Wolf whistled: insulted or flattered?

1 Answer

Answer :

Any kind of attention is always flattering! Lol.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe here Does it have to be that one? His site is here

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Last Answer : Not very useful, but here’s how a wolf does it. And here is a more useful how to wolf whistle video.

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Last Answer : I looked and didn’t find anything, maybe a large picture of a wolf would do just as well?

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Last Answer : Here is a nice write up on the wolves. Your answer may be buried within the text. You can also contact them directly & ask. They love talking about their wolves & are willing to share any information you would like to know.

Description : Where can I find a phot of Truck the wolf from the wildlife science center in minnesota?

Last Answer : http://www.wolf.org/wolves/experience/webcam.asp This site shows different areas that are covered by a web camera and you can see the wolves at the Ely MN International Wolf Center ... center in southern MN not far from Mpls, http://www.wildlifesciencecenter.org/subpages/animals/graywolves.htm

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Last Answer : Here is there site. They added a new wolf & there is a video of the exhibit, not sure if Cheyenne is in there. http://dinosaur-park.com/index.php/animals-overview/wolves.html

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Last Answer : Good one! I think everyone has from time to time. It made me think of my summers lifeguarding…

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Last Answer : answer:All dogs have killer genes. Canines are predators by nature, and there is no such thing as an entirely harmless dog. That said, pure blooded wolves are capable of being good pets, a ... properly cared for and socialized. My first dog was the sweetest animal ever, despite being half coyote.

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Last Answer : I'll describe a couple of typical wolf-related dream situations and what they mean. If we hear a wolf howl in our dreams, it indicates some great danger. If a child dreams of a wolf tooth, something good will ... will soon await her. If an old man dreams of a wolf's tooth, it doesn't promise much. 

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Last Answer : The wolf is hard to buy, it is an animal under strict protection. You can buy it as a surplus from a zoo, if you have one, or from a private breeder. Many years ago, I met a woman who had ... The wolf still retains his shyness You will teach him certain things, but he will never be a cuddly dog.

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Last Answer : Assertion :- Tasmanian wolf and Placental wolf are the good example of convergent evolution. Reason :- ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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Description : Who is wolf predators?

Last Answer : Really none, a bear would kill a wolf if the wolf came near its den and cubs or food.Wolves don't naturally have any, except humans. Bears will attack a wolf if it feels threatened not sure if this is true but with all the research and reading I've done, I'm pretty sure.