Which is the lens used to correct long

1 Answer

Answer :

Convex lens

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Description : ALSO CHECK: Long-sight defect could be corrected by using ----- lens? Deficiency of vitamin B1 is causes-----? A. Rickets B. Bone Infection C. Beriberi (Answer) D. Myopia

Last Answer : C. Beriberi (Answer)

Description : Long-sight defect could be corrected by using ----- lens? A. concave B. Convex (Answer) C. diverging D. none of these

Last Answer : B. Convex (Answer)

Description : Short-sight defect could be corrected by a ------- lens? A. concave lens (Answer) B. convex lens C. converging lens D. none of these

Last Answer : A. concave lens (Answer)

Description : ALSO CHECK: Short-sight defect could be corrected by a ------- lens? Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in -----? A. Night blindness (Answer) B. rickets C. scurvy D. hair fall

Last Answer : A. Night blindness (Answer)

Description : `Short-sight' in human eye can be corrected by using proper – (1) convex lens (2) concave lens (3) cylindrical lens (4) bifocal lens

Last Answer : (2) concave lens Explanation: Scintillation or twinkling is generic terms for variations in apparent brightness or position of a distant luminous object viewed through a medium. If ... is termed astronomical scintillation; within the atmosphere, the phenomenon is termed terrestrial scintillation.

Description : ‘Short-sight’ in human eye can be corrected by using proper (1) convex lens (2) concave lens (3) cylindrical lens (4) bifocal lens

Last Answer : concave lens

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) The eyepiece plays no part in defining the line of sight (B) The diaphragm plays no part in defining the line of sight (C) The optical centre of the objective plays no part in defining the line of sight (D) None of these

Last Answer : (A) The eyepiece plays no part in defining the line of sight

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) The lines of sight while observing back sight and fore sight lie in the same horizontal plane (B) The staff readings are measurements made ... readings are taken, coincides with the level surface through the telescope axis (D) All the above

Last Answer : (D) All the above

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) An observation or the resulting reading with the level on a levelling staff is called sight (B) A back sight is the first sight taken after setting up ... position (C) The first sight on each change point is a fore sight (D) All the above

Last Answer : (D) All the above

Description : Which one of the following statements is not correct ? (a) A surveyor's compass has two sight vanes (b) A prismatic compass has an object vane and an eye vane (c) A trough compass ... table (d) In a prismatic compass the graduations on the aluminimum disc rotate and the index remains stationary

Last Answer : (a) A surveyor’s compass has two sight vanes

Description : Which is the lens used to correct Astig- matism?

Last Answer : Cylindrical lens

Description : Give reason: A convex lens is used to correct hypermetropia.

Last Answer : In a hypermetropic eye, light is focused behind the retina. A convex lens will force it to form on the retina. Hence a convex lens is used to correct hypermetropia.

Description : Give reason: A concave lens is used to correct myopia.

Last Answer : In a myopic eye light falls too short from the retina. A concave lens forces light to fall on the retina. Hence concave lens is used to correct myopia.

Description : What type of lens is used to correct vision of a person suffering from Myopia?

Last Answer : Concave lens

Description : Which among the following lens is used to correct Presbyopia? (1) Concave (2) Convex (3) Cylindrical (4) Bifocal

Last Answer : (4) Bifocal Explanation: Presbyopia is a condition associated with aging of the eye those results in progressively worsening ability to focus clearly on close objects. By far the most common treatment 4 for presbyopia is bifocal or pro gressive lens eyeglasses.

Description : What type of lens is used to correct vision of a person suffering from Myopia? (1) Convex lens (2) Concave lens (3) Crossed lens (4) Cylindrical lens

Last Answer : (2) Concave lens Explanation: Near-sightedness, also known as short-sightedness and myopia, is a condition of the eye where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina. This causes distant objects to be blurry while close objects appear normal.

Description : Which one of the following lenses should be used to correct the defect of astigmatism? (1) Cylindrical lens (2) Concave lens (3) Convex lens (4) Bifocal lens

Last Answer : (1) Cylindrical lens Explanation: Astigmatism is an optical defect in which vision is blurred due to the inability of the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp focused image ... lens, and cannot be corrected by standard spectacle lenses, but can be corrected by contact lenses.

Description : Parts A, B, C and D of the human eye are shown in the diagram. Select the option which gives correct identification along with its functions characteristics. (a) C-Aqueous chamber-Reflects the light which does not ... , i.e., rods and cones. (d) B - Blind spot-Has only a few rods and cones.

Last Answer : (c) A - Retina - Contains photoreceptors, i.e., rods and cones.

Description : Pick up the correct specification of Ramsden eyepiece from the following:  (A) It consists of two equal piano convex lenses  (B) The curved surfaces of Plano-convex lenses face each other  (C) ... from a point on the diaphragm enter the eye as a  parallel beam  (D) All the above 

Last Answer : (D) All the above 

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) The power of a lens is the reciprocal of its focal length  (B) The unit of power of the lens is Diopter  (C) The power of two or more thin lenses in contact is the power of the combination of the  lenses  (D) All the above 

Last Answer : (D) All the above 

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) Spherical aberration may be reduced by diminishing the aperture (B) Spherical aberration may be minimised by replacing the single lens by a ... telescope objectives, a combination of convex lens and concave lens is used (D) All the above

Last Answer : (D) All the above

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) A refracting telescope consists optically of two lenses (B) The principal axes of both the lenses coincide the optical axis of the telescope (C) The lens nearer the object to be viewed is convex and is called objective (D) All the above

Last Answer : (D) All the above

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: (A) The diaphragm is placed between eyepiece and the objective but nearer to the former (B) The diaphragm is placed between the eyepiece and objective ... outer component of the objective is a double-convex lens of crown glass (D) All the above

Last Answer : (D) All the above

Description : Rajat has hypermetropia. What type of lens will be the ophthalmologist recommend to correct his vision?

Last Answer : Convex

Description : Zoningis usedwith adielectric antenna inorderto a. reduce the bulk of the lense b. increase the bandwidth of the lens c. increase pin-point focusing d. correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short

Last Answer : a. reduce the bulk of the lense

Description : What type of lens is used to correct vision of a person suffering from Myopia? (1) Convex lens (2) Concave lens (3) Crossed lens (4) Cylindrical lens

Last Answer :  Concave lens

Description : Which one of the following lenses should be used to correct the defect of astigmatism ? (1) Cylindrical lens (2) Concave lens (3) Convex lens (4) Bifocal lens

Last Answer : Cylindrical lens

Description : Which organism covers the sea for miles together and is a wonderful sight to see?

Last Answer : Jelly fish (coelenterata

Description : A dolphin perceives its environment by the sense of-----? A. Sight B. Sound C. Both of these (Answer) D. None of these

Last Answer : C. Both of these (Answer)

Description : For a person who is working in front of LCD for 8 hours a day, what can protect his eye sight?

Last Answer : You can put a protective screen on top of your monitor, to prevent eye strain. Also, take breaks. Eight hours straight sounds unhealthy.

Description : If you were blind and suddenly got your sight, how would you know what is beautiful and what is ugly?

Last Answer : What about if it occurred the other way, if you suddenly lost your sight would you “view” ugly in the same light? I guess what I am trying to say is that beauty, and ugly, are subjective.

Description : Of the 5 senses of sight,hearing,taste,smell and touch,what is your one must have in choosing a mate?

Last Answer : Hearing. It’s the quickest way to find out what he’s really like.

Description : How is it that Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, formerly listed as one of the richest men in the world, was found unwashed and hiding 'in plain sight' with a minumal security force?

Last Answer : answer:He was unwashed because he escaped through the sewer when the Marines raided his house. He came really close to escaping. Security forces revealed how they finally captured Joaquin El Chapo Guzman ... sewers and drains of Los Mochis, a coastal city in the north-western state of Sinaloa.

Description : Why aren't hog factory farming installations required to have on-sight waste water treatment facilities?

Last Answer : Whenever you come across anything as grossly disgusting as those monster hog factories or mountain top removal coal mining, you can be certain that something very sleazy has occurred politically. When I heard that ... you will about liberals, but you'll never find that sort of crap in a blue state.

Description : Should sight words be taught before teaching phonics?

Last Answer : answer:Personal experience only: Alphabet. Alphabet sounds, how to sound-out words, then introduce sight words. It worked for me (in the late 80s) and it worked for my son. Lifehack: It's also a ... older. Pushing a kid that isn't ready is a really good way to make them resent reading entirely.

Description : Which would you hate to give up, sight, hearing, touch, or mobility?

Last Answer : My work and enjoyment of life depends on my sight. Can’t lose that. The other senses can have compensating fixes.

Description : Which of these senses is chief: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell/Taste?

Last Answer : Sight would be on the top of my list . . .but very thankful to have all…including sense of smell.

Description : Do you believe in love at first sight?

Last Answer : It’s an empty meaningless gesture originating from the minds of the truly twee folk.

Description : When you walk outside your front door, what do you see, and do you enjoy the sight?

Last Answer : My view is so-so. My neighbor across the street keeps her house and yard neat, so that's not a problem. But I'm usually distracted by the weeding that I need to do, and irritated by the ... two months have been lovely as the jasmine the frames my entry has been in bloom and smells heavenly)..

Description : Is "Love at first sight" real or fantasy?

Last Answer : answer:The French call it un coup de foudre, which is as good an explanation as any. (A lightning strike)

Description : Which CD from your collection you would hide out of sight when you were going to have some friends come over to visit you?

Last Answer : Crash Test Dummies. :D

Description : Is this a true statement? "Out of sight, out of mind". (see inside).

Last Answer : answer:Not to me, no. I hate the whole see no evil hear no evil that this is slightly related to. Something won't go away or get solved by ignoring or denying it, nor will whatever negative ... the two are highly related when it comes to the ' dismissal'' that one may engage towards such things.

Description : How could you spell this pseudo word in a way people would know how to pronounce it on sight?

Last Answer : “Geen bean” in my head sounds like green bean without the “r.” Throw in an apostrophe, maybe? G’een bean.

Description : Has anyone read the book "How to Analyze People on Sight"? Is this a gimmick or is it accurate?

Last Answer : answer:I have no read it, but I believe it is possible. I don't know if I can do it on sight, but I know I can do it if I see someone move-preferably by dancing with them. You can tell a lot ... if there is a formula for these things. I'd have to read the book to see if I agreed with their method.

Description : On 5th ADHD med - an end in sight?

Last Answer : Psychiatric medications are Degenerative as therapies in many cases Meaning your body will become immune and being that every product out there maxes out in dose eventually, you may have to change them ... the once weekly time released 90mg dose. And all was right with the world once again.

Description : Does the sense of sight usually affect your reaction towards something?

Last Answer : Well you use all your senses in order to interpet something but when one sense is taken away your others are hightened. I can’t say it will frighten me but it would make my other sense more aware of them in a different way instead of using sight as a mean to seeing something.

Description : Cippoline onions: it was love at first sight. Now what?

Last Answer : I would coat them with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast them. They get sweet and very flavorful.

Description : Is it possible to dislike someone on sight?

Last Answer : People are judgmental assholes. Yes, I’m guilty.