How do you befriend new people quickly?

1 Answer

Answer :

Be curious. Be genuinely interested in people. Ask them questions. Tell them about yourself. Smile. Be friendly.

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Last Answer : answer:I can do it quite easily I guess. It is done easily by simply asking questions and finding out if you have anything in common. I start with hobbies, then work, then politics and then ... more friends so I guess I can turn off that component of how and when I communicate with people.

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Last Answer : I did, long time ago, turns out I’m my best friend ;)

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Last Answer : Food, food, and more food! Rats LOVE food and will tame down quickly with food rewards. A bit of peanut butter on a bite of bread or a piece of fruit like watermelon or apple will have ... into the room. Rats are very intelligent and positive rewards always work woth most animals, including us. lol

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Last Answer : Unofficial_Member You have a colonialist, almost racist, view of the situation. the chances would be better. Better for whom? Leave them alone! They do not want to be involved with the outside world, AND ... , female or not, could be a death sentence as they are not immune to many common viruses.

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Last Answer : On Fluther? In the world? Adding context in the Details section of your question can really benefit the discussion. In a word, though, yes.

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Last Answer : answer:Hit the ignore button. They don't know what happened. All they know is that you didn't say yes. They have no idea why. They don't know if you didn't see it or you accidentally deleted it, ... who I asked. If they ignore me, I don't even remember. I really wouldn't worry about being polite.

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Last Answer : yes, one of my best friends is gay

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Are you gonna text or call her? If you’re just texting then if it ends at “hi”, “oh hi”, then it won’t be as awkward as if its in person or talking on the phone. But it probably will progress fine anyhow so just give it a whack!

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Last Answer : answer:I recommend as a way to simply get out and meet people . What happens after that, happens, and more power to you if it does. But you just need to get out and meet people, and ... of acquaintances. I highly recommend it, and it's free. You can also be as anonymous as you want.

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Last Answer : answer:I've had quite a few tents over the years, and the reason I lost most of them was passing them on to someone who needed it more than I did. Even 30 years ago, and even on the low ... though, there really isn't much to it. Nearly any tent can last years unless you're a total jackass.

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Last Answer : answer:You can't have a good conversation agenda . It's the surest way to a bad conversation, a lecture or an argument. Simply make observations on what's around you. (If you don't want to ... subjects in school, for example. Once it has started, the conversation should take a life of its own.

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Last Answer : answer:About K, I am sure she was trying her best all summer to be able to continue school. Unless you learn otherwise, be kind and realize her education is on hold because of money. L you already ... first night and suggest a place for you to all go for dinner together. Have a great school year!

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Last Answer : answer:Stay with your sister. Even though you two are not together, you still have two and a half years together and that is not going anywhere. You may not believe this, but at the convention you ... believe he brought her along just to spite you. This trip may have some personal feelings for you.

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Last Answer : This may seem trite, but how about writing a thank you note? People rarely write anything these days so it should seem somewhat special.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t listen to popular music and I’m also a vegetarian. I’ll be your friend.

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Last Answer : Yeah! Sorta like a big, goofy, flop-eared dog that drools a lot. Sit! Stay! Good boy :)

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Last Answer : For me… Once a friend always a friend. Some friends are always around, some are in and out of my life. But always close to my heart.

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Last Answer : I’ll very quietly be nursing another 24 pack of Coors Light.

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Last Answer : Know atleast one person there and then steal all of their friends. :)

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Last Answer : Tell her flat out you and your sweetie would love to spend time with her at lunch or at some other time, but that night you are happily booked ;)

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Last Answer : How far can friends go missing when you’re only 14 years old? Yes, I know adults use those too, but judging by the obnoxious layouts, interpersonal drama, and wangst on those sites, it can’t be that many.

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Last Answer : Occupation: Meteorologist/ Atmospheric Scientist Annoying question (its a toss up between): So, what channel do you want to be on? and Wow, are you happy you are in a profession where you are paid ... many on Fluther: Why do rainclouds appear dark?, What is wind?, How is the ozone hole doing?

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Last Answer : pick something that relates to his interests. A cool gardening gadget, nice bottle of wine or bourbon or vodka, good chocolate, a good cigar, book on cigars. Interesting cheese (I say this because my ... have it enlarged and framed. People who spend time with you is always a better gift than stuff.

Description : For users: How often do you check your friends' on out as regards what they're listening to and new music?

Last Answer : I guess every few days at the most. I don’t never check a friend’s profile, but I don’t check it very often. Are you a stalker eponymoushipster?

Description : What do your new friends know about you as a person, see in you, recognize in you that your old friends have no idea about?

Last Answer : _ Nothing. My longtime friends (teens & 20’s) mix with newer friends as they come, we build our own family along the way.

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Last Answer : I have been told that it is a support thing.

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Last Answer : I don't see why not.

Description : How do I make new friends on the internet?

Last Answer : One great way would be to download an IRC program and then wiki some stuff on connecting to an IRC server on room. A good general purpose server is, then connect to a room that interests you ... and help stop it, otherwise it'll eat your life like it did too me a few years back.

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Last Answer : I installed it tonight. It says that my website is infected! I checked out the source code, and damned if it doesn’t seem to be true…

Description : Is the new FaceBook really that bad?

Last Answer : answer:Because you think it is. Because people need something to gripe about. Because people are afraid of change. It isn’t that bad. I find it cleaner. It is different, but it is less like the jumbled mess it used to be.