Description : Why am I being added to a bunch of yahoo groups?

Last Answer : Are you sure it's not the Fluther Group? If so, it's to keep your avatar handy, so that we might email your directly to ask a question about an answer or question you have posted on Fluther. It's not ... comes in handy, when you want to locate someone in a hurry. Okay to add you to my Fluther List?

Description : Can I set up a sound alert for yahoo email?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think so. Without the messenger program you can’t be noticed of emails unless you keep refreshing yahoo page in your browser.

Description : Is the new "improved" Yahoo Mail working correctly or should I just switch to Gmail?

Last Answer : Mine added contacts that I had deleted years ago. No “hot young men” though. I’m thinking of ditching mine also. I don’t like all the bells and whistles, don’t need them and won’t use them. I just want an easy email address that I don’t have to think about.

Description : Why is the time stamp on Yahoo email always inaccurate?

Last Answer : It is a Yahoo issue, and I use to know the reason or read somewhere why it is. Sorry that was many, many years ago and I have simply forgotten where I saw the information. Maybe I’ll try to research it again.

Description : BlackBerry Yahoo Messenger problem?

Last Answer : What provider and do you have a data plan?