Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick

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Description : Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'BIFR'

Description : Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which agency has the power to declare any industrial unit as a potentially sick unit? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : b. Merchant

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Last Answer : D. All of the above

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Last Answer : The power of judicial review allows the US Supreme Court to declare laws, policies, executive orders and US treaties that are relevant to cases before the Court unconstitutional and nullify them if they violate the principles of the US Constitution.

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Last Answer : Congress had it, but without the ability to levy taxes it was useless

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Last Answer : the congress

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Last Answer : (2) appoint the Prime Minister Explanation: The President of India can use discretionary powers under the following situations: (i) In appointing the Prime Minister from among the contenders when no ... veto; (iii) Returning the Bill passed by the Parliament once for its reconsideration; etc.

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Last Answer : (2) President Explanation: As per the articles 352, 356 and 360 in the Constitution of India, President of India has been given extraordinary power to declare an emergency to meet any threat to ... emergency (article 352); State emergency (article 356); Financial emergency (article 360).

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Last Answer : A. Section 38

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Last Answer : answer:You are very wise not to ban your daughter from playing with the girl outright. it would focus a spotlight on her and your daughter's attention with it. Keep up the after school activities. let her bring ... daughter's name has to do X now. As for the walking to school, can you drive her?

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Last Answer : Maybe I’m asking too much… Let me rephrase. Could this be normal? Might that be why nothing was mentioned about it when he received his results, not even instructions to make a follow-up appointment?

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Last Answer : My dog leaves the stove on.really bad habit

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve been through this. I’d be strong when with them, but, then once that I’ve left the room (their presence), I’d break down.

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Last Answer : i would say the only defense is to be aware of what you are doing. - always check the domain name – dont hand out important details to sites or programs you dont trust – dont share passwords with others etc..

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Last Answer : Your stuff, or anything?

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Last Answer : If you’re not feeling tired, then you’re fine. Quality of sleep is more important than the length.

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Last Answer : I feel that as with all things in psychology, it must be taken with a grain of salt. Some people just like stuffed animals, think they're cute, what have you, and some people just like ... for comfort. But in context to this question, yes, how a person sleeps speaks volumes about their personality.

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Last Answer : this is why i wear a tinfoil hat

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Last Answer : Or we could look into alternate forms of energy.

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Last Answer : There’s really no point of resisting anything. If it happens it will happen.