Why do so many dog owners allow their dogs to incessantly bark?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I have concluded that some people just do not hear barking. I cannot tolerate barky dogs. None of my dogs bark except to alert to someone coming up to the house (which I want). It is true that some breeds are prone to barking more than others, but most breeds can be trained not to bark.

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Last Answer : There is a dog collar that is specifically designed for shocking dogs when they bark. This may sound inhumane but after barking a couple of times while wearing the collar, I am sure they will get the message.

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Last Answer : Only one of them has to walk their pet on a leash.

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Last Answer : The poor angels; I see our male squeaking and wiggling and I wake him up.

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Last Answer : Just love her. I’m sorry you are going through this. {hugs}

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Last Answer : Make sure you can afford it (emergency vet bills can be thousands, not hundreds) and understand that you are committing to being responsible for a complicated living thing's entire lifetime.

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Last Answer : If you have not spoken to the owners, you should. It is their responsibility to remove it from your property and away from your things. If not, you can report it.

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Description : What should I put around my apple trees so the mice donot eat the bark under the snow this winter.

Last Answer : Keep all the mulch from around the tree in the winter and carefully shovel all the snow away and let the ground freeze.

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Last Answer : Sounds like you may of had a visit from a rabbit............they have a tree repair spray called Spectricide tree spray available at Walmart & lowe's....I think I saw it also at Home Depot. ... sprayer for next time. I use it for our fruit trees when the deer scrape it or rabbits take a bite.