If you were an obnoxious teenager, how are you as an adult?

1 Answer

Answer :

I was a good teenager and now I get to be obnoxious as an adult. (Still pretty good most of the time, though.)

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Last Answer : answer:For me, it's been graduating, finally replacing my lost documents needed for future employment, taking responsibility for myself and getting a job. I still need to learn to drive and get a car. Which isn't ... . I've got a long way to go, and the fact that I'm legally an adult is hysterical.

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Last Answer : I am 20 and I do not feel like I am an adult by any means, but legally I am.

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Last Answer : answer:I would collect your 18-year old sister and talk to your mom immediately. Good intentions and love are wonderful, but adolescent cutting is really serious and requires professional help. From the ... more than one child who cuts, often in recognition of and in competition with each other.

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Last Answer : I would be pretty annoyed? I am a teenager. I am usually always walking around with music playing in my headphones. I'm sure if kids wants to be annoying, it would take more than an ... issues, and those high pitches sounds could trigger something, I don't know. Seems stupid and just pointless

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Last Answer : Too many things to list or remember – starting with hitch hiking, drinking and driving, walking through woods and bad neighborhoods at night, the list goes on and on.

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Last Answer : Don’t give them advice. Show then stuff by the example you set. Just talk to them as if they were regular people.

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Last Answer : These situations scream help and it's very unfortunate that the parent in this situation refuses assistance, the aftermath of these cases do not end well so here is an proactive approach, he needs talk to ... that he deals with this emotions as he is at the age where it is most difficult ...

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Last Answer : Text him: Yo time 4 chorz

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Last Answer : I agree, for the reasons you stated. And there are obviously some adults that need curfews as well, but just because they’re adults they can get wasted and drive at 2 in the morning…...

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Last Answer : I don't think we need queer schools just so that queer kids can be safe though schools like the Hetrick-Martin Institute have been incredible for teens that can't be in normal' ... weeks ago, some administrators and teachers and staff are worse than students in their homophobia and transphobia.

Description : What should we do with bullied GLBT teens?

Last Answer : I don't think we need queer schools just so that queer kids can be safe though schools like the Hetrick-Martin Institute have been incredible for teens that can't be in normal' ... weeks ago, some administrators and teachers and staff are worse than students in their homophobia and transphobia.

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Last Answer : I just know that we had a “magazine drive” at my middle school. It was a big deal. But it wasn’t a real “job” and it was completely optional. You just won things if you sold a lot of them.

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Last Answer : private schools are tough, she should have realized that before hand. I’d call the school and simply ask what the nature of her detentions were, sometimes teenagers, especially teenage girls, exaggerate.

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Last Answer : 19. Master Ribbons sounds sik. lol Although I’m British so it’s MARSter Ribbons :)

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Last Answer : answer:People (whoever they are) are jumping the gun. Yes, Cuba will change, but gradually, over a span of years – maybe a decade – and definitely not right away. Come back in 10 years and ask the same question.

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Last Answer : Your brain would explode if you lived in the UK. Twenty seasons in and being on Big Brother can make you famous.

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Last Answer : Products of bad parenting, from what I’ve experienced with neighbors and friends.

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Last Answer : My colleague is this person. I have this week off work for a break from her! Will watch this for advice myself.

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Last Answer : answer:Should not this be a negotiation between the TV viewer and the song whisperer? Who knows how else they are getting on each other's nerves? Or you could fight fire with fire. Get a ... of speakers, crank the amplification up to 11 (courtesy of Spinal Tap) and really belt something out.

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Last Answer : My daughter.

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Last Answer : “How much is your apartment?” You: As much as I can afford. “You must make the big bucks, you have a nice apt, buy me a drink.” You: All my money is in my apt., I can’t afford to take care of you and me both.

Description : When is being competitive unhealthy or obnoxious?

Last Answer : answer:I feel that competition can be healthy. It drives you to do your best, especially in a situation like you've described, where fitness is the goal. I don't think it becomes obnoxious until ... , and if someone beats you at your own game, congratulate them sincerely and try harder next time.

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Last Answer : No, you can't as far as i remember from an earlier, similar question. What you could do, when that user is commenting on your question and the answer is in any way not in accordance with the ... and use your mouse wheel to scroll the page twenty centimeters down and you can open your eyes again now.

Description : Acceptable ways to deal with rude and obnoxious customers...?

Last Answer : Kill them with kindness, and try to never loose your patience. In my experience, 8 times out of 10 it works, and they'll be the ones looking like a douche. Most people will egg you on just to get ... . I smile, cordially repeat what I've already said, whilst thinking in my head, oh, fuck you .

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Last Answer : I’ve always been bad at removing stickers, but I think you can just peel it off, then scratch away the white residue, and then maybe use a damp washcloth or somethign on the are so it’s not so sticky? After a while it’ll be good.

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Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

Description : Were you a screwed up teenager?

Last Answer : I was not a “screwed up” teenager; I got through high school with okay but not great grades, and then went on to the University of California. But I was drinking alcoholically by the time I was a senior in high school. And I did not recover from that until I was 30.

Description : What luxuries were you allowed to have in your bedroom when you were a teenager?

Last Answer : Living with my dad, I had a TV in my room, and eventually a TurboGrafx 16. (video game console) The TV was black and white, so eventually we moved the game system in the living room so I could play ... group homes too, which was a different story. No way you'd have a TV in your room then haha.

Description : What did you do while you were a child/teenager that you wouldn't want your own children to do or even perhaps to know about?

Last Answer : answer:When I was 16 I left town every single weekend to go live with my girlfriend that lived an hour away. I would leave Friday afternoon and return late Sunday night did this every weekend til ... . Other than that I didn't do anything anyone would find objectionable. Never drank or did drugs.

Description : When you were a teenager, what colors were your special room?

Last Answer : Tan background wallpaper with 1900’s horseless buggies.

Description : Who was on your top ten most fanciable list when you were a teenager, assuming you had one of course?

Last Answer : Oh my word, who didn’t/don’t I fancy in the world of fame, fortune and showbiz. Mark Hoppus, bassist for Blink-182 is probably my number one. Oh and River Phoenix definitely, not forgetting Macaulay Culkin.

Description : Do or did you get along well with your siblings while you were a teenager?

Last Answer : I once accidentally punched my sister in the face and then ran away and locked myself in my room. Other than that though, we got along great. I think our relationship now as adults is much more strained than when we were younger.

Description : I had a problem then for sure.

Last Answer : I wasn't

Description : What is something you loved or did as a teenager that makes you cringe to think of now?

Last Answer : how i handled my first crush lol

Description : Teenager, obsessed with laundry and air conditioning smells. Can anyone relate?

Last Answer : Not odd at all. I too love many of those scents. My daughter (also a teenager) loves the smell the clothes dryer vent gives off. Scent can be very powerful in terms of evoking certain emotions. And hey… Welcome to Fluther!!

Description : Teenager looking for a jacket?

Last Answer : answer:Go to a thrift shop. This site will tell where they are in your area. The Thrift Shopper If it’s good enough for Macklemore it’s good enough for you. And me!

Description : What does it mean when a teenager looks bored and says, "Random"?

Last Answer : I have a 9 year old grandaughter who will say “Wow, that was random” but 99% of the time she is using it correctly because grandpa has ADD and said…..SQUIRREL!..... sorry, anyway that is what she has to deal with.