Are there any jellies who don't celebrate any of the religious or cultural holidays this time of year?

1 Answer

Answer :

Our family isn’t religious but we gather together over the holidays because that’s the rare time some of us have paid/extra days off work. We celebrate the people in our lives and loved ones that are dead.

Related questions

Description : People who celebrate Christmas or other December holidays (Chanukah, Yule): What kind of decorations do you have throughout your house to make it festive?

Last Answer : Nothing I am afraid, although it can look very pretty. Maybe one day I will get into that, in the future.

Description : Do you celebrate gift exchanges or the holidays earlier than the date on the calendar?

Last Answer : No. I need as much time as I can get to be ready for such things.

Description : For those of you who celebrate Christmas (and give gifts), because of the economy and money being tight for some, how would you feel about just getting together with family over the holidays and no gifts?

Last Answer : That’d be fine by me. Christmas is about getting together with loved ones. The kids in the family like the gifts, but I could care less. We exchange ornaments with siblings in my family. No other gifts.

Description : How to celebrate the holidays.

Last Answer : Don't feel pressured to celebrate. It seems that you need to grieve and heal more. Perhaps instead of celebrating the season you can celebrate your mom by cooking some of her dishes, listening to some ... members share funny memories about your mom. It is OK to laugh and cry at the same time.

Description : Jellies, what are you plans for the Christmas holidays?

Last Answer : Get drunk and eat the whole time!

Description : Can I wish all Jellies who celebrate a wonderful Christmas?

Last Answer : Merry Christmas to you and to all Jellies.

Description : What are my fellow Jellies doing for Christmas Eve and Christmas? Anything special? Do you celebrate? Can I wish you all a Merry Christmas?

Last Answer : Chilling out at home! A very merry Christmas to you and yours.

Description : What do you think about those who celebrate Christmas but don't know its meaning?

Last Answer : Also, could someone explain to me about the Pagans. Is it true that the Christians took this idea from them?What did Pagans believe?

Description : How are you celebrating the holidays this year?

Last Answer : I’m chugging name brand cola. Adding stuff to my Amazon wish lists. Napping for fun. Trying out my new pillows. Trying every pot roast beef dinners from Skip the Dishes.

Description : What is one thing that you really like about these year-end holidays?

Last Answer : I love the Twilight Zone marathons on TV :P

Description : Christmukah, etcetera. How do you feel about these hybrid combo holidays?

Last Answer : No. They are completely separate occasions with separate meanings.

Description : What is the easiest part of the Christmas holidays for you? The hardest part?

Last Answer : The easiest is being away from home so I don’t feel pressured to visit people and do things I don’t want to. The hardest is being poor and not being able to do what I want to do.

Description : If you hang Christmas lights on your house during the holidays, does it bother you if your neighbour chooses not to?

Last Answer : It doesen’t. Well, I don’t put up lights myself. Two people on my street have an impressive set of lights every year though. Looks like a Christmas village up in this bitch. Even if I did have lights, no one would notice as I’d be eclipsed by those two Xmas G’s.

Description : If we remove religion from all government sanctioned holidays, but none of the holidays change, isn't that hypocritical?

Last Answer : I think it’s pretty silly, but not necessarily hypocritical. I mean, if the students are celebrating a religious holiday at home, and not at school, does it matter what the school calls the holidays? They can call it “Day Off” as easily as anything else.

Description : Anyone else not excited about the holidays?

Last Answer : I'm the same as always, just another time of year. I like the little Christmas parade my town does, and usually I go to see nutcracker, but not always. I like the decorations around town and the Christmas ... the boringist day of the year. Now at least it is a day of with my husband, vacation day.

Description : Why is it that the holidays suddenly put people in a charitable mood?

Last Answer : The holidays are generally seen as the time of giving.

Description : What do you want for the holidays?

Last Answer : World peace… would be nice.

Description : Are you looking forward to the Holidays or do they make you depressed?

Last Answer : I love the holidays! I can see how they can be depressing for people who have lost a loved one around that time or that they just miss having them around at this time. It can be very depressing for people who feel alone or don’t have family close to them to spend the holidays with.

Description : What's the best thing to do during the holidays?

Last Answer : answer:Well, knowing that the obvious spend time with family doesn't really apply after you are stuck with them for the holidays, I would suggest discovering new things to try out. Maybe do ... entertain myself and I usually involve my favorite websites for that; there is always something to do!

Description : Why do many people get angry if someone says "Happy Holidays"?

Last Answer : I’m old and will offer some advice. Don’t argue with or try to understand stupid. Just nod and smile and walk away.

Description : For those of you who are dreading the holidays, how are you coping?

Last Answer : To me, Christmas is like any other day that just comes and goes. I just prefer to have a bit of quiet contemplation and solitude over the holidays. All the hoopla and high expectations are just human fabrication, and I try not to let if affect me.

Description : How do you decorate for the holidays?

Last Answer : I go a little nuts indoors. Every room is completely decorated.. it usually looks like Rudolph threw up holiday spirit all over my house. I can plainly see two decorated trees from right where I'm ... , so we stick to some basic icicle lights across the roof and garland with lights on the fence.

Description : What's good about the holidays? How can a scrooge become more excited about them?

Last Answer : I would say give him what he wants for one season and take his wife with you. If he was totally alone with no one around he might think different.

Description : Have you ever been away from your family for the holidays (Christmas). If so, what was it like?

Last Answer : answer:Last Christmas was my first Christmas without my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. My husband and son were with me. It was different and I missed the big family dinner that we always ... husband got home. I really miss the big family dinners and can't wait to have one again sometime.

Description : Do you have a favorite Quote about the winter holidays?

Last Answer : “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!” This is not a quote, but this song title just seemed to fit your question, perfectly!

Description : Why do the Holidays stress people out?

Last Answer : I have gifts “under the tree” 24/7/365. If I really want something….I go get it. If I can’t afford it….I do without it.

Description : What do you think about Merry Christmas being changed to Happy Holidays?

Last Answer : I think it makes sense in a way. I mean, during this month there is more than one holiday. I don’t understand why people get upset over it.

Description : When will you start getting excited for the holidays?

Last Answer : Excited? Bah, humbug.

Description : Happy Holidays?

Last Answer : AGHHHH WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!! :P thanks, happy holidays to you as well cardinal :)

Description : Do Australians celebrate Christmas with snow and sleigh and reindeer images?

Last Answer : I have it on some authority (from at least one American who has been in NZ for Christmas, and from at least one Kiwi), that in general a fir branch is hung on a wall to represent a tree (who ... of the summer, eh?) and the day is celebrated with cookouts and trips to the beach (or the hills).

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Last Answer : I go for good enough, sprinkled with lots of love. Works for me.

Description : What makes Christmas feel like Christmas for you- if you celebrate it?

Last Answer : For me personally, I have to watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” every year around christmas time. It’s just one of those things that signifies christmas for me.

Description : Why do Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25?

Last Answer : Because it’s commemorative and it is a celebration of the birth of Christ. Who cares if it’s not the actual date? No one knows the date, so does that mean we just shouldn’t celebrate it at all?

Description : What winter holiday does Barack Obama celebrate?

Last Answer : Whatever Christians do. Since that is what he is.

Description : Do Atheists celebrate Christmas?

Last Answer : what is it with the played out hating on atheists questions today first kevbo, then you They don't go to work because it is expected practice to take a day off on that holiday seeing how ... such a condescending tone towards a whole group of people should be telling me what true' anything is

Description : Do you celebrate Christmas?

Last Answer : I do!

Description : Why do you think Halloween is becoming more popular than Christmas? How do you celebrate it, if you do?

Last Answer : It’s NOT and NEVER will.

Description : Is Someone That Takes Offense To A Greeting Of Merry Christmas A Religious Bigot Or Just Intolerant?

Last Answer : my my, between those two insults, I don’t know which one I like more I think I’ll just go with being an intolerant bigot hey there, neighbor…Happy Atheist Day!

Description : I have trouble dealing with my uber-religious parents, advice please?

Last Answer : Can you write her a letter about how you feel? Letters are sometimes better than trying to verbalize what you need to say, because the recipient has to hear you out without interrupting you. Also, you could ... let him take it up with her. At the very least, perhaps he could help tone her down?

Description : Would any of you jellies like to take the opportunity to wish others a Merry Christmas?

Last Answer : answer:Oops the link did not work. Here it is again. Merry Christmas!

Description : Any Jellies need one more Web Christmas card? Here's mine to you.

Last Answer : Thanks! And happy holidays to you!

Description : US jellies, do you use the term "Boxing Day" to refer to the day after Christmas?

Last Answer : I don’t. Probably Anglophiles do. :)

Description : It's Christmas! Would you like to wish your fellow jellies a Merry Christmas?

Last Answer : I wish you a speedy, complete, and permanent recovery for Christmas and the rest of your life. :-)

Description : Dear Jellies, any brilliant ideas for a Christmas gift for my husband?

Last Answer : answer:Power tools, BJ vouchers or a cool gadget. The webiste has some cool toys if he is a gadget man.

Description : How do I tell my family (and my in-laws) that I do not want to eat the food most people eat to celebrate holidays?

Last Answer : You need to communicate that you have changed your diet, and will only eat a vegan diet. But you have no right to criticize or comment or react to what other people chose to eat. If you can't be tolerant of ... and do so without saying why you won't be there other than I won't be able to make it .

Description : Atheists, do you celebrate any of the December holidays?

Last Answer : I participate, yes, because everyone else does, and I’m not going to be the douchebag that offends everyone to make a political statement lol. I just like to be around people.

Description : Why does the U.S. celebrate St. Patty's Day, but not other countrys' "Yay us" holidays?

Last Answer : And, Canada.

Description : Expatriates, do you celebrate national holidays?

Last Answer : Going through the orphan questions and finding some that I can't believe no one answered, including this one. I've lived overseas and I and the other expatriates I know definitely celebrate the big US ... or-treating and my sister's Nov. 1 birthday ensures a Halloween-themed party, as well. :)

Description : If you can pick any 12 days for religious holidays what would you pick?

Last Answer : I would pick the first day of the month, every month, so as to make it simple. Ideally I would like to be able to have a mental health day with 1 day or shorter notice. I would like to be able to change my choices as my needs adjust.

Description : Do any fellow jellies have a difficult time around the holidays with missing family members or loved ones?

Last Answer : This year I am missing my daughter and her family who moved to Scotland. I'm also missing my son and his family who aren't talking to me. :-( I can handle my son and his wife not talking ... an iPod for Christmas. He accidentally facetimed me the other day. It was great to see his little face!