Legal Issues and Parenting?

1 Answer

Answer :

Parents have a tough job. From deciding what to name your baby to what college to send your child to, the life of a parent is full of difficult decisions. Facing legal issues with your child can be even more difficult. Whether you are single, divorced, married, or widowed, there are a number of legal issues parents might face in everyday life that, while bothersome, can be dealt with rather easily.One of the biggest legal issues parents face is taking a child out of the country. If you plan to travel with your child but not with the child's other parent, you must obtain written, notarized permission from the other parent. This can be difficult if you are not on good terms with the child's other parent or if you don't want the other parent coming along on the trip. Unfortunately, this is a law designed to protect the rights of both parents and the safety of a child. You also must obtain a passport before traveling out of the country with your child. Both parents must be present to obtain a passport for a minor. If the other parent is unable to attend the appointment to apply for a passport, a notarized letter of permission is not enough. Rather, you will need to obtain a legal document called a Power of Attorney that gives you permission to apply for the passport on behalf of the other parent.Another common legal problem parents face is the signing of medical consent. Some doctors offices will not allow a patient to be treated unless the parent or guardian is present. If you want to send your child to visit Grandma and Grandpa for the summer or to spend a week at an aunt's house, it's important that you meet with your local lawyer or legal office to obtain a medical Power of Attorney for the child. This enables the temporary caregiver to sign for medical care for your child in the case of a sinus infection, virus, or any other injury that might require medical care.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it was handled just fine. My daughter was being bullied in first grade regularly. As we taught her, she asked the boy to stop politely, two or three times. No joy. Then she told ... in the eye. Scared the shit out of him. Never happened again. Sometimes, polite words aren't enough.

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Last Answer : answer:Ask her leading questions and comply with her answers. Find her a surrogate parent with whom she can talk (and listen). Go to Lourdes.

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Last Answer : Oh never mind I misread the details, edited.

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Last Answer : You're the reasonable one. Like you mention It's not like I'm letting them ditch school it's gymnastics - exactly ! Presumably this is for recreation, and some exercise, if you force ... some other exercise/sport activity. Tell those busy-body relations you're not trying to crank out olympians.

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Last Answer : This is a big time call for help isn’t it?

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Last Answer : answer:He's an asshole. And so is his daughter. She's an asshole apple that didn't fall far from the asshole tree. He could have handled her antics A LOT more constructively and I feel like ... 've chided everyone I've seen on Facebook who has posted his video in an attaboy congratulatory manner.

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Last Answer : I think it is totally wrong and immature for a parent to verbalize this to their child. While there may be some truth to it, the wrong is in putting the weight of that on the child. The thing with ... It will be woven into your legacy. I simply don't understand how some parents don't get that fact.

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Last Answer : Oy baby - did I self-assess ! At one point I even went into therapy because of issues I was having. I did talk to close friends who were also parents - we discussed issues, read and advised and listened ... giving men but I wish I had been able to raise them with more joy and less angst than I did.

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Last Answer : answer:Ear piercing. A family member of mine had lost an ear due to infection. My wife, at the time, and her parents wished to get my daughters ears pierced almost immediately after birth. I insisted that none of my children would ever have an ear pierced. We split the difference at 8 years old.

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Last Answer : I have been there and done that. I never thought of having goals, but if I had they would all have been met.

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Last Answer : Overpopulation and both parents working.

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Last Answer : I do not do this nor have I heard of it. If I were to ground my kids from facebook due to negative comments about me, it would probably be from the lack of respect demonstrated. If it were a ... you cannot always take back what you say or write so you need to be careful before you speak or post.

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Last Answer : Museums are usually a big hit with our kids. A trip to the local playground/park to run off some energy sounds like it might also be a good idea.

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Last Answer : answer:To start it off, a few things that I can think of off the top of my head: 1.) I wouldn't recommend any parent of a newborn dress their child in those cute little nightgowns that have ... fans for the first time since my daughter was born. It really helps to keep her comfortable at night.

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Last Answer : Whoops, forgot to post the follow-up on the same site: Me, my wife, and my 2 kids were driving to Disney World. After almost 12 hours, the kids started to fight. Angry, I shouted to them ... realize that I've wasted hotel fare, DisneyWorld fees, Gas, and clothing. All of it is nonrefundable. FML.

Description : I really need parenting help/advice - Part 2?

Last Answer : You are the parent, you’re in control – smirk back and ignore it. Remember who is the adult here and continue with consistency.

Description : Why aren't parents required to take a parenting class?

Last Answer : No the more we try and make everyone conform to requirements the less freedom we enjoy. It is getting out of hand how much control we are allowing government to take in our lives.

Description : What constitutes good parenting?

Last Answer : Being a good parent.

Description : Why don't we teach parenting in public schools?

Last Answer : There's usually an action-reaction cycle in education between practical and interesting education, and the basics. If you spend 12 years building kids' self esteem, and focus on menu planning and parenting ... bet that there will soon be a sharp reaction insisting on a switch back to basics.

Description : How much of the parenting you do to your own children is consciously different then the parenting you got from your parents, and how much is similar?

Last Answer : I stick to a lot of the same methods that my own parents used, but there are a few situations that I have and will be approaching differently.

Description : What is your favorite parenting blog?

Last Answer : Long ago, I started a parenting blog and it didn't go past the first posting - I think that's pretty common, lol. I don't have a favorite parenting blog because they mostly don't resonate with ... and isn't a helicopter parent, there are few options. Sometimes I look into HipMama but that's that.

Description : What are the best parenting sites on the web?

Last Answer : There are tons of bad ones. I once ran into one where the sole purpose of the site seemed to be informing people about how genetics plays a larger role in a child's upbringing than the ... around stuff like that. I suggest you try StumbleUpon or something like it to search through popular sites.

Description : Permissive parenting or progressive?

Last Answer : The only thing that is the same about them is they both start with a “P”