Gas known as laughing gas?

1 Answer

Answer :

Nitrous Oxide

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Description : Which of the following gases is known as “Laughing Gas”? (1) Nitrous oxide (2) Nitrogen peroxide (3) Nitrogen (4) Nitric oxide

Last Answer : (1) Nitrous oxide Explanation: Nitrous oxide (N2O) is commonly known as laughing gas. It is used in surgery and dentistry for its anaesthetic and analgesic effects. It is known as "laughing gas ... effects of inhaling it, a property that has led to its recreational use as a dissociative anaesthetic.

Description : Which of the following gases is known as “Laughing Gas”? (1) Nitrous oxide (2) Nitrogen peroxide (3) Nitrogen (4) Nitric oxide

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide

Description : Laughing gas is (a) NO (b) N203 (c) N20 (d) N205

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : What is laughing gas?

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide

Description : The chemical name of Laughing gas is------? A. Nitric oxide B. Nitrogen dioxide C. Nitrogen pentoxide D. Nitrous oxide (Answer)

Last Answer : D. Nitrous oxide (Answer)

Description : Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements ? A. Nitrogen + Hydrogen B. Nitrogen + Carbon C. Nitrogen + Oxygen (Answer) D. Oxygen + Carbon E. None of these

Last Answer : C. Nitrogen + Oxygen (Answer)

Description : Can I request laughing gas for impacted wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : answer:You'll have to discuss options with your dentist but I don't think nitrous oxide gas ( sp? )would be strong enough to cut out impacted wisdom teeth. Of course I do not know for sure. When ... about an hour before they let you go home. Obviously you will need someone to drive you home as well.

Description : What is the chemical name of laughing gas? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose to help you relax. Nitrous oxide, sometimes called ... , is one option your dentist may offer to help make you more comfortable during certain procedures.

Description : What is Laughing Gas ?

Last Answer : The chemical name of laughing gas is nitrous oxide. Its chemical signal is N 2 O. It is an oxide of nitrogen. When a small amount of this gas enters the body through the nose, it creates a kind of tension in the nerves , which causes laughter. As a result, people started laughing.

Description : What is the chemical name of laughing gas ?

Last Answer : The chemical name of laughing gas is nitrous oxide

Description : What is Laughing Gas ? What is Laughing Gas ?

Last Answer : : Nitrous oxide ( N2O) is called laughing gas.

Description : What is the sign of laughing gas ?

Last Answer : Laughing gas signal 8 Nitrous Oxide N2O

Description : Which gas is most popular as laughing gas?

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide

Description : The chemical formula of the laughing gas is – (1) NO (2) N2O (3) NO2 (4) N2O3

Last Answer : (2) N2O Explanation: Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a chemical compound with the formula N2O. It is an oxide of nitrogen.

Description : Which of the following molecules or ions involved in the Nitrogen Cycle do not contain oxygen atom? (1) Nitrite (2) Ammonia (3) Nitrate (4) Laughing gas

Last Answer : (2) Ammonia

Description : What is a common name for the substance which irritates lachrymal glands? (1) Tear Gas (2) Laughing Gas (3) Anaesthetic Gas (4) Noble Gas

Last Answer : (1) Tear Gas Explanation: Lacrimal gland, located under the upper eyelid at the outer cornea of the eye, is responsible for tearing during emotional stimulation or following corneal ... , causing a stinging sensation and tears. It produces severe lacrimation by irritating the conjunctivae.

Description : Laughing gas is – (1) Nitric oxide (2) Nitrous oxide (3) Nitrogen trioxide (4) Nitrogen pentoxide

Last Answer : (2) Nitrous oxide Explanation: Laughing gas is Nitrous Oxide (N2O).

Description : The chemical name of “laughing gas” is - (1) Nitric oxide (2) Nitrogen dioxide (3) Nitrogen pentoxide (4) Nitrous oxide

Last Answer : (4) Nitrous oxide Explanation: Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a chemical compound with the formula N2O. It is used in surgery and dentistry for its anesthetic and analgesic effects ... of inhaling it, a property that has led to its recreational use as a dissociative anesthetic.

Description : What is laughing gas?

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide

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Last Answer : (d) Marsh gas

Description : The 'laughing gas' is (A) Nitrous oxide (B) Nitric oxide (C) Nitrogen trioxide (D) Nitrogen pentoxide

Last Answer : (A) Nitrous oxide

Description : What is laughing gas?

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide

Description : Nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, has been a matter of concern to environmentalists recently because: w) it is thought to cause cancer at low concentrations. x) it produces photochemical smog. y) it is a greenhouse gas. z) none of the above


Description : What is a common name for the substance which irritates lachrymal glands ? (1) Tear Gas (2) Laughing Gas (3) Anaesthetic Gas (4) Noble Gas

Last Answer : Tear Gas

Description : The chemical formula of the laughing gas is (1) NO (2) N2O (3) NO2 (4) N2O3

Last Answer : N2O

Description : Laughing gas is (1) Nitric oxide (2) Nitrous oxide (3) Nitrogen trioxide (4) Nitrogen pentoxide

Last Answer : Nitrous oxide

Description : The chemical name of “laughing gas’ is (1) Nitric oxide (2) Nitrogen dioxide (3) Nitrogen pentoxide (4) Nitrous oxide

Last Answer :  Nitrous oxide

Description : Which one of the following is known as the ‘Laughing Jack’ of Australia? (1) Platypus (2) Kookabara (3) Koala (4) Lyrebird

Last Answer : (2) Kookabara Explanation: Kookabara is known as the “Laughing Jack” of Australia.

Description : Which one of the following is known as the ‘Laughing Jack’ of Australia ? (1) Platypus (2) Kookabara (3) Koala (4) Lyrebird

Last Answer : Kookabara

Description : what was a hilarious moment in your life where you couldn’t stop laughing?

Last Answer : answer:X is dead. I said bullshit. They indeed passed away, still chuckle when I remember them Rather remember them in happy times then in anger. Enjoy the time you got with people man, once their ... go. Grandpa was the oldest of his brothers, his friends and 4 younger brother died. Ain't easy.

Description : You knew they were laughing at you. What did you do?

Last Answer : They laughed when I dropped my books. I laughed at their funerals.

Description : Have you ever had a hard time disciplining your child because you were laughing too hard?

Last Answer : Yeah. One of them, on a safari, jumped out of the car and started to harass the crocodiles with a stick. I probably should have said something, but I was too busy laughing when the little shit got ripped apart. HAHA!. It is OK though, I made some new ones.

Description : How is it possible to be happy in life (and I'm not talking only about laughing)?

Last Answer : Is anyone truly happy 100% of the time, we all have our moments of happiness , and contentment ,but life throws challenges at us that sometimes we wish we had a nuke em all button at the ready.

Description : Would you join me in laughing at the POTUS? (Details)

Last Answer : Target rich environment.

Description : How would you deal with a situation where a friend of yours has become laughing stock due to certain situation?

Last Answer : I would defend without divulging. As in “Mary has some issues right now that she is working through that I’m not at liberty to discuss with anyone. So if you all could give her a break for now, I’d appreciate it and I’m sure Mary will too.”

Description : If you were Barack Obama tonight, would you be laughing or crying?

Last Answer : Probably laughing.

Description : How closely related are laughing and crying?

Last Answer : I think since they are both involuntary responses to a stimulus that in this respect they are related. The laughing at funerals could be from something genuinely funny happening but mostly it is probably ... an emotional reaction when ones emotions are all over the map. Seems about right to me.

Description : Has there been an occasion (or occasions) when you started laughing inappropriately at an event or in front of a group?

Last Answer : Part of the reason I avoid funerals like the plague is that I had giggling fits at more than one when I was young. The juxtaposition of a dead body laying exposed in the front of the ... people gossiping about the granddaughter's bi-racial pregnancy in the corner is just too much hypocrisy to bear.

Description : Do you ever wake up laughing?--start laughing in your sleep and wake yourself up with it?

Last Answer : Never experienced anything like that before, but I sometimes wake up hearing a shout and realize that I am the one who shouts. Often the dream that trigger the shouting involve exciting or extreme, and I ... to call someone or just out of excitement. It's hard to get back to sleep afterward too.

Description : It's your worst nightmare. You are standing in front of a crowd of thousands, delivering a speech. Everyone starts laughing loudly. You look down, and uh-oh, what's wrong & how do you react?

Last Answer : answer:That happened once - speaking to a crowd, zipper was open. Nothing hanging out, but still embarrassing. I said excuse me into the mic, turned around, fixed the problem, and moved on. ... happens to everyone it feels terrible to you when it happens, but the audience never remembers a thing.

Description : Do you still say this instead of laughing?

Last Answer : I never say that & agree it is no more than a pompous affectation used by insincere idiots.

Description : Last time you saw a movie so funny that your stomach started to hurt from laughing so much?

Last Answer : I split a gut watching The Dictator. It was hard to catch my breath. Be sure not to confuse “aladeen”. Aladeen means yes, no, on, off, right, left, positive, negative.

Description : Can someone explain to me why laughing hard can lead to crying?

Last Answer : answer:It may be the same reason that every time I cough, I then sneeze. Screwy sinuses.

Description : How often do you find yourself laughing?

Last Answer : Everyday, honestly.

Description : Bleh Tuesdays! Care to share the last thing that had you laughing outloud?

Last Answer : This keeps crackin’ me up.

Description : Have you ever been unable to stop laughing in public?

Last Answer : I’ve never had it happen, but this is one of my favorites.

Description : Is it okay for an infant to eat laughing cow cheese?

Last Answer : answer:Mash it on your fingers and only a small amount until you know its allergies. Slow as you go. Do not give a whole piece for fear of choking and stay with baby the whole time.

Description : What did you see or do today, that had you laughing?

Last Answer : A guy in one of my classes filled up my violin case with some hilarious little notes and then took me out to dinner. It was a pretty funny evening.

Description : What is the difference between laughing with someone and at them?

Last Answer : It is more about the intent. If you are laughing at someone, it is more like you are laughing at their shortcomings or a failure or mistake they've made. If they've done something funny, and also find it ... people that I'm laughing for them, if they don't see the humor that I see in the situation.

Description : Has one of your children ever said something so funny and so unexpected that you literally hurt from laughing so hard?

Last Answer : answer:When my daughter was around 4, her favorite blanket was lying in the middle of the floor and I asked her to pick it up. It was a loosely woven crochet blanket that a friend of my former mother-in- ... Mees. World's only French speaking blanket. (P.S. She still sleeps with Mees and she's 16)