Can a question be changed from General to Social after it has been asked?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. Flag it and a mod can do that for you easily.

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Last Answer : Maybe it was true? Maybe the camera was blocked or something?

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Last Answer : I think I have. Like you said. Time goes by and you just forget…

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Last Answer : Asking them is polite. Don’t identity them, unless they approve.

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Last Answer : I see it too. Its a Fluther thing. It happens when Jellies remember facts from previous questions.

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Last Answer : answer:I do see the divide between the two major parties when discussing important issues and this is a direct result of what is important to the voters on each side. As I have said before, as a ... in the article, that what was discussed in the debate was a product of what questions were asked.

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Last Answer : answer:Sometimes I wonder if those are just temporary lapses in judgment or brain farts . Similar to when we accidentally do something really dumb, then realize what we just said/did immediately after. Once I was ... to spell cat. I was baffled. I just told her to think about it for a minute lol.

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Last Answer : Hmmm. I dunno. Why do you ask the question? What are your intentions? I hope this doesn’t poison your thoughts.

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Last Answer : last Second last

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Last Answer : If I ask here, I never Google again.

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Last Answer : What is art and what is trite?

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Last Answer : It’s the past now…you must let it go. lol

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Last Answer : You can search your profile questions from My Account…. questions.

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Last Answer : PM/ Email it to some of the grammar-nazi’s here first, they’d probably love to critique you.

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Last Answer : answer:If you hit the @ sign on your keyboard, you will get a list of all the Jellies who have posted on your thread. If you highlight the one you want to respond to and hit enter, their name ... will know you are responding to them. Hope this is the answer to the question I think you are asking.

Description : Do you answer questions or debate why the question was asked?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on what is appropriate. If someone asks a question that is based on a false presupposition, then it is both legitimate and logical to point out that the question is flawed. ... when so many of them rest on assumptions that are themselves questionable-or even just plain false.