What was the lowest point in your life, and after the fact were you glad that things turned out the way they did?

1 Answer

Answer :

We weren’t going out long enough to even call it a relationship, but getting dumped by my first boyfriend was pretty devastating. It was worth the pain though, because if that hadn’t happened I would never have met my fiancee.

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Last Answer : Making America great again.

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Last Answer : Octomom

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Last Answer : Octomom

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Last Answer : Human Centipede

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Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : Of all the movies you haven't seen, what movie are you most glad you haven't seen, and never will?

Last Answer : Human Centipede

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : Of all the movies you haven't seen, what movie are you most glad you haven't seen, and never will?

Last Answer : Human Centipede

Description : Of all the movies you haven't seen, what movie are you most glad you haven't seen, and never will?

Last Answer : Human Centipede

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : Of all the movies you haven't seen, what movie are you most glad you haven't seen, and never will?

Last Answer : Human Centipede

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : Of all the movies you haven't seen, what movie are you most glad you haven't seen, and never will?

Last Answer : Human Centipede

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.

Description : What old car problems are you glad we don't have anymore??

Last Answer : Having to crank the damn thing to start it.