Have you seen Animal Hoarders and how many pets should we own?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I think that most of the people in these situations have good intentions, but don’t realize the harm they are causing. And of course there are also people that are just neglectful and cruel. I don’t think there should be a specific number as a limit, it depends on how much space you have and your ability to care for the animals. For example, I wouldn’t say that the same number of animals would be acceptable to keep in an apartment as compared to a farm. While I realise that rescues and shelters are doing the best they can to keep animals safe by carefully screening everyone that will adopt, sometimes I think that people who would be turned down for an adoption give the best homes. Say, someone that lives in the country and has 20 or 30 cats (strays and pets) that hang around outside and inside, whom they feed and provide shelter for. Whether it were a barn or their own bedroom. No one would adopt a cat into that environment, but I think it sure beats those 20 or 30 cats digging around a dumpster behind a McDonald’s, don’t you? However, trying to make a similar scenario, let’s take someone that lives out in the country and has 20 or 30 cats that they keep in their home. Or worse yet, in cages/crates. Ultimately they can’t keep up with care, from litter box cleaning to feeding and watering – and that is where the real problem comes into play. So I don’t think a specific number really works here. Sometimes people are able to provide a large number of animals with a better life than they might have otherwise. And sometimes not so much. I think it’s hard to admit, but we all have to realise that as much as it would be nice to have every stray cat/dog in a forever home with a family to love it and take it to the vet and feed it the highest quality of food would be ideal. But realistically? Not going to happen. In the meanwhile, sometimes people that offer a little bit of kibble or a dry spot in their barn/garage/porch for the animals that would be homeless and dying otherwise.. are doing a service for animal lovers everywhere.

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