Does being stressed make you sleepy tired?

1 Answer

Answer :

…stress pumps me up big time, but the farting out of control balloon effect is usually not far behind (no pun intended)...a dead sleep is almost certain to follow that…

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Last Answer : Generally. If I’m supposed to be conscious before a certain time, I’ll put myself to bed about six hours previous.

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Last Answer : Try reading a book, that usually makes my eyes slam shut at this time of the morning. (I just woke up- farmers hours).

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Last Answer : Have you had it checked for a carbon monoxide leak?

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Last Answer : answer:“Hit yourself on the head with a hammer. You will be out in nano-seconds.” If you are going to insult me, use proper spelling, then you appear to have some intelligence. I might just might be offended as an award.

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Last Answer : How active are you when it comes to exercising? and what kind of food to you eat?

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Last Answer : Try to force your mind to think of neutral things. My ex used to fall asleep quickly. He said he just thought of fog.

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Last Answer : The horse's name was Friday.

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Last Answer : Probably your brain is associating rest and solving problems so it keeps prompting you to handle stress that way. You’re very lucky! You get rest, regeneration and a game plan. Obviously you got a good brain and not one of those abby normal ones.

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Last Answer : Can’t recall the exact condition and I’m sure another jelly would mention it soon but I think being exposed to less light affects certain hormones within us which depresses our mood.

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Last Answer : Gives me a bad headache.

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Last Answer : It already does if I drink too much, which is why I don’t get why people drink so much of it. If I drink coffee every few weeks or months, I feel coked out, but if it turns into a daily work routine, I’ll start yawning immediately.

Description : Why am I so tired?

Last Answer : answer:People's bodies have different biorhythms. For some, refreshing sleep is in the morning. For others, it's at night. Or, you could be getting bipolar disorder. Needing less sleep is a symptom (but I ... feel more awake later, but in fact you are equally sleepy. Or, a theory to be named later.

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Last Answer : answer:Probably because you’re not putting enough effort into your speech. When I get this way, I end up sounding like a haggard Russian man that’s been smoking for years.

Description : Why am I so damn tired?

Last Answer : Lots of reasons. Do you have any pain? If so, it keeps you from having good sleep. Are you getting at least eight hours of sleep? Are you bored? Is your mattress too hard? Do you have allergies? Are you using a nightlight in the room?

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Last Answer : I’m a night owl…recently, have started to nap…like lasagna.

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Last Answer : answer:Total random guess, but I would say it has to do with energy. When your tired your lacking energy, food restores said energy so its natural to be hungry.

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Last Answer : Well, try to get some sleep first instead of playing online.

Description : I'm dead tired! Is it better for me to sleep now, or continue to study for my test?

Last Answer : Sleep. I’ve tried the same thing many times, and if you can’t be focused enough on the test from lack of sleep, then it does not matter how much you crammed in at the last second. Sleep now. Good luck!

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Last Answer : When you start thinking about holiday movies

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Last Answer : Anything by Cat Power.

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Last Answer : I feel your pain. Try a white noise gadget. Worked for me.

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Last Answer : Being heartbroken is emotionally draining, which leads to being (for me, at least) even more exhausted than physical activity. You can't cry when you're sleeping. You can't go over every mistake you made while ... . You can't think about it when you're sleeping. It doesn't hurt when you're sleeping.

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Last Answer : You should ask your doctor. There are so many things that could be causing your sleepiness that may have nothing to do with the pill.

Description : Does turkey really make people sleepy?

Last Answer : It is true that turkey has a chemical that makes you tired, but the chemical needs an empty stomach to work, and since you ate the turkey, you don’t have an empty stomach.

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Last Answer : I don't know about the sleepiness, but the thick feeling in the back of mouth may be a symptom of an allergy. Garlic is an odd allergenic, however.

Description : what- Hazel says, "If Gabriel comes home, we will eat lunch. Whenever I eat lunch, I get sleepy."What conclusion can you make?

Last Answer : By the Law of Syllogism, you can conclude that if Gabriel comes home, then Hazel will get sleepy.

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Last Answer : Tryptophan is an essential amino acid which increases the synthesis of Serotonin, a chemical in the central nervous system. Due to its effect on the motor skills, Serotonin (called a mood stabilizer) helps with sleeping (apart from eating and digesting). And this answers your question.

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Last Answer : I think it does. You feel fatigued alot. You really need to listen to your body and rest. I had malignant Breslows' melanoma. I felt tired all the time

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Last Answer : No. It is the opposite for me. Reading a textbook makes me sleepy.

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Last Answer : No, losing weight doesn’t seem to make any difference to my body.

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Last Answer : answer:Crying, a really good, solid cry wears me out. Do you want to know the biology of it? Why crying makes you tired or sleepy? I don't know if I have the answer for that. Intense ... the physiology of it is exactly the answer you wanted then I probably shouldn't have responded, but I did.

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Last Answer : Cranky?

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Last Answer : Perhaps you should tell us, if you feel like it, the nature of your surgeries. Chemotherapy can cause brain fuzz, as can many Rx’s. Usually anesthesia wears off and is flushed out of the system over a period of several days. What do you mean by “Maturity is over” and “nothing.Just nothing”?

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Last Answer : I'll try. But I might get distracted and just pet it.

Description : What makes you sleepy ?

Last Answer : You can have your own tea or coffee which you can make yourself. With Karen through the heater. Then sleep will not come. Also, you should measure your BP on the advice of a doctor , because physical weakness is also more likely to cause sleep deprivation.

Description : What makes it possible that since I have had a curfew, I have only been able to sleep continuously ever since?

Last Answer : You can get bogged down in confinement and a lot of seats. Go for a walk or move, train at home. Also, many unhealthy foods can cause this. If it does not change with exercise or eating, see a doctor!

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Snow White,doc,happy,sneezy,bashful,dopey,grumpy,and sleepy

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Last Answer : To answer the question it’s because Biden stutters a lot, and may not be the best public speaker, others say that he has dementia, or some other mental disability.

Description : The tiger spent most of his evenings in a ________ way. (a) brilliant and cheerful (b) sleepy and tiresome (c) depressing and miserable (d) dull and lethargic

Last Answer : (c) depressing and miserable

Description : The young seagull stood at the edge of the ledge on one and closed his eyes because a) He was sleepy. b) It was a natural habit of the seagulls. c) He wanted to get the attention of his family. d) He was afraid of the sea.

Last Answer : c) He wanted to get the attention of his family.

Description : The young seagull stood at the edge of the ledge on one and closed his eyes because a) He was sleepy. b) It was a natural habit of the seagulls. c) He wanted to get the attention of his family. d) He was afraid of the sea.

Last Answer : c) He wanted to get the attention of his family.

Description : What positive things have happened for you from being stressed?

Last Answer : Productivity. I work best under stress.

Description : Choice between being stressed, longer commute but making more money or less stress, less commute and less money.

Last Answer : Is the stress having negative effects on you-are you ill, do you have trouble sleeping, are you moody and irritable? If yes, less stress might be good for you. Stress is deadly, to the body and the ... is no issue, than why not enjoy your life more, instead of destroying it a little bit ever day?

Description : Would this make it difficult for you to sleep soundly?

Last Answer : To me that would be a major annoyance. I would definitely talk to the shop owners. They could set a timer to turn their radio off automatically. There is no reason for it to plague your nights, especially when there’s no one even there listening to it.

Description : Is there really a drug that can make you appear to be dead, or in a coma?

Last Answer : Like anesthesia? What do you mean “appear to be dead”—brain dead, no heartbeat, no movement?

Description : Does the sun going down earlier make you sleepier?

Last Answer : It can happen to people. Humans associate the dark with time to relax and sleep, with the sun setting earlier when you look outside you see darkness and your body starts to think bedtime.

Description : Does anyone make Dri-Fit sheets?

Last Answer : Yes, this company sells it under the name Dri-Release and you can also find it here

Description : What kinds of things can i do to make me fall asleep at night?

Last Answer : warm milk. turn off the tv and computer at least 30min before you want to go to bed. create a “go to bed” routine, so that your mind and body get in that mode and “know” it’s time to go to sleep. don’t eat a big meal before bedtime.