What are the most anti-social things you've done?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m not proud of it but I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

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Last Answer : Impossible to say! Actually sitting here trying to decide what's the most rewarding feeling I've had, but I honestly can't put one above others. I've had the joy of helping complete strangers that ... surprises from time to time and the reactions always make me feel fantastic. ....I could go on

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Last Answer : answer:The only person I can think of that has ever made an impact with computers is… Bill Gates! This question is very old, but I’m glad to be the first answer!

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Last Answer : Learning french. Finishing my under grad degree. Parallel parking.

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Last Answer : Renew renew.

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Last Answer : JLeslie Hey lady this cuts both ways. :)

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Last Answer : answer:I married the most appropriate woman in the world for me. She has always understood me and has had my back for 46 years. She never asks for anything and she is still “one fine babe”.

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Last Answer : Make lists…reward yourself every time you finish a list.

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Last Answer : I don't think preferring home to going out makes you anti-social. It's the comment about people you go out with talking about retarded things that gets my attention. If you can't put up with small ... t put up with people. And since there is no social without people, you just might be anti-social.

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Last Answer : Yes, that’s why I started visiting this site in the first place. Felt alone but found strangers ready to help. Flutter has helped me talk and think about my problems better than any conversation in the ‘real world’ could have. Facebook is nice but I can’t share with them the problems I do here.

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Last Answer : Jimmy fucking Carr.

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Last Answer : answer:Holy fuck YES! haha I am going crazy in my living arrangement right now. Nosey neighbors, the person I live with hearing every little thing I do, being nosey too, my cats confined to a ... how much I loathe living in city limits again! Thank You for the opportunity to rant this morning. haha

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Last Answer : Are you an idiot?~

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Last Answer : No panchayats should not be given such powers ‘ Reasons : (i) They do not have required resources. (ii) It is the judiciary which has the power to decide whether a person is guilty or not.

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Last Answer : I guess it is possible. I don't think there is anyone who stays the same after being born. There is always something that will change in our lives, we never remain the same. For example there are ... do with maturity, as you mature you get to learn new things that will expose you to other things.

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Last Answer : D) Social phenomena 

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Last Answer : Before giving them lessons. Make your personal life to emerge as an ideal teacher

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Last Answer : Some do I am sure. I am anti- OVER vaccinating, and this is why I won't be re-vaccinating my 7 and 10 yr. old cats that are indoors only at this time. They have enough immunity ... horses. Horses are highly susceptible to Tetanus, more so than other farm animals, though they are vaccinated as well.