Is my daughter too strict with this or just plain smart?

1 Answer

Answer :

Seriously? Please tell us that you are making this up.

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Last Answer : Products of bad parenting, from what I’ve experienced with neighbors and friends.

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Last Answer : answer:This kind of parenting is begging for a teen pregnancy. I mean, I’m all about encouraging the kid to focus on school but ordering them not to date is asking for rebellion.

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Last Answer : I don't think so. Telling a child they are special just the way they are, does not equal entitlement. I think telling a child that is more so they accept who they are, flaws and all. That first article ... and let a child grow and learn to be an adult. There are life lessons that need to be taught.

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Last Answer : No. I don't agree. According to this post your son has bipolar disorder and anger anxiety/related issues. His behavior is likely symptomatic of his condition - Not suspicious of whatever else you imagine ... person and keep calling him out . It just makes me wonder who's obsessing about what.

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Last Answer : Maybe your son does know the person.

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Last Answer : Not sure of the societal standards where you are from. But at 25, it is time to stand up to your father. When he comes to your house to harangue you, send him on his way. When he wants to tell you ... , but wouldn't get demanding or angry if they didn't take it. It is their lives to lead not mine.

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Last Answer : I figure some rich people probably do.

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Last Answer : You point to our President as the model for what can be achieved through telling the truth.

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Last Answer : I can understand your discomfort. I guess it depends on how this parent’s generation were raised, it was a different time back then. It can also be a factor of the daughter’s own behavior and personality, some girls are tomboys so they require a more normal treatment.

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Last Answer : No. That sort of threat was usually reserved for inappropriate mirth.

Description : If your father, or in some cases, mother hit you or abused you emotionally or sexually, how have you resolved/accepted/put it behind you?

Last Answer : I have never entirely gotten over it. It is a life-long curse.

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Last Answer : Penguins and other birds, certain animals, seahorses share the burden. Human females carry the baby for nine months giving birth to a helpless baby, who remain that way til, well, 30 sometimes. I ... d say girls and women are usually the more caring, reliable and nurturing of our fucked-up species.

Description : When did you move out of your parents or caregivers home?

Last Answer : 1966

Description : What do you think about this punishment (details inside)?

Last Answer : Good for dad!

Description : Did you grow up with both biological parents?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Current or Former Parents of Teenagers — What is/was your most effective coping mechanisms?

Last Answer : We, my wife and I, found it best to disconnect when things got too emotionally charged. We would tag team with each other. When one got to worked up, we would self-impose a time out and the ... be fought over another day. Having someone at your side who is still being rational is such a blessing.

Description : What is the difference between empowering and enabling?

Last Answer : Empowering enables the positive. Enabling enables the negative.

Description : Did your parents support you, believe in you?

Last Answer : No. They disowned me when I was 17. No loss. I disowned them at the same time!

Description : What are the best activities to do with a 9 year old that don't cost a lot of money?

Last Answer : You could let him help bake cookies, color and/or paint with him (if they still do that these days), put potting soil in egg cartons and plant seeds to put out later , color Easter eggs.

Description : Are you (or were your parents) (or would you be) a free range parent or a helicopter parent, or somewhere in between?

Last Answer : answer:I have been a 0 as a parent. I never objected to my kids going where they wanted, as long as I knew where they were. It was a dynamic tension between trusting them and letting ... ; they would never allow their sons to be in the same circumstance. I thought they were overly fastidious.

Description : Would you tell your 4 year old if you had a miscarriage?

Last Answer : answer:If the 4 year old already was expecting a sibling, and the 4 year old was asking about the baby, I think I would have to say something. What's her plan? To get pregnant again and hope her son just ... so it makes some sense to him. I'd also not tell my son I was preggers until about month 6.

Description : Is there anything you wish your parents did differently raising you?

Last Answer : answer:As flawed as my father was and as toxic as my mother became, really nothing. They were who they were and I can't really fault them for that. If I had to say one thing, I wish they ... but the lying, emotional manipulation, anger issues, drugs, and all around drama I've made peace with. Weird.

Description : Where did you learn to lie?

Last Answer : It came naturally, a defense mechanism to “cover” my flaws and inabilities. However, there are different types of lies and it’s the big whoppers I avoid. @RedDeerGuy1 sounds like there’s a lot of pain in there. Try to rise above it, just let bygones be bygones and move on.

Description : What are your thoughts on "helicopter parenting" vs "free-range parenting"?

Last Answer : I think a combination of both is good at an early age. A balance of both never hurt anyone when used correctly.

Description : Why is everyone immediately blaming the child's mother?

Last Answer : Oh, Dutchess…

Description : Should people have to prove they're qualified to raise kids before reproducing?

Last Answer : I didn't read all your details but I do agree with you people should prove they are at least somewhat capable of raising children before they have them. Because we all know making the kids is the fun ... to have children and the older I get the more happy I become knowing we made the right choice.

Description : How to be a successful stay at home dad?

Last Answer : answer:Those skills (driving, housekeeping) are not skills specific to a stay at home dad, but are skills everyone ought to learn (although driving is not necessary if you live in a city like ... when my daughter was in Girl Scouts, I was the parent that accompanied her on mother daughter events.