Does the sun going down earlier make you sleepier?

1 Answer

Answer :

It can happen to people. Humans associate the dark with time to relax and sleep, with the sun setting earlier when you look outside you see darkness and your body starts to think bedtime.

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Last Answer : There’s a pretty good list here in @canidmajor’s question from a week ago.

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Last Answer : Take eye breaks every 20 minutes or so. Bring some mini snacks with you like mixed nuts or trail mix. Drink water only.

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Last Answer : If I take a nap it’s usually great sleep.

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Last Answer : Chillow worked for me.

Description : Do you personally know anyone who fell asleep while driving?

Last Answer : I have started to fall asleep while driving a few times, maybe even been asleep briefly but I didn't leave my lane. Driving long distances can be a bit hypnotic, and when also quite fatigued, I had ... but perhaps there's just much more noise in all the public conversations so it doesn't stand out.

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Last Answer : Less people,fewer bosses ,weigh scales mostly closed, I much prefer to work nights over a day shift.

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Last Answer : Have family or friend stay with you to do something you enjoy. Boardgames, card games, movies?

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Last Answer : Yes. But I’m also not busting my ass 24/7 with kids either. Every thing has slowed down, including how much food I can eat.

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Last Answer : I am guessing with that short a final interval, you get ripped out of sleep right in the middle of the deep sleep phase, which will absolutely wreck you. Happens to me all the time. You can try to ... if you are quick about the business you need to perform, and keep the lights down while you do it.

Description : Is an expensive pillow worth the price?

Last Answer : I think I got a deal on a My Pillow when I bought my mattress some years ago. (This was before the politics came into it.) I will say that it has held up much longer than the $19.99 ones I ... that weren't on a special sale which makes me wonder if people ever pay the full listed price for them.