Do you feel insulted if someone gives you a holiday gift that you feel is substandard?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Be happy that she got a gift in the first place. People don’t OWE you gifts. My get over it. A paltry gift (whatever that is) is still a gift. The bigger psychological picture is: why does the friend feel the need to compare herself with others?

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Last Answer : This is a rather interesting question, I gave you a great question for it, while I like my job for a number of reasons, but I rather dislike my supervisor (dispatcher) who is beyond clueless when it ... the up coming work week, but not happy about it either so I guess I am indifferent about it.

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Last Answer : You can discuss it and why thing’s have changed? Tricky.

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Last Answer : answer:I am approaching 40. 18 year old women regularly hit on me, so most of the time I feel like I am in this magical twilight between 30-50 were you are the same age forever. Then the light ... rear view mirror. I realized that men grow hair on their ears after 35 and they need to trim it.

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Last Answer : Nope. Also due to the fact my contract was written by idiots I get paid extra for being off sick. Which is nice.

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Last Answer : Not necessarily. I think that commuting should be done at other hours than it is.

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Last Answer : Not me but in the business I work, they start writing up people as protocal if they’ve been wanting to let them go.

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Last Answer : Kinda gross. Unprofessional. No matter how they conduct themselves. If they’re goin to work drunk, and that’s usual for them, that’s a functioning alcoholic. There’s a problem.

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Last Answer : Yes; And I usually blame it on this damn computer.

Description : How do you feel about robots becoming part of society in the future?

Last Answer : If there was a robot to fold my laundry, I’d welcome it whole-heartedly. I think it’s going to happen eventually, like all progress.

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Last Answer : Transitioning from the classroom to the real world is surreal at best and IMO quite normal to feel an awkward disconnect from what awaits you at the new job. Also bear in mind that to move up in the ... little detail they don't teach you in school. Good luck with the new job and knock em dead!

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Last Answer : I am a real slave-driver. .. especially when I work for myself.

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Last Answer : Drink a beer and have a smoke.

Description : Are there some days at your job when just don't feel like doing any work at all?

Last Answer : Yes. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday. These are my last three days at this “job”. I leave for home on Thursday, so I’m not really all here.

Description : I need a delicate way to tell my boss that I feel like I am not being trained and kept up to date.

Last Answer : I should have added this: How do I ask to be kept better informed without looking or sounding like I am complaining, even though I am?