What is the psychology behind paedophilia?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’ve actually discussed my thoughts on this, in this thread. Obviously I have no idea if that is true, just.. the only way that I am able to make sense of it for myself.

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Last Answer : I'd say it seems inconsiderate to me, though sadly not unusual for many teens in the USA today. I wouldn't blame the children personally though. I doubt it's a personal issue. More like how young ... for a long time. So has not giving much consideration for (or time or attention to) the elderly.

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Last Answer : I imagine it would depend what I was in the hospital for. If it were for something major, I would hope one of my sons would come but since they each live 3,000 miles away, probably only friends would come if it were something minor.

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Last Answer : Honestly, I would tell my son that those belonged to other people and they were their personal cards and they’re really not our business and we should leave them ripped up as they wanted them to be.

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Last Answer : She’s just a bitch.

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