How drunk are you this weekend?

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Related questions

Description : Is Nancy Pelosi sounding like she was drunk in the video fake news or not? See detail.

Last Answer : Facebook says it’s because of “free speech”

Description : Do you still feel the need to celebrate New Year’s by being drunk?

Last Answer : I’ll PREE tend! BUTTE I might bbee otta focus.

Description : Without banning alcohol, what would you do to totally stop drunk driving?

Last Answer : Well, post police officers outside of bars, for one. But that’s a no-go because it adversely affects the income of the bars. And it would do nothing to stop people who got drunk in their homes and left.

Description : Is blaming the car a drunk driver uses to run into and kill a crowd of people, the same as blaming the gun a shooter uses to kill a bunch of people?

Last Answer : The same? No, obviously not. If you have a specific point you're asking about, I think you should explain it. or else this question can be answered in many unrelated ways. Adding drunk driver ... kill quite a few more people more easily and more selectively using guns than they can using a car.

Description : What could this drunk chick have meant by this?

Last Answer : She was drunk and probably stressed out. How would any of us know?

Description : Why does being dressed overly warmly at the bar make me drunk faster?

Last Answer : I am not a doctor and only answering on how I know how esters/alcohols behave when heated as they will become more volatile the warmer they get. And if you are layered in warm clothes while ... invites future recurrences of this experience. In the morning you can ask why your skull hurts so bad.

Description : Why do I get drunk so easily?

Last Answer : Are you drinking on an empty stomach?

Description : Who Remembers and know the name of the 1970"s Early 80"s Commercial where they use a Toy Car at the end it crashes into Toy Blocks at the end they say "a Car is Not a Toy" I think its a drunk Driving Ad Commercial? Where Can I find it on You Tube?

Last Answer : answer:I googled it and got this 2008 ask-public question where they mention this and others.

Description : Have you ever watched people get drunk?

Last Answer : Yes, total loss of dignity when they reach the point of not even knowing where they are!

Description : If alcohol no longer gave you a buzz or got you drunk, would you still drink it just for the taste?

Last Answer : nope

Description : Do drunk people think they are more attractive, or do they just have fewer inhibitions?

Last Answer : Lower inhibitions & more approachable because of it.

Description : Why does a drunk or inebriated woman get a pass for being negligent concerning her situational awareness?

Last Answer : answer:@Hypocrisy_Central: “Roll your eyes if you will” Thanks. I will.

Description : What do you think about the gambler who lost 500k at the casino and is now suing because he is saying he lost all that money due to the fact that they served him alcohol when he was already drunk?

Last Answer : So he got pissed twice, stop the world I wanna get off.

Description : Does anyone else mow their lawn drunk?

Last Answer : Nope but I heard that’s how the Canadian toe kiss came about.

Description : Are you a fan of Drunk History?

Last Answer : I just might become one . . . now where’s my beer?

Description : When out boating how often do you feel people are reckless or even drunk while operating their boat?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea as to statistics, although they must exist somewhere. I can tell you at Lake Lanier (large reservoir north of Atlanta) there have been several deaths and injuries recently because of BWI (Boating While Intoxicated).

Description : How do I get rid of a housemate who is lovely when sober but scary when drunk?

Last Answer : you say ‘you have 30 days to get out’ simple.

Description : What is the best strategy to backpedal from a drunk dial or facebook message?

Last Answer : Your friend (eyes roll) could wait and see if the person that was drunk dialed or drunk face booked answers. If they don’t answer the drunk pm on facebook, then I would send another one explaining it was a drunk message and appologize.

Description : How do you feel the days after you've been drunk?

Last Answer : answer:Depends on how much you don't remember. Nota bene most likely everybody else were drunk as well and feel the same way i.e. focus on how they might have screwed up, so unless you ... Word of advice? When the blackouts start becoming longer and more frequent, quit drinking for a while. Cheers!

Description : Why can't I ever sleep in when I fall asleep drunk?

Last Answer : Perhaps it’s your body telling you that alcohol is really a toxin. As you age, you are more vulnerable to problems since your kidneys and liver become slightly more inefficient every year you continue to breathe.

Description : Do you feel less drunk when you are being active?

Last Answer : On a lower level of intoxication, I wouldn’t feel it as much if I’m being physically active. However, on greater levels of alcohol consumption, really doesn’t make much of a difference after a bit. I feel it whether I’m active or not.

Description : If there is a drunk licensed driver in the passenger seat, and a sober driver with a permit, do they get in trouble?

Last Answer : In California the licensed driver must be sober, ready and able to take over in case the driver with a permit cannot drive for any reason. – Yes, they would get in trouble.

Description : What alcoholic beverage do you like getting drunk on?

Last Answer : Gin & Tonic, or a hoppy IPA.

Description : Why would a man who has it all get drunk each morning?

Last Answer : No one has a perfect life, even people that seem to have it all have their own problems. Obviously, we wouldn’t know why he drinks in the morning. How could we?

Description : Are you a mean drunk... or a nice drunk?

Last Answer : Super nice drunk. I'm very chatty and interested in everything when I've had a few and people dig it when you wanna hear what they have to say lol. A few times lately I've gone to the bar ... opposite because I kinda have a hard time not immediately feeling like a loser for going out by myself. lol

Description : How would you get buddies who talk too loud when drunk to lower their voices so as not to disturb the landlord upstairs?

Last Answer : Serve O’Douls?

Description : Would you be a taxi for your drunk neighbor?

Last Answer : answer:If they were a friend, probably but I wouldn’t want them to make it a habit. It would be stretching the friendship. Why couldn’t they order a cab? If I didn’t know them very well, no.

Description : Is there such a thing as a 'dry drunk'? Or a 'dry junkie'?

Last Answer : answer:A dry drunk/junkie is someone who has managed to quit the actual substance abuse, but not resolve the bigger life issues that drove them to drink/do drugs in the first place. Substance abuse isn't ... of this resource, regardless of if you are a dry drunk/junkie or if the two are unrelated?

Description : Have you ever been lurve drunk?

Last Answer : What do you mean? Am I slow this morning or what? scratching head

Description : What could be the most "drunk" question you can ask?

Last Answer : Are you as think as I drunk I am?

Description : How do you respond to drunk texts?

Last Answer : Invite them over and then proceed from there :)

Description : How can I tell my boss I don't want him to make me drunk anymore without pissing him off?

Last Answer : Can’t you just tell him that you will have a soda,juice or water,anything but alcohol?

Description : Who do you think were the first humans ever to get drunk or high?

Last Answer : The ones who were hongry enough to eat fermented fruit.

Description : Why not have photos of those killed by drunk drivers on the label, carton, 6 or 12 pack case?

Last Answer : What about putting photos of people who are out of shape on fast food packages? ;)

Description : What kind of drunk are you?

Last Answer : A comatose drunk. Alcohol has little impact on me except to put me to sleep. I don’t drink very often, but I do enjoy beer, bourbon in the winter, and gin and tonic in the summer. Occasionally white wine. But I’m just as happy with a glass of ice water and lemon.

Description : What is that interesting, funny or crazy thing you did so drunk?

Last Answer : I was so drunk I slept outside on a golf course naked——-50 miles from my home. I don’t know how I got there. I still can’t remember.

Description : How do you politely dispose of a rambling drunk?

Last Answer : Excuse yourself to use the rest room and then climb out the window?

Description : Is a promise you make to a star while drunk necessarily binding?

Last Answer : The degree to which you are bound to a promise made to a star is exactly the same as that of any promise made to anyone or anything. Basically, it is a balance between how much not fulfilling ... the promise will cause you inconvenience, hassle, grief etcetera. It's a call only you can make.

Description : What would your dog do if he/she was drunk?

Last Answer : My dog would most certainly drive. ;)

Description : Have you ever been told that you have drunk the cool-aide of someone well known? If so, what was the reason?

Last Answer : I’ve seen a lot of unfounded claims that everyone who voted for Obama drank his kool-aid. Although this is on the internet where people can be anonymous.

Description : Is a promise you make to a star while drunk necessarily binding?

Last Answer : The degree to which you are bound to a promise made to a star is exactly the same as that of any promise made to anyone or anything. Basically, it is a balance between how much not fulfilling ... the promise will cause you inconvenience, hassle, grief etcetera. It's a call only you can make.

Description : What are your methods for dealing with unwarranted not to say unwanted attention from a drunk?

Last Answer : answer:I interact briefly, and loudly, eg YES, IT IS A NICE DRESS ISN'T IT? as I firmly walk away Or, if I am not in a situation where I can't walk away, I just give a half- ... ha ha! I am someone that makes eyecontact with people, and generally quite smiley so I guess I must seem approachable!

Description : What's the funniest example you've seen where someone was drunk?

Last Answer : My friend being wheelbarrrowed from the back garden to the front. Then another desperatly trying to hold on to the floor to stop her self falling off!! I wish mobile were around then I’d have made a fortune on you tube!

Description : I'm a happy drunk. You?

Last Answer : If you see me ask-publicing late at night….I’m usually drunk and happy. :D

Description : If you were drunk what would you be most likely to do?

Last Answer : go home and go to sleep

Description : Is it rude or inconsiderate to label a person, a drunk, a dope-head, etc. ?

Last Answer : It’s certainly a derogatory way to refer to an alcoholic, but it’s also not really fair to excuse unsavory behavior that can be modified. An alcoholic or person with ADD who doesn’t actively try to improve themselves may warrant some scorn from others.

Description : When you're drunk what songs do you attempt to sing?

Last Answer : Master of Puppets with Shannon. Black Number One with Shwam. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by myself.

Description : Are you one that truly think open carry is more dangerous than drunk drivers?

Last Answer : In America, owning firearms is a right of every citizen. It should never be infringed upon. On the other hand, driving is a privilege, and therefore can be regulated and controlled. I can’t get any simpler than that.

Description : How often do you ask-public vs. ask-public drunk?

Last Answer : answer:Drunk = Sleeping So never.

Description : What do you feel you can do best when drunk?

Last Answer : The only thing that people can do better when drunk are be obnoxious and fall down. Yep, definitely good at falling down.