I want to start getting up earlier. Any slightly off-the-wall suggestions for making it easier?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:@RandomGirl – Holy crap; I was just about to ask a similar question: I work at home (right now) and have all sorts of wacky hours, and I’d love to get a routine/regimine going. Somedays I’m up at 9AM, somedays 12:30PM. (It doesn’t help that my current project is from a Hungarian enterprise, so there’s an annoying time-difference.) So, GA @RandomGirl! If I could wake up early every day, that would be so ideal. P.S. “I’m looking forward to seeing some slightly bizarre, clever ideas!” On Fluther; you must be joking! :)

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Last Answer : You go to bed with same socks you wore in day!?!

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Last Answer : answer:There is a nifty little device somewhat like a bungie cord, except flat, that clips to the corners of the sheet/mattress pad and then goes under the mattress and clips to the mattress pad kitty corner to ... I can find a link. Here is link. These aren't exactly what I use, but very similar.

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Last Answer : Any dreams about my favorite characters are ones I don't like to wake up from, haha! I also like those dreams where I move into a new house, I get to choose my room and decorate it however ... my head at the moment, but anything with my favorite fictional/original characters are the ones I love :)

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Last Answer : its always like that. Set ur mind where u don’t think about the night before. Its your mind playing tricks on u

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Last Answer : Earplugs and sedatives for the people around you. I would ordinarily suggest Benadryl for your child, but eight weeks is probably way too young for that. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Sorry, here is the photo of my fish

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Last Answer : B. Slightly done undercut of the buccal and lingual wall

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Last Answer : I live in the states and have always chuckled to myself that people talk about it being colder than any Christmas ever before, or more snow than ever before, or hotter than ever before. Generally it is ... . But getting darker is a new one. It will be interesting to hear what people say to that.

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Last Answer : Becuz i so beast! YOU ARE A CHEATER! YOU COULD BE A OLPHSTUDENT! YUP THAT'SRIGHT@@$$$%#%$#%#$^$%&^$&^*&^*&^$**#$%#$%@%@$#$@#%$%#$%#$%@%@#%@#$%$%@%@$%#$@%#%$%

Description : Select the code which is not correct :  An analogical argument is strengthened by (A) increasing the number of entities. (B) increasing the number of similar respects. (C) reducing the claim made earlier stronger. (D) making the conclusion stronger when premises remain unchanged.

Last Answer : (D) making the conclusion stronger when premises remain unchanged. 

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Last Answer : It’s a catch all for usually predictable occupations where there is a lunch hour thrown in the day somewhere. Most people don’t get paid while on lunch break.

Description : Do children have it easier doing pull-ups, due to the square-cube law, or am I just making excuses for not being able to do a single pull-up?

Last Answer : Children are lighter. Also they have gym class every day so are in shape.

Description : Does anyone have suggestions for getting marker off painted walls?

Last Answer : answer:Just…paint over it? If it wants to bleed through, try putting a layer of Kilz on first. Pictures please before you remove it!

Description : What do you love about staying up late?

Last Answer : Less people,fewer bosses ,weigh scales mostly closed, I much prefer to work nights over a day shift.

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Last Answer : I've had other hypnagogic hallucinations, though not that. But my late aunt, who was probably near your age when her father died, afterward used to insist that he came and sat on her bed in the night and ... is a state of very light sleep in which we often think we're awake, but we're really not.

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Last Answer : Learning to appreciate things. I think this varies wildly by personality though. Some wouldn't do as well as others. That being said, I think it would be more relevant to kids who were ... to how the arrangement is viewed by the children. Fairness, and compromise are essential to shared quarters.