How do you know which cheese rinds are edible?

1 Answer

Answer :

They should all be fine unless they became contaminated by bad storage or a chemical spill or some such thing. I always throw some Reggiano rind in a nice soup.

Related questions

Description : Why is the mold on blue cheese edible while other molds are not?

Last Answer : Blue cheese has added mold of the genus Penicillium, most often Penicillium Roqueforti and Penicillium Glaucum, that is related to the mold that makes penicillin. Penicillium actually helps prevent the growth of harmful molds that cheeses get, like Clostridium and Staphylococcus.

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Last Answer : answer:Pork rinds are good man! While we are on the subject you have not lived until you have tried this bacon Bacon made any other way simply is a waste

Description : Are pork rinds a food that cause high cholesterol?

Last Answer : Well, yes. Pork rinds are quite fatty and can cause high cholesterol if you eat it in lots and great quantities. Try not to eat so much and limit your pork rind intake for the sake of your health.

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Last Answer : If your taste buds like it eay it , if they don’t then spit it out

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Last Answer : answer:If you don't like the way it tastes, you probably should move on to a different green. I find kale tasty even raw, and when I cook it, I only lightly sauté it with a touch of salt and garlic so ... stem off and taking a bite of that. If you don't like that taste, kale will never be for you.

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Last Answer : If it has been refrigerated at 40* F or lower, 48 to 72 hours from time it was caught. Just cook it until it has hits 145* F internal temperature.

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Last Answer : You can use a paint brush to put a thin coat of the melted chocolate into the mold. Put that in the fridge to harden, then pull the molds out and fill with whatever you want (I love making ... apply some warm chocolate to the seem, put the two halves together, and put them back in the fridge.

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Last Answer : It is. Good question.

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Last Answer : Sumac flowers make a nice tea, taste pretty lemony and have anti-oxidants. (Not poison Sumac)

Description : What is the best type of olive oil, hard cheese, and bread, to make grilled cheese sandwiches?

Last Answer : Crusty white sourdough Havarti cheese Butter or lard instead of oil (but if you must do oil, use something you like, but extra virgin will tend smokier. The best oils tend to come from smaller producers and counterfeiting/adulturation is rampant.

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Last Answer : If this helps, Lucerne brand, sold by some stores like Albertson’s, Safeway, and maybe a couple others might be to your liking. It seems quite firm, congealed.

Description : What's your favorite grilled cheese recipe and side dish?

Last Answer : I like some ham on mine.

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Description : Cottage cheese with a fork or a spoon?

Last Answer : Spoon, generally.

Description : Are Cheese Doodles the spawn of the devil?

Last Answer : No Pop Tarts are. I like the Canadian form of Cheezies .

Description : Would Ricotta cheese be any good on a baked potato?

Last Answer : Yees! I also make a killer lasagna with ricotta cheese and spinach!!!

Description : Does anyone else have a violent reaction to shredded cheese?

Last Answer : “In humans, a dose of 500 mg/kg/day repeated over multiple days caused nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.” From Wikpedia page on natamycin It also says some people are allergic to it. Check it with a doctor. It may as well be unrelated to cheese.

Description : Is it true that Kraft Mac and Cheese have had their ingredients changed?

Last Answer : Yes, they changed. No, it doesn’t affect me, as it means they have made the poison react more slowly, but I don’t eat it.

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Last Answer : If the cheese is pre-sliced, it’s probably done. If it is a brick of cheese with mold, simply cut away the mold and use the cheese. If you want to keep the cheese longer, wipe it down with vinegar before you put it back in the refridgerator. That keeps the mold away. I prefer apple vinegar for this.

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Last Answer : I like pepperoni, but I’m fine with just cheese. My best friend likes cheese only, so I end up having it whenever he’s around

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Last Answer : answer:I once tasted a 1934 Meursault. It was quite maderized, which is to be expected in a white of that age. I rather like the maderization flavors, so it wasn’t unpleasant by any means. Very nutty and caramelly. Just not very Meursault-y. That’s the oldest I’ve had.

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Last Answer : I can’t help you with the first part, I’m more of the “put the crumbled blue in the salad with a drizzle of balsamic” type. As to what to do with the leftovers, maybe as a gentle sauce for pasta?

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Last Answer : answer:Guilty. and Guilty.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have an outstanding stovetop macaroni and cheese recipe because they really don;t exist as outstanding. And there aren't recipes that work in general with specifics such as you have. ... crumbs give just a bit of satisfying crunch. Serve with either sparkling water or a Pinot Grigio.

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Last Answer : I never had any of that nonsense.

Description : Would it be cost effective to wrap individual bread slices like cheese?

Last Answer : Have you considered refrigerating or freezing it? I do both. The plastic bags used for storing bread can also be reused. Some just require shaking out the crumbs. Others need to be washed and air-dried.

Description : What foods should cheese not be used in?

Last Answer : answer:Cheese shouldn’t go in jello. For me this is my default answer for all questions like this because I’m a jello purist. Fruit should be used sparingly if at all in jello. Everything else is a no. No cheese in jello! Just say no!

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Last Answer : Today I microwaved yellow chips with shredded cheese. It was awesome, but I need to ration for a whole month.

Description : With cheese and cream cheese, would you cut the mold off and eat the cheese, or throw it out?

Last Answer : Toss it. I find that cheese hardens before it molds, and rock hard cheese isn’t appetizing to me – nor is green mold on my food.

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Last Answer : Make enchiladas with it.

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Last Answer : Hot cheese tastes different from cold, but I like both.

Description : Cheese on toast and beans on toast, is that a British thing?

Last Answer : I love beans on toast, otherwise known as skinheads on a raft, no idea if it’s uniquely British though.

Description : Should I wash the cheese I buy from the supermarket?

Last Answer : Why on God’s green Earth would you wash rotten milk??

Description : If I make too much cheese filling for a batch of stuffed shells, can I freeze the rest?

Last Answer : I have frozen cottage cheese with only marginal success. It tasted OK but the texture was weird…very watery. It can’t hurt to try. I just removed a little from the top of the container to allow for expansion and popped it in the freezer.

Description : Why is it that generic nacho cheese tortilla chips never taste as good as Doritos?

Last Answer : How about Cheezies? Or how about Taco Bell?

Description : What is your favorite craft (not Kraft) cheese?

Last Answer : answer:That sounds amazing. Mmm… I’m a brie-head. My favourite way to eat it is baked with roasted garlic, eaten on chunks of fresh pita bread.

Description : Best way to keep macaroni and cheese warm for a party?

Last Answer : Why not make pasta salad and then you don’t have to keep it warm at all.

Description : What's a better "bad" snack? Potato chips, popcorn or corn (cheese) puffs?

Last Answer : Tell you what. Provide me with a sample bowl of each, and I’ll get back to you.

Description : Do you consider grilled cheese sandwiches a breakfast, lunch, or dinner food?

Last Answer : I’m afraid you’re right. I don’t see grilled sandwiches as dinner. I see it as a good breakfast sandwich while my 91 year old friend loves having it for lunch. And snack too but not dinner. @incendiary_dan 1 @hobbitsculture 0. : )

Description : Best recipe for CHEESY macaroni and cheese...?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know what you know, but I'm assuming you know how to make a white sauce or a roux. I like to brown my flour before adding my milk and/or cream. Cream, of course ... Southern thing for Thanksgiving? No telling, though. People move all over the country and traditions are all jumbled up.

Description : Do you like cheese steaks and, if so, what on them?

Last Answer : Nope.

Description : Will cooking spaghetti and melting cheese make macaroni and cheese?

Last Answer : It won’t be macaroni and cheese, because you need milk and flour, at least, to make a cheese sauce.

Description : Do you like cheese? What kind?

Last Answer : Yes. All of them.

Description : Do you peel your cheese sticks?

Last Answer : Peel them into the thinnest strips possible.

Description : Is it okay for an infant to eat laughing cow cheese?

Last Answer : answer:Mash it on your fingers and only a small amount until you know its allergies. Slow as you go. Do not give a whole piece for fear of choking and stay with baby the whole time.

Description : Which grilled cheese sandwich is better? one made in a cast iron skillet or one cooked in a microwave oven?

Last Answer : answer:I use just a regular frying pan, neither cast iron nor a microwave. I don't even understand how you would do it in a microwave. For ma, a grilled cheese is all about the delicately ... goodness! Without that, wouldn't you just be melting a cheese slice between two pieces of soggy bread?

Description : What is your favorite stinky cheese?

Last Answer : Gorgonzola. It is delicious and versatile.

Description : Whether you are vegetarian or not would you eat a pastry that contained tomato, silverbeet, onion, herbs, cheese & mushroom?

Last Answer : I don’t know what ‘silverbeet’ is but, sure, I’d give it a go.

Description : Can I freeze ricotta cheese?

Last Answer : I think it might change the consistency, but don’t quote me on that.